Gabriel's happy life

Chapter 49 White Emperor Sacred Sword!

Chapter 49 White Emperor Sacred Sword!

"You mean that when the spider's fangs were only [-] centimeters away from your throat, you only wanted to save yourself, and then you rubbed out the magic ball."

"That's right, the fang was only 0.01 centimeter away from my throat at that time, but luckily I saved my life with my sincere faith."

Ah Yan said seriously.

Fortunately, he is the smart one most of the time, otherwise he might really be the first group of people who need to try to revive.

"There are other,"

"there is none left!"

"So you chatted with me for an hour when you can clearly explain something in a few words?"

Lu Cheng said that he was really speechless.

"It's not like they think I'm too chatty, so they won't talk to me, they're a little nervous."

Ah Yan was a little embarrassed, and explained hesitantly.

And Gabriel was wearing loose pink long sleeves at this time, and walked back seeing that she was not in a good condition.

Although it was said that she suffered a small setback, it was not a big problem for her, except that there were so many "priests" all of a sudden, which made her lose her job.

"I probably understand a little bit." Lu Cheng stretched his waist and straightened his back. Now he is about to start a big career.

"Hey! Your clothes are"

Ah Yan stopped him, wanting to go whoring for nothing, it's impossible.

"That's it." Lu Cheng's face was unprecedentedly serious, he stretched out his index finger, pointing (fooling) A Yan sentence by sentence.

"Put up your buttocks, draw waves and twist three times, then use your hands to your eyes and say hello, hold back! Just transform into a little demon fairy."

Just when Ah Yan was about to complain, Xiao Jia underestimated with her mouth open, "Hold it, little devil, transform?"

The pink long sleeves and shorts on her body instantly turned into a brand new jk school uniform.

Ah Yan's mouth opened into a zero shape.

Lu Cheng's eyes were about to pop out, and he just said casually, what the hell is this shit.

But he still crossed his hands and said calmly, "Do you know why Xiao Jiajia and I woke up last?"

"I think I probably know."

Ah Yan uttered a sentence, and then he saw Lu Cheng walking towards the crowd.

"Hey, what are you going to do?"


Lu Cheng turned his head.

"Of course to teach them how to swing their swords forward."

At this time, in the vast sea of ​​stars, in the No.60 Yisu star palace, the man in purple robe put his hands into his sleeves, and he found himself buried in a big hole by Lao Bai, and now he can't help it.

"Damn old Bai, if I have the skills to take care of this young man, I might as well go and see my disciple."

Ziwei Xingjun gritted his teeth and cursed Lao Bai in his mouth, and when he left the customs, he had to pay a visit.

In front of you is a booklet shaking its pages. Is this the reason for your imposition?Could it be the same as those people in my mouth.
"Shut up! I'm not mean."

Ziwei used her fingers to write down a row of small characters in the book that the world of this film is extremely stable and will not collapse before the time is up.

It's a pity that he doesn't want to interfere too much, and the rest can only be seen if the guy can realize something in it.

"Actually, that's fine too, those pedantic old guys."

"Only what comes out on its own is the Tao."

"On the contrary, it can only be called a road at best."

"Hehe, I've said so much, but I've been stuck for more than 1000 years. Now I'm stuck because of you."

The booklet began to shake again.

"I wish you were pedantic."

"Shut up!!" Ziwei Xingjun broke his defense, and started yelling at Xiaobai.

After a long time, the corner of the booklet protruded out of the paper, and it was like a hand that was firmly pressed against Ziwei Xingjun's hand, not for anything else, just because he was holding a blade in his hand and was about to slash down.

"Stop, stop, stop! It's okay if I'm wrong, it's uploaded, let's take a look first, let's take a look first."

"It's your acquaintance."

Mr. Ziwei Xing put down the blade in his hand, and continued to peek.

Lu Cheng walked to the center of the crowd.

Lu Cheng began to speak fiercely.

Players' reaction was not very enthusiastic.

Until Lu Cheng glanced at the gradually darkening sky.

"Who here can cook?"

No one spoke, they were either kids, or nerds who just knew how to order fast food and make instant noodles, who knew nothing about survival in the wild.

Lu Cheng had a sweet smile on his face.

I, Lu Cheng, an excellent trainee who has lived in the wild for three years, can conquer everyone today with only two words.

"I can."

The surroundings suddenly became quiet.

"Crack, snap, snap,"

"Crack! Crack!"

After a moment of silence, unprecedented applause erupted from the crowd.

"well said!

"We really need someone to lead us to victory!"

"Lu Cheng! Boss!"

"Lu Cheng! Boss!"

"Lu Cheng will always be a god!"

After looking around in satisfaction, Lu Cheng raised his arms and shouted again.

"Since that's the case, who still remembers the slogan I just said!"

Among the crowd, Ah Yan was the first to shout out the slogan. Regardless of his death, Lu Cheng wanted to stand up to boost morale, which deeply moved him.

"Eat my sword!"

Seeing no response from the crowd, they looked at him one after another, Ah Yan swallowed his saliva, he didn't expect that he was the second person to die in the society.

"Eat my sword!!!"

Everyone laughed and shouted with him.

Ah Yan froze for a moment, then smiled, and exerted all the strength he wanted to use to rub Jiabaili Nuo Nuo's face.

"Eat my sword!"

"China's first sword!"

"The Holy Sword of the White Emperor! Yu Jian follows me!"

"do it again!"

"Sacred Sword of the White Emperor—! Yu Jian follows me!!!"

Gabriel also waved her small fist softly, and said, "No one is frowning now."

"Ahh~~~ Demacia~"

Everyone looked at each other and smiled.


"Defend the universe!"



"More force!!!" Lu Cheng shouted.

"Two swords combined!!!!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang! A gunman pointed the gun in his hand and pulled the trigger involuntarily.

Ice bombs, gas bombs, smoke bombs, fireworks bombs, parrot egg Yunnan Baiyao life-saving pills, all shot out.

The shooter looked at the gun in his hand in disbelief, having been unable to pull the trigger just before he was dead.

Although Lu Cheng felt that he should be more curious about what kind of things he ejaculated, since he could ejaculate anything with dan.

It's really worthy of being a gunman.

Brilliant fireworks exploded in the air, one after another people awakened their abilities, and most of them had surprises on their faces.

Lu Cheng walked up to Gabriel's side, subconsciously touched Gabriel's small head with his right hand, and pinched her face when it was over.

There is only one secret and that is "thinking". Ah Yan wants to save himself, Gabriel wants to save lives and heal the wounded, and the gunman wants to shoot to celebrate. They all "think", but they have strong thoughts, that's all.

Gabriel's face flushed red: "Hmm"

Ah Yan, who was at the side, was heartbroken silently: ...

The text on the booklet broke again, but the booklet didn't notice at all, and it was also cheering loudly at this time.

"Oh ho ho, Baidi holy sword, Yu Jian follows me!"

"Stop yelling, let's play the follow-up quickly." Ziwei Xingjun also became interested in this young man who seemed to have a good understanding, but didn't know how to practice at all.

Pamphlet: "Hey."

(End of this chapter)

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