Gabriel's happy life

Chapter 19 One rumor is higher than one rumor

Chapter 19 A rumor is higher than a rumor
So just like that, Takizawa Kentaro waved his hand and decided the fate of the three demon students who were not bad in grades.

"No way, no way, does a single bet count as a bet?"

In fact, if he kept those two students, he could also let them go to the world to work and pay back the money.

And for things like detention, the Demon Realm still has subsidies.

But it's a pity that he is no longer the principal, and the money will not reach his account, so just bet it.

"Orphan. If Lu Cheng is here, maybe he won't be able to leave."

Kentaro Takizawa pondered. To be honest, even he sometimes had a hard time understanding Lu Cheng's unique way of thinking.

But at this moment, the pleasure of doing whatever he wanted went straight to his brain, and he felt that he had opened the door to a new world.

"He's not here, eh, it's just betting, just playing."

Thinking, Cao Cao took his big Qiao, and that's how little Qiao arrived.

"Good morning, Principal Takizawa."

The state of energy imbalance temporarily stopped, and Lu Cheng felt as if a stone that had been pressed in his heart for a long time was lifted
Although the price is that the energy in one's body must be exhausted all the time, and this status quo must be maintained, otherwise it may become unbalanced again and cause a big explosion.

"What's the matter? After Ai Lu left, I felt that my body was a little different. I thought it was the process of gradually recovering my strength, but I didn't expect it."

Lu Cheng was full of doubts.

But even so, he still didn't have the slightest doubt that Jiaairu had done something to him.

After all, angels don't bother to do such things that hurt people secretly, let alone Jiaailu who has a deep relationship with him.

Maintaining this kind of physical and mental comfort, Lu Cheng greeted Takizawa Kentaro.

Unexpectedly, his Principal Takizawa jumped in shock, covered his stabbed waist with both hands, and looked at him like he was looking at an enemy.

"You are so cruel, Lu Cheng."

Lu Cheng:? ? ?
Wei Nai tugged at the corner of Lu Cheng's clothes worriedly: "Could it be that you organized the students to demolish the building yesterday, which made Principal Takizawa angry. Senior."

"By the way, let's talk about school."

Takizawa Kentaro pushed his glasses: "It is necessary to thank you, Lu Cheng, the principal?"

Vinay: .
She thought this would be the next wave of offensive.

"Is what the Demon World Daily said this morning true?"

It was rare for Satania not to cast a questioning look at Lu Cheng.

Since the morning, she has been a child who has not woken up, and the number of times she has entered the second grade is relatively less than usual.

"Is it my illusion? Satania seemed to be a bit of a soft girl when she was not in the second grade."

Lu Cheng slapped himself violently to keep his brain clear, he never thought he would have such an idea.

Maybe it was the graduation ceremony last night, and I was really tired from playing.

Brain: Do you mistrust me, or do you mistrust yourself?
Hands: conditioned reflex, conditioned reflex, look back and pay attention.

Face:? ? ?I tm.

Everyone: .
Before you self-harm, can you answer the question first!

At this moment, whether it is the demons lining up, or Takizawa Kentaro, Satania and Vinay.

Countless ears are waiting for Lu Cheng's answer.

"Last night." Lu Cheng slowly opened his mouth.

"I'm coming."

The demons were so excited that they stretched their ears as close as possible.

"We didn't meet last night, okay? Don't read the nonsense of the Demon World Daily, it's fake."

As he said that, Lu Cheng looked at Takizawa Kentaro with contempt:
"Is it a rumor, you don't know it yourself, it's really a mouthful at the beginning, and it's too late to refute the rumor."

In the morning, he wondered why some of his classmates called him the principal when they saw him, and he didn't even know what was going on with Principal Takizawa himself.

While Lu Cheng was speechless, he was also a little excited. Although he had no interest in being a principal, he didn't mind being an honorary principal.

boom! ! !
The door to the new world suddenly closed, and Takizawa Kentaro felt as if he had been shocked by an electric shock.

