Invincible son

Chapter 778 777 [Thorn Pei]

Chapter 778 777 [Thorn Pei] ([-])
The rain of arrows came towards him.

If you were an ordinary reckless ranger, you would be in a desperate situation in the face of such a situation, because the martial arts of this era have not yet reached the point of exposing the inner strength, and it is even more idiotic to try to block them by waving weapons.

With a distance of a hundred steps, the sharp arrows arrived almost instantly, and those archers didn't care about arm strength at all, and immediately twitched the arrows after shooting the first round, obviously wanting to kill Pei Yue outside the courtyard at all costs.

The opponent's plan also showed clues at this moment.

The seven assassins in the courtyard were mainly responsible for holding back the guards protecting Pei Yue, and the assassin who broke into the bedroom from the roof completed the fatal blow.Even if this trick fails, the forty or so assassins outside the courtyard are enough to lure Pei Yue out, but they did not expect that Xu Churong would visit Pei Yue in the middle of the night, and more than ten Xu family guards completely changed the strength comparison between the two outside the courtyard.

Fortunately, Pei Yue still showed up in the end, giving these archers an excellent opportunity.

It's just that the people they want to kill are not ordinary people after all.

Pei Yue and the nearly forty healthy guards outside the courtyard are all veterans who have fought on the battlefield and have extremely rich experience in facing the enemy.When he yelled the phrase "return", the arrow rain had already come to the front. If he continued to turn around and run into the courtyard, it would undoubtedly be the most stupid choice to leave his back to the enemy, because this time would be enough for the opponent to shoot again. round.

There was no need for Pei Yue to issue another order. At this moment, everyone's movements seemed to be carved out of a mold. At the same time, they dived forward without hesitation. After landing, they immediately curled up to narrow the range, and firmly protected their vital parts.

Long arrows flew over their heads with the faint sound of wind and thunder.

"Feng Yi!"


"Take them back!"

After Pei Yue put down these two sentences, the first wave of arrows fell not far behind them, and a small number of long arrows fell within the range of more than ten soldiers behind them. Fortunately, only three people were hit by arrows, and No vitals were injured, so there will be no fear of life in a short time.

At this moment, Pei Yue's body rushed out like a cheetah.

The bright moonlight sprinkled the earth, and a figure rushed forward like lightning.

Pei Yue poured all his internal energy into his legs, and the gentle night wind became loud and manic as he ran at a high speed. Under the reflection of the moonlight, his body was pulled out into an afterimage, and he disappeared almost instantly. Rush out a distance of three or four feet.

The archers who were on the string looked at this scene and couldn't help being slightly stunned.

Fang Yunhu standing in the center of the crowd was equally shocked. He knew that Pei Yue's martial arts cultivation was not weak, and vaguely heard that he was taught by a great master, and young geniuses like Ye Qi and Gu Fan were willing to serve as sparring partners.But Pei Yue has too many auras, especially his talent in leading troops to fight is eye-catching, so few people have really paid attention to his martial arts cultivation.

But Pei Yue knew better than anyone else that he was taking a different path from others. Apart from managing his personal connections and developing his own power, he must not relax his ability to save his life, so he has been working hard to improve over the years.

Fang Yunhu didn't understand this, at the moment he just couldn't believe it.

Pei Yue's speed is enough to prove that his cultivation has long surpassed that of ordinary reckless masters, and what is even more frightening is the courage and determination he showed in a very short period of time.If he and those personal soldiers blindly lie on the ground to avoid, then the final outcome is just waiting to die, Fang Yunhu can calmly dispatch the archers to complete the sniper kill.

Pei Yue didn't do that, he knew that the only way to deal with it now was to rush forward!

As long as he takes advantage of the gap between the opponent's archers to breathe, and breaks within eighty steps, the threat of the rain of arrows will be greatly reduced, and when he gets close, how can these archers be his opponents?
Time seemed to be stagnant, it seemed extremely long, but in fact it only took a few breaths, Fang Yunhu quickly calmed down, this change would not make him panic, so he shouted in a deep voice: "Let it go again!"

However, the opportunity on the battlefield is fleeting, and the tried and tested soldiers will naturally be able to seize this opportunity, and it is an opportunity created for them by Pei Yue's personal risk.

1 of them don't want Pei Yue to do this, and would rather take the risk instead of Pei Yue, not to mention Feng Yi, a loyal man who was brought up by Pei Yue from a farm boy to be led by his own soldiers.However, military orders are more important than anything else on the battlefield. This is an iron law that has long been immersed in their blood, so no one dares to hesitate.

While Pei Yue was rushing forward, Feng Yi got up and ran back with all his soldiers in a frenzy.

Fortunately, the courtyard door is wide enough to allow four people to enter side by side at the same time.

As soon as Fang Yunhu's words fell, the rain of arrows all over the sky left the string in response, and when they fell from far to near with a whistling sound, Feng Yi slammed the door shut.

Although the danger has not been lifted yet, especially Pei Yue is in a dangerous situation, at least for the time being they don't have to worry about the threat of bows and arrows.The situation just now was really dangerous. If these people hadn't reacted quickly enough and Pei Yue was willing to gamble with his own safety, none of these soldiers might survive.

People who have never actually been on the battlefield can't understand what kind of desperation it would be if hundreds of longbows were aimed at themselves.

What's more, they will wear armor on the battlefield, which has a certain degree of defense ability, and there is no protection at all at this time.

A soldier shouted with red eyes: "Master Hou is still outside, can we just stay inside and watch?"

This is also the truest thought in everyone's heart.

Pei Yue's rules are very strict, but he values ​​all his followers from the bottom of his heart, not only giving them the best treatment and protection, but also respecting their personality very much.

The so-called soldier dies for his confidant, even these soldiers who have not read a few books understand this truth.

"Yes! The lord is going all out outside. Could it be that we, as bodyguards, are not willing to sacrifice our lives?"

"Brother Feng, let's go around from behind and support Lord Hou!"

"Even if I die here today, I will definitely not let those beasts hurt Lord Hou!"

"Kill out! Kill out!"

When the crowd was full of enthusiasm, Feng Yi's face darkened, and he said sharply: "Shut up!"

Although the crowd calmed down temporarily, it could be seen from their heaving chests and the cold murderous intent on their faces that these people had put life and death aside.

Feng Yi was very relieved, but had no choice but to say sternly: "Young master has already made an arrangement, we stay in the courtyard, and we are not allowed to act without authorization! No one is allowed to leave this courtyard, otherwise it will be punished as a violation of military law!"

Everyone was stunned, and one of them asked blankly: "Brother Feng, what does Hou Ye mean by this?"

Feng Yi said in a deep voice: "Just follow the order, no need to ask!"

The soldiers remembered Pei Yue's glorious achievements in the past, and suddenly realized a possibility. Perhaps the assassination tonight was in the Hou Ye's expectation?
Thinking of this, they couldn't help feeling a little relieved.

Outside the courtyard, Pei Yue had advanced to a place less than forty steps away from the archers. At this time, the power of bows and arrows had been greatly reduced, because unlike crossbows and arrows shot flat, bows and arrows must have a certain arc, and they cannot be used in such a short distance. power.

But Fang Yunhu was not surprised or nervous at all, he just didn't expect that Pei Yue would really dare to risk himself.

Even so, he was already prepared, waiting for Pei Yue to kill him and slip into his trap.

However, something happened at this time, Pei Yue suddenly kicked his right foot forward when he was running at a high speed, turned around with force from his waist and abdomen, and rushed to the woods in the north!

Fang Yunhu stared blankly at this scene.

(End of this chapter)

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