Invincible son

Chapter 69 069 [Ling Chi]

Chapter 69 069 [Ling Chi]

Pingjiang, this is a place name that is very unfamiliar to the people of Daliang.

Most of the nobles who are addicted to alcohol in the capital have heard of a strong wine called "Pingjiang Double Steam", but not many people have drunk it.Even the top dignitaries who have the ability to obtain this kind of spirits just taste the good wine blindly and keep secrets about Pingjiang who produces this kind of spirits.In fact, in the minds of the officials who weigh the world, the word Pingjiang does not represent spirits, but a family name and a family.

Pingjiang Fang's family, south of the Zhou Dynasty's first martial arts general.

I don’t need to repeat the auspicious pictures in the long river of history. You only need to know that the children of the Fang family have strangled across the river for hundreds of years and made the Daliang southern frontier army return without success time and time again.Fang Xie Xiao, the head of the Fang family of this generation, Prime Minister of the Zhou Dynasty, Minister of Military Affairs, and Duke of Zhen Guo, is a handsome and talented figure who even the mortal enemy of Guangping Hou Guliang has to praise.

Born in such a family, even if he is just a side descendant, Fang Rui has a pride and conceit that ordinary people cannot match.

However, when the dagger stirred at his very fragile thigh, Fang Rui's pride and conceit turned into a crazy roar.

"Son of the Pei family, kill me if you have the ability!"

"You are an ant-like thing, how dare you insult me!"

"Ah—I'm going to kill your whole family—"

Veins popped out on Fang Rui's forehead, and beads of sweat mixed with uncontrollable tears flowed across his face.

Pei Yue drew out his dagger, stood up and said to Deng Zai and Wang Yong, "Help him take the medicine."

Mr. Xi also noticed that the clothes of the young people on the ground were torn, but many places were roughly wrapped in gauze, with a hint of blood.Presumably, this cruel punishment had been going on for some time before he came in, no wonder the other party begged for mercy when they saw him.

There was no sympathy on the faces of the teenagers, and even Deng Zai was very rude when he bandaged them.

It's not that they are cold-blooded and cruel by nature, but that after a night of hard fighting and seeing the tragic situation in the village, no one can feel any sympathy.

Pei Yue came to the other side and squatted down, the dagger in his hand was dripping with blood, and under Fang Rui's eyes of fear and hatred, he said slowly: "The concierge of my house is called Zhou Da, an ordinary and honest old man. He has never been to Kyoto a few times in his life, and basically stays in this Zhuangzi. Although he has no children, he is kind to others, does not do evil, and does not harm others. His favorite thing to do is to tease the children in the Zhuangzi. , but he often uses his meager monthly allowance to help poor neighbors."

"What's wrong with such a person? But he died, at your hands, and you couldn't even tell me where to bury him before he died."

"He called me young master, but I didn't save his life, and I didn't even see him for the last time."

Under Fang Rui's terrified gaze, the dagger pierced his other thigh little by little, the piercing pain tore through his head, and the screams could be heard far and far away.

Suppressing the pain, he howled: "Stop pretending! It's just that some muddy legs died. Do you think I don't know what you're thinking? You just want to buy people's hearts!"


Pei Yue twitched the corners of his mouth, raised his head and said to Mr. Xi: "Sir, is this the avenue recognized and respected by the big man? Turn your hands into clouds and your hands into rain, use the world as a chessboard, and all living beings as chess pieces. Life and death are just It's just their fingers. From their point of view, as long as the goal can be achieved, it doesn't matter how many people die? Maybe they also thought that these dead people also have family members and friends, but so what? Give some money , Say sorry, most likely you will win a good reputation. What's more, like this person, after killing people, he still behaves like this, maybe he can still get a good reputation as a hero."

Mr. Xi was silent.

Pei Yue tugged at his collar, and looked at Fang Rui with contempt in his eyes: "It's just that you're not a big shot, you're just a stupid dog who's about to be executed by me."

Ignoring the look of horror in this person's eyes, he pointed to a young man standing beside him and said, "His name is Yang Hu, and his father's name is Yang Dacheng. I never thought Yang Dacheng was a perfect saint, and he also has many problems. , but these problems will not harm others, that's enough. The people in this Zhuangzi are the same as Yang Dacheng, they don't understand the general situation of the world, they don't understand power schemes, but they don't deserve to die."