"No, the news is fake."

Just now he also dealt with three outstanding students.

The vicious crowd also became agitated, and Lu Cheng's words appeared to be transmitted from person to person.

"Did you hear that, Lu Cheng said that he never met the principal."

"What!" The hearer was startled, and said backwards:

"Did you hear that? Lu Cheng said that the headmaster was a bunch of scumbags yesterday, and he didn't dare to meet him at all. The news is false."

"What!" The demon turned around:

"Did you hear that, Lu Cheng said that the headmaster suddenly attacked yesterday, a group of vicious people dare not confront him at all, be careful that the current headmaster is also a fake, clone!"

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

"What!" The two fought for [-] rounds yesterday?
"What!" Lu Cheng and the headmaster "fighted?" After three hundred rounds, the headmaster didn't dare continue to "just face to face", could he just leave?

But the news spread to the students at the top of the queue and it turned into——

Yesterday, Lu Cheng confessed to the principal, but was rejected, so Lu Cheng became angry and used force. After "fighting for [-] rounds" with the principal, he was turned around by the principal in a trance, and turned into thousands of clones, making Lu Cheng unable to resist.

In the end, Lu Cheng reluctantly left, and Takizawa Kentaro kept his position as the principal, but at the same time, he was overwhelmed with strength, so he kept covering his waist and screaming for pain this morning.

The last classmate: "It's just inferior ♂~ la ♂ la ♀ la ♂ la ~ la ♂ la ♀ la ♂ la ♀, la~ la ♀"

Demons: ? ? ?

The demon friend quickly explained:

"My friend's brain is not very good, and he is half-timed, and now his rhythm is still stuck in the last chapter."

All the demons nodded, expressing their understanding, presumably he is the one at the bottom besides Wei Nai.

"By the way, I think his face looks familiar..."


"Rely on!"

"Fuck~ Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck! Isn't he the one who ranks second in the total score?!"

Amidst everyone's rumors, shit, la ♂ la ♀ la ♂ la ♀, the four of Lu Cheng were silent for a long time.

In the end, Lu Cheng comforted himself and said, "It's okay, this is only the first version, and it will get better and better in the future."

After he finished speaking, he became even more frustrated. He snatched the Demon World Daily from Principal Takizawa and began to tear it up.

Takizawa Kentaro: "Hey! I just read two pages!"

Speaking of which, you came very late today, Verna. Takizawa Kentaro took a deep look at Verna in uniform and black silk in front of him:

"I didn't expect you to hide the deepest and deepest, Wei Nai."

He decided not to deduct her living expenses.

He hesitated.

Takizawa Kentaro looked at Wei Nai's inner side to the sternum, outer side to the front line of the armpit, somewhere between the 2-6 intercostal space.

It's 2b, the legendary hidden poor breasts.

Takizawa Kentaro cleared his throat, and said seriously: "In view of your recent outstanding performance, I decided to deduct only 20% of your living expenses. Keep on performing. You are becoming more and more like an excellent demon now."

"Out, excellent demon."

Wei Nai took half a step back, her cheeks were slightly flushed, tears rolled in her eyes, she looked very happy.

Lu Cheng always suspected that in a passage, Wei Nai only heard an excellent devil, just like when he was reading the newspaper.

"As for me, you must know that as the ruler of the world, the cost of ruling the world is not low."

"At least it will cost 3000 yuan!" Satania stretched out five fingers, obviously learning mathematics at grandma's house.

Takizawa Kentaro glanced at Satania inadvertently.

I don't know what it is, it turned out to be poor. Wait, Kentaro Takizawa couldn't help but look at Satania again.

It turned out to be a hidden giant, and Takizawa Kentaro's eyes when he looked at Satania began to become deeper.

I didn't expect you to be the most, deepest and deepest hidden Satania.

"It's quite big. I have a dream haha."

"I'll give you a 5% increase"

(End of this chapter)

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