Police order

Chapter 239 Preliminary Analysis of the Site

Chapter 239 Preliminary Analysis of the Site
The incident took place in an apartment building near the East Ocean River campus.

Leaving aside the surrounding environment, this apartment building has a total of 13 floors, each floor has more than 30 rooms, the shape of the building is not straight, there are several bends, each floor has a main corridor and four small corridors , there are houses on both sides of the corridor, and each house has a window.

Because of the special architectural style, a large number of houses here have been transformed into daily rental houses. There are at least a dozen owners in this building who are doing daily rental houses. The rooms here can be rented daily or monthly.

The Yanghe campus of Dongda University is the campus of the College of Continuing Education. Generally speaking, the learning atmosphere is not good.It is now the summer vacation, but because of the epidemic prevention policy, many people did not go home and chose to rent a house here.In fact, sometimes when the school is closed, many people choose to take online classes here. For them, this place is much more free than their own home.

Here, the fun is even more exciting than the university dormitory. You can play whatever you want at night, drink, play cards and sing K, no one cares.

The deceased was a rich second generation with a good family background. His father ran a consulting company. He was from Shandong Province and had a Maybach at home.Generally, those who do business spend more than 100 million on a car, which is not very rich, but it is not bad.

The name of the deceased was Liu Zheng, male, 21 years old, 1 meters tall, and weighed about 87 catties. The cause of death was poisoning, and the specific poisoning still needs to be tested.

The eyewitness was classmate Liu Zheng. Liu Zheng went out to eat with four friends last night. Everyone drank too much and didn't continue to play, so they all came back to sleep.

Liu Zheng is a bit of a clean freak. He sleeps alone and rents a room by himself. Everyone helps each other back and goes back to sleep.Because they all drank too much, no one remembers the exact time, but it is certain that these five people came back together.

At noon today, Liu Zheng's classmate Wang Tongwei came to see Liu Zheng for dinner, but no one answered when he knocked on the door, and he didn't answer the phone call. After trying it, the door opened immediately.

After opening the door, he was startled by the hair all over the room, and then he saw Liu Zheng lying on the bed, covered with hair, he called the police without thinking about it, it was too intrusive.

As soon as the door was opened, the hair on the ground was thick and dense. In addition, the curtains were drawn and the lights were not turned on in the room. It felt really bad.

Wang Tongwei was terrified. He didn't dare to contact the other students at all. He was afraid that the other rooms would be opened in the same way, so he ran down the stairs from the fifth floor and called the police downstairs.

The police station in the jurisdiction arrived at the scene first, put on a foot cover and a mask, entered the house, turned on the light, and went to Liu Zheng, only to find that Liu Zheng already had corpse spots on his body.

Seeing this situation, the people from the police station directly exited the house.At this time, there was no one in the corridor, and many students were still sleeping at noon.The police station directly contacted the criminal police team. Before the criminal police team came, there were two takeaways on this floor, but the delivery boy was very hard-working, so he just took a look at the police and left.

After Lu Ling and others arrived at the scene, they immediately sealed off the surrounding area.Of course, this kind of blockade doesn't make much sense. There are seven or eight rooms in this area.

Now, it is necessary to visit and investigate the surrounding houses.

The forensic and on-site investigators arrived soon, and everyone frowned when they saw the scene.

Too much hair.
What's the scene like?The density of hair is like a lawn.

A person generally has 10 hairs. 10 hairs, each centimeter is about 10 grams, and the average hair on site is about 3 centimeters, that is to say, 10 hairs are only 30 grams.

If a boy needs to cut off three centimeters of hair in one haircut, at least 150 people need to have hair here.

Not only that, but there are some slightly longer hairs mixed in here.

In short, the hair here, judging by visual inspection, is no less than 1000 million, and the weight is estimated to be more than 5 kilograms. The source is unknown.

Five kilograms of hair collected together is not a lot, a handbag or backpack can easily hold it.

Everyone can easily judge that the source of these hairs should be a barber shop, and it is likely to be the "ten yuan quick cut" barber shop, because most of them are male hair.

Broken hair is specially recycled by someone, and the recycling price is very low, generally only 1-5 yuan per kilogram.

Broken hair can be used as an industrial raw material to manufacture amino acids. The main component of hair is keratin. After hydrolysis of these hairs with high-concentration hydrochloric acid, various amino acids can be separated to produce animal nutrient solutions or feed additives. Some of them used to be produced into soy sauce.

Of course, because the heavy metals in human hair exceed the standard, the production of soy sauce is expressly prohibited.

If a person wants to prepare in advance, the difficulty of getting broken hair is really too small. After all, if you go to any barber shop, as long as you are willing to pay a high price of 5 yuan a catty, you will definitely be able to buy it.

Captain Wang came over in person. After he came, he was quite helpless when he saw the scene, but he still ordered to clean up quickly and tidy up all the hair.

This is not a simple matter. The room is about 25 square meters, and all places are covered with hair, but because this is a murder case, the leader did not let the students do it, but let the professionals operate slowly and bit by bit. Collect, if there are footprints, they must not be erased.

Of course, Team Wang also knew that it didn't make much sense. Anyone who could think of a way to design a murder on the spot would not make basic mistakes.

Murder is not without mistakes, but small mistakes are generally avoided.

About half an hour later, part of the scene was cleaned up and the body was taken away for an autopsy, but an experienced forensic doctor pointed out that it was likely cyanide poisoning.It's just that the corresponding liquid and container were not found at the scene.

Suicide can basically be ruled out.

In this kind of case, checking whether it is suicide is a must. After all, some people who commit suicide like to engage in some rituals, making it fancy.

At this moment, everyone who had dinner yesterday has finished checking, and everyone probably knows something about the situation of the deceased Liu Zheng.

The deceased Liu Zheng was a playful and devoted man.

The reason for talking about Huaxin is that he has talked with seven girlfriends in the past two years.

He said dedicated, because every relationship he had was unforgettable, and he was emotionally moved.This is really not Liu Zheng's nonsense. Liu Zheng has a good relationship with his buddies. He usually doesn't pretend to be with his buddies. He doesn't say anything. Basically, every time he has a relationship, Liu Zheng puts a lot of thought into it, even if he succeeds. Yes, still working hard.Not only pay money, but also pay a lot of mind.Cry every time we break up.

(End of this chapter)

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