"You deprive them of their right to live, and I will peel your skin off."

"Deng Zai, Wang Yong, drag him out, hang him on a tree outside the gate, and then strip him of his clothes. I will skin him and cramp himself!"

"Yes!" The teenagers shouted in trembling tones.

Without saying a word, Yang Hu knelt down and kowtowed three times to Pei Yue.

Pei Yue pulled him up and said, "This account won't be settled just like this, don't worry."

Yang Hu nodded vigorously, and said in a deep voice: "No matter what the young master wants to do, you must take me with you!"

"I will."

Pei Yue turned around and walked out the door.

Fang Rui, who was supported by Deng Zai and Wang Yong, suddenly struggled violently, and shouted in despair: "Pei Yue, I can tell you the inside story of this matter, I can tell you anything you want to know!"

Pei Yue turned his head and sneered, "I'm not interested."

Fang Rui looked at him in disbelief. After being captured, he was not too worried, because he was a child of the Pingjiang Fang family, and he was able to talk in the mountains and knew a lot.As long as the boy opens his mouth, he can always find a chance to bargain. It must be very difficult to get out, but it may not be impossible to leave alive.

However, at this moment, he finally woke up, the boy in front of him was a complete lunatic.

Unreasonable lunatic!
"It was your father who sent someone to hint that we came here to kill people!" Facing the fear of death, Fang Rui no longer had the arrogance of the past, and told the reason for this incident without hesitation.

The hall suddenly fell silent, Deng Zai and Wang Yong stopped dragging Fang Rui forward.

The teenagers looked at Pei Yue with complicated expressions.

Mr. Xi sat not far away, crossed his hands in front of his lower abdomen, sighed softly, and looked at Pei Yue with pity in his eyes.

There was nothing unusual about Pei Yue, not even a slight change in his face.

He had guessed this matter a long time ago. Although he had told Pei Rong that he would honor him in the future when he left the mansion, both of them knew in their hearts whether the so-called filial piety was repayment or revenge.It's just that what he thought at that time was to teach this person a lesson and let him taste what it would be like to be imprisoned for a lifetime.

This is not the case until now, in fact, from the moment he saw Cheng Xue's corpse, he had already made up his mind.

Not to mention that the soul in this body has never regarded Pei Rong as a father, even if there are no memories of being abused before, after tonight, Pei Yue only has one thought for Pei Rong.

Never die.

Otherwise, how would he face these 47 lives in Zhuangshang?
The night was cool, and there was a trembling cry in the wind, which was the mourning sound of farmers mourning their loved ones.

If Pei Rong is not dead, how can the cries of these people be comforted?
So at this moment, Pei Yue didn't even say a word, facing Fang Rui's self-important inside story, he just sneered.

"Drag out!" he ordered.

Fang Rui had heard about Ling Chi's punishment, which meant cutting off his body piece by piece. In a panic, he shouted, "Don't you want to save that little maid? Give me a good time, and I'll tell you that she is here where!"

By this time, he had completely given up the desire to survive, but he just didn't want to continue to be tortured by this lunatic.

Deng Zai punched him on the waist and eyes, and cursed: "You son of a bitch, hurry up!"

Fang Rui grinned his teeth in pain, but he didn't dare to challenge the muddy legs he usually looked down upon, and said quickly, "The person who took away that little maid of yours is called Aunt Leng, she is not in the same way as us! I don't know why she did this, But according to Shanli's plan, she will take your little maid all the way south."

Pei Yue asked in a deep voice, "Where are they going?"

Fang Rui shook his head and said, "I don't know. Someone will meet them along the way. If you catch up quickly, you might still have a chance!"

Deng Zai scolded: "You are not honest!"

Then he clenched his fist again.

Pei Yue didn't stop him, but said coldly: "Lock him up, don't let him die."

Then stride out the door.

 Thank you book friend Liu Xiaochen for your reward and monthly ticket support!Thank you book friend Bancheng Fireworks for your support!Thank you book friend seaskydj for your monthly ticket support!Thanks for the monthly ticket support of Shuyou Tower's next bus!
(End of this chapter)

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