Chapter 482
This morning Ji Shaobei was going to go to the museum with the school leaders and two guests who came from afar. Last night he told Gu Jinyao about it.

But he didn't know the time at that time, and the next day, because the school took the two of them to do some things first, they left relatively late.

When we set off, the teacher told the two of them that the school had made arrangements at noon and we had dinner outside.

Ji Shaobei just wanted to tell Xiao Deng, the security guard, to tell Chen Guyu who came back from grocery shopping later not to cook his meal at noon.

It's just that he happened to meet his wife on the way.

Gu Jinyao went to the reception room to get the package from Jiangcheng, and the two happened to meet.

Ji Shaobei said a few words to his wife, and