Chapter 514 Fight
Ji Sitong really wanted to say that mother should bring her brother back soon, but she can't say so much. Now she can name a brother and father with a relatively standard pronunciation, which is very good.

Gu Jinyao left and went to the police station near the train station.

At that time, the staff of the station called here to report the case, so the people here are handling it for the time being.

When Gu Jinyao arrived, the dispatch hall was still very quiet. The comrades who drove outside to rescue the hostages did not come back, nor did they send any useful news back. In the current situation where news is blocked, everything will lag behind.

The staff knew that she was a family member of the victim, and explained the situation to her. They have notified the comrades at the police station in the nearby jurisdiction to come to support, but it will take time, so they can only wait.

Gu Jin rumored: "That person has weapons of mass destruction in his hands, and he is an important fugitive. Call your superiors, mobilize the city's police force, or ask the army for support, rescue the hostages, and arrest criminals."

The city's police force, military support!
The staff opened their mouths wide when they heard Gu Jinyao's proposal. Although they also attached great importance to this kidnapping case in broad daylight, they did not rise to this level at all.

Seeing his surprised expression, Gu Jinyu knew that this person would not work hard as he said.

"I'm going to call," she said.

The man pointed to the side, "This phone can be used."

Gu Jinyao directly dialed the phone number in Sun Yin's office back then.

"Hello, I'm Sun Yin's daughter-in-law, Ji Shaobei's lover..."

Sun Yin has devoted herself to the organization for decades, and her clean and rigorous work style is familiar to people in the circle.

In the past few decades, she has not used her status and influence to deal with things that have nothing to do with work. The last time she suppressed and rectified major newspapers was not counted, because the organization behind her agreed that her behavior was fine. The information aspect that steers society's winds should have been taken seriously.

Today, Gu Jin rumored to make an exception for her mother-in-law.

But she is confident that her mother-in-law won't blame her when she wakes up.

Gu Jinyao told Sun Yin's former secretary, who is now at the helm of Nancheng, about the situation here, and asked him to communicate with this side, pay attention to and actively deal with this extraordinary kidnapping case.

"Yes... yes, I'm at the police station here at the train station. Well... she's passed out and she's in the hospital.

okay, thank you. "

Gu Jinyao hung up the phone, and then asked the staff who was staring at her in surprise, "How much is the phone bill?"

The other party shook his head in a daze, "No need."

So Gu Jinyao didn't say anything, just sat by the side and waited.

After a while, several people in the work hall realized, and then asked Gu Jinyao with concern, "Comrade, are you okay?"

Just now she mentioned that this matter is very serious and asked them to report to their superiors.

It's not that they are in a hurry, but these things need to be evaluated before making a decision, and they can't call the above casually.

Who would have thought that this person immediately made a phone call, and he did not know where he was calling. He told the matter directly, and asked the other party to help communicate, mobilizing the city's resources to assist in handling the case.

Everyone is actually quite curious now, what is the identity of this family member, and who did she call just now?

Just when everyone was in a daze, the phone on the desk rang.

Someone picked it up, asked first, and then his expression changed rapidly, staring at Gu Jinyao who was sitting on the stool in disbelief.

"Okay, okay, I understand."

The phone was hung up quickly, and the staff member said to Gu Jinyue: "Comrade, the higher authorities have sent people over, and colleagues from the nearby jurisdiction have also dispatched cars to chase after them. People from our headquarters are on their way. They will Handle the case yourself."

Gu Jinyao: "Okay."

Ten minutes later, the people from the General Administration arrived. They asked about the basic situation of the case, and told Gu Jinyao that several cars were already on the way, and they were also applying for better means of transportation, striving for an early rescue. Hostage, capture criminals.

At this time, Ji Xiaoan came back with the comrades from the police station.

Seeing Gu Jinyao here, Ji Xiaoan bowed his head and came to her side, his eyes flushed.

"Auntie, I'm sorry."

He blamed himself for not saving his younger brother, nor for his uncle's help.

Gu Jinyao looked Ji Xiaoan up and down, and was relieved to see that he was fine.

She patted her nephew on the shoulder, "Just come back, don't be so impulsive next time."

Knowing that Ji Xiaoan also rushed over, she was also very worried, this is also her relative.

Gu Jin rumored to ask about the situation, Ji Xiaoan gave a brief introduction, the man fled by car, and his uncle chased after him, but he concealed the matter of Ji Shaobei's arm injury.

In fact, when Ji Shaobei met Ji Shaobei on the road earlier, Ji Xiaoan helped treat the wound on Ji Shaobei's arm, and his body was stained with blood at that time.

However, on the way back, he changed his clothes and bought one at a roadside store, just because he was afraid that Gu Jinyao would be worried if he saw it.

Now that Ji Siming has been kidnapped, everyone's brains can't stand more stimulation.

Gu Jinyao's mind is now full of the case, the safety of her husband and son, she doesn't even remember what Ji Xiaoan was wearing before.

Hearing that the man used a grenade on the road, Gu Jinyao was a little bit lucky.

In the previous life, the man used the bomb at the last moment. In this life, he used the bomb in advance in order to escape the pursuit. Is this a good start?

Of course, the premise is that he only has one grenade in his hand.

The main purpose of Gu Jinyao coming to the police station is to expand the situation and strive for more opportunities and resources. Now that she has achieved it, the next thing she has to do is to wait for news.

At this time, on the road outside the city, more than a dozen cars roared past, causing the surrounding people to whisper.

Hearing that someone has been kidnapped and that there are fugitives makes people panic.

Qingcheng in the cold winter is surrounded by a vast expanse of whiteness.

Under the ice and snow, the mountains and rivers are silent, like sleeping on the ground covered with snow-white quilts.

At the foot of the mountain, the wheel marks on the highway are like a link, guiding Ji Shaobei to move on.

Half an hour has passed since their car had an accident on the way, and Ji Shaobei drove alone to chase them. He came to a place deep in the mountains some distance from the city and the village.

Why did that person choose to take this path? Ji Shaobei felt that he had made a careful plan, and this route was also a part of his plan.

But here, I have never been here.

But it doesn't matter, even if he walks into the trap designed by that person step by step, it doesn't matter, he can save the day, and he can save his son.

And it must be quick, the man's face is so ugly and terrifying, his Siming must have been frightened.

(End of this chapter)

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