Chapter 507 Dangerous People
Old man Tian felt that the young man who helped him repair the roof was not a stranger.

The comrades at the police station said: "Remember to report to the station as soon as possible if there is any situation." Then he recorded the situation in the notebook and put a check mark behind it.

Old Man Tian: "Understood."

The two comrades from the police station visited several dormitories in the surrounding compound, but did not get any useful information, so they went back to the station to join another team.

Ji Shaobei went to the police station to report the case before, and the other party took it very seriously when they heard that he was a fugitive, but the current information is too closed, and the place where Gushi committed the crime is far away, so they have not received relevant information here.

Of course, after Ji Shaobei talked about the general situation, they called there to inquire and confirmed this fact.

Some fugitives have come here, and there is a possibility of committing another crime.

The police station here learned about the situation and sent two teams of people to the surrounding area to investigate.

Ji Shaobei also followed, taking the two comrades to the area around his community, but did not get any useful news.

When they returned to the police station again, the other team also came back, and the two sides exchanged the situation, but there were no clues.

Ji Shaobei asked: "Have you visited those large courtyards across the road?"

The comrade in charge of that area said: "Yes, I have asked in every yard, and everyone said that they have not seen any strange faces."

Ji Shaobei frowned, because the information from the police station over there hadn't been sent yet, and they didn't even know what Gu Shi looked like, so it was very difficult to investigate.

"Comrade Ji, you should go back first. We will step up patrols in this area for the time being. If the photo is sent over there, we will go there and notify you as soon as possible."

Ji Shaobei nodded, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

When I got home, it was already a bit late.

In the past two days, because she was going back to Nancheng, Mrs. Chen had a holiday there, and she was asked to visit relatives and friends in advance, and she would go to Nancheng with them the day after tomorrow, and spend the Chinese New Year there too.

Ji Lan didn't come back with them at noon, and was still working in the store.

So Gu Jinyao is busy in the kitchen today.

In the spacious kitchen, there is a gas stove and two briquette stoves under the window sill.

The biggest change of moving here is that there is gas available, but it is limited and requires a ticket, so I can only stir-fry vegetables, and use coal stoves for boiling water and stewing.

At present, except for some special places, residents use gas tanks. For safety, gas tanks are usually placed on the balcony outside, or an iron shelf is built outside the window sill, and then piped in for use.

Although it is a little troublesome to install gas, it is safe, and cooking is much faster than the stove.

"came back."

Seeing the man coming in to wash his hands, Gu Jin heard a question with a smile.


Ji Shaobei smelled the fragrance and glanced into the pot.

Today I got boiled fish and mutton stewed radish.

Gu Jinyao: "Why so long?"

At noon today, she couldn't sleep in bed, and kept thinking about him going to report the crime.

Ji Shaobei: "Follow the comrades at the police station around for a while. Don't worry, I have already explained the situation to them. They have also contacted the investigators over there. In a few days, the man's body will be released. Send the information."

Gu Jinyao: "We are leaving the day after tomorrow, is there time?"

Ji Shaobei: "Tomorrow, I will leave an address. If the materials arrive, I will ask them to make a copy and send them over."


During dinner, Ji Shaobei told everyone that he was leaving the day after tomorrow, and he would pack his things at home tomorrow, not to go out, and if he needed anything, he would go out and buy it.

The husband and wife had discussed it quietly before. For safety reasons, they should not go out until they returned to Nancheng. Anyway, they basically bought everything they needed.

Of course, Sun Yin has no problem. Ji Shaobei mainly tells a few children. There is a non-staple food store in the community, and sometimes the children will go downstairs.

Niu Niu and Mengmeng looked at everyone, but they didn't say anything.

Ji Xiaoan said: "Understood, I will be optimistic about them."

The 15-year-old boy knows everything, and he can feel that his uncle and aunt are a little nervous.

After dinner, Ji Shaobei stood on the balcony of his home, and rarely took out a cigarette to smoke.

But halfway through smoking, he put out the cigarette again, took his coat and put it on, and said to Gu Jinyao, "I'll go pick up my sister."

Gu Jinyao nodded and sent the man to the door, "Be careful."


Ji Shaobei came to the gate of the community, stood in front of the iron gate he used to go in and out every day, and looked up at the opposite side. There was a bus station directly opposite, and behind the station were several large courtyards.

Ji Shaobei stood at the door silently, then walked to the opposite side.

Old man Tian wanted to invite the young man who had helped him repair the house for two days to dinner tonight, but no one came after the meal was ready.

Old man Tian looked at the peanuts and mutton stew on the table, and finally decided to look for someone in the next courtyard.

The young man's surname is Jiang, his name is General, and his brother's name is Jiang Ping.

As a result, Old Man Tian asked several people in the compound next door, and learned that there were no brothers surnamed General, nor any young man with eye problems.

One eye is broken, such people can remember it at a glance, how can they not know.

Old man Tian wondered, very puzzled.

He was obviously duped by the lad.

But what did he lie to himself?

Obviously he was the one who contributed!

Old man Tian sullenly walked back on the snow.

Back at the gate of the compound, he saw a tall figure standing outside the gate, he was overjoyed, and was wondering if that young man had come, but when the man turned his head, Old Man Tian found out that it was not.

"Comrade, who are you looking for?"

The street lamps outside the courtyard were dim, showing a man's resolute face like a knife-cut axe.

This man is upright, majestic, and has a very stable temperament, completely different from the guy who helped him fix the roof.

That guy is always smiling, he looks very kind at first glance, but now that he thinks about it, isn't such a person more dangerous.

Ji Shaobei said: "Master, it's so late, where are you going? It's the Chinese New Year, and there are many people outside, so it's not safe for you to go out alone."

Old man Tian sighed, "You are right."

Not only is it unsafe outside, but it's not much better in the yard.

Old man Tian has already started to wonder if that general is a thief, and he came here to repair the roof for himself because he came to check on the spot in advance, maybe he was discussing with his accomplices in private to make a big deal.

Ji Shaobei was keenly aware of his confusion and confusion, so he asked Old Man Tian, ​​"Did a young man in his early twenties come to this yard these two days?"

Old Man Tian looked at him in surprise, "You know him?"

Ji Shaobei: "I know something, and I'm currently arresting him."

Old Man Tian: "Are you a comrade from the police station?"

Ji Shaobei was not, but he did not deny it.

Seeing that he didn't say a word, old man Tian assumed that he had acquiesced, so he started talking.

(End of this chapter)

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