Chapter 510
Mo Guang and his wife will also take their children back to their hometown for the New Year this year, but Jia Caishu still has to go to work, so he has to wait for the last two days before leaving.

Before leaving, Ji Shaobei went downstairs to see him off.

Mo Guangyao was quite happy, "Shaobei, you finally know the importance of my friend." In the past, he would only deliver to the door of the house, but he would not go downstairs.

Ji Shaobei: "It's almost Chinese New Year, and there are a lot of pickpockets."

So he sent Mo Guangyao all the way to the station and watched him get on the bus.

The pickpocket didn't exaggerate so much, he just wanted to protect the safety of this person.

Before that person was caught, he was trying to eliminate all possibilities.

Sending Mo Guangyao away, Ji Shaobei went to the police station again to follow up on the progress of the matter. By the way, he said that he was going back to Nancheng, and left the address there. If the information about Gushi arrives, send A copy to live in Nancheng and Rural, or the police station over there.

At night, Chen Guyu and Ji Lan came back, had dinner together and helped pack things.

Ji Lan is not going back to Nancheng for the time being, and will fly over there when the year-end meeting is held.

Chen Guyu will go with them tomorrow, and the Chinese New Year will be there too.

After dinner, Ji Shaobei chatted with Ji Lan alone. After they left, Ji Lan stayed here alone, so she didn't live in the community. It was better to move back to the dormitory in the store, which was safe and convenient.

Ji Lan also thinks so, because she often works night shift.

The next day, the family got up at six o'clock.

After breakfast, everyone went downstairs with their schoolbags and boxes.

The train to Nancheng at [-] o'clock this morning is leaving now, and you can almost queue up to get on the train when you get there.

There are so many of them, two taxis are enough to take them.

There is a main road outside the community, and it is very convenient to take a taxi.

When the first taxi came over, Ji Shaobei took a look. The driver was a middle-aged man in his forties.

"Master, show me your work permit first."

The driver was taken aback for a moment, and then handed over the certificate cooperatively.

Ji Shaobei checked his name and photo, then returned his ID and asked him to open the trunk.

The driver was taken aback by Ji Shaobei's series of cautious operations. He thought this person was here to check the post, but after a long time he turned out to be a real passenger.

Immediately afterwards, the second car also stopped, and Ji Shaobei checked the other party's work permit in the same way.

Ji Lan saw them off on the side of the road, seeing Ji Shaobei so serious, she stepped forward and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Ji Shaobei: "It's okay, just be careful. Sister, let's go."

Ji Shaobei put his things away and got into the car.

The family waved to Ji Lan, and the car started to head to the train station.

The two cars here just drove away, and at the corner in the distance, a taxi followed quietly, and even looked for a chance to overtake them halfway.

In that taxi, the general still wore the felt hat with ear protection, a fried dough stick in his mouth, and was wearing the military overcoat that had been ripped off from the driver.

His black scarf was gone, used to tie up the driver.

After finally getting this car, I originally wanted to pick up the man surnamed Ji and his son, but he was so cautious that he didn't have a chance to do it.

"Ji, you are really a master detective. No wonder the whole team died, and you are the only one who survived."

The general laughed hehehe, it was interesting, very interesting, this feeling made him very excited.

The general ate the fried dough sticks in his mouth a few times. He wanted to bite the two cars in front of him tightly, but after thinking about it, he thought it was impossible.

This way the guy surnamed concubine will find out.

He is so smart, he can easily see through this little trick.

So when he saw someone blocking the car on the side of the road, the general stopped and pulled someone.

"Comrade, go to Tangxi Road."

The person getting on the bus was carrying a briefcase, apparently going to work or on business.

The general ignored him, speeding up and driving in the other direction to the street near the train station.

"Hey, comrade, are you going the wrong way?"

The people in the car felt that something was wrong, and they were also a little anxious.

The general turned his head and glared at him angrily, "Shut up."

A young man with dark skin, a scar across his face, and a blind left eye. When he glared at people, his face was full of hostility. It was obvious that he was a vicious person.

The man in the car was startled, approaching the door and trying to open it.

The general said: "Want to jump out of the car? Either you will die or you will be injured. Be obedient and sit still for me. I will let you go later."

Yes, jumping off a car is too dangerous.

The man didn't dare to move for a moment.

In the rear, Ji Shaobei saw that the car stopped and pulled a person, and then drove to another place, gradually out of his sight, and stopped paying attention.

It snowed last night, the road was very slippery, the car was not driving fast, and it took half an hour to reach the destination.

When the car came to the road outside the square, Ji Shaobei was the first to get off, and then arranged for everyone to stand on the side before starting to pick up things.

Moving the luggage of the two cars to the side of the road, Ji Shaobei looked around.

There is still one week before the Chinese New Year. There are many more people at the train station than usual. There are people coming and going at the entrance of the station, and there is also a long queue at the ticket office.

Ji Shaobei divided the luggage and dolls, took the heaviest bag and walked at the end.

Along the way, Ji Shaobei's sharp eyes were alert to the movements around him, as long as he sensed something was wrong, he would appear in front of his relatives as quickly as possible.

Gu Shi has been squatting outside his community for more than two days. This person didn't find a chance in the shopping mall last time. If he knows that his house will leave today by car, then this is the last moment.

With the help of the crowded environment of the train station, he is likely to pop out from somewhere to do something.

Ji Shaobei had to beware of him suddenly jumping out to attack himself or his relatives, and also be careful that he would kidnap his relatives as in the dream, as a threat.

They were a group of five children and four adults, with Sun Yin holding Ji Siming at the front, Chen Guyu leading the three older children in the middle, Gu Jinyao holding her daughter at the end, next to her husband.

Ever since Ji Shaobei asked the taxi driver for his work permit in the morning, Gu Jinyao knew that he was guarding against accidents, and that person was by their side.

Thinking that danger might happen at any time, Gu Jinyao tightly hugged her daughter in her arms, feeling very nervous.

Ji Shaobei patted his wife on the shoulder, "It's fine."

Gu Jinyao looked back at the man and smiled at him.

In fact, she didn't want to be so tense, but she was not in control, because it involved her daughter, and she couldn't relax no matter what.

In short, the child in this life will not leave her sight. If that person still wants to harm her daughter, he will step over her corpse.

Just thinking about this, Sun Yin, who had already entered the hall, suddenly screamed, and then she fell backwards behind them.

(End of this chapter)

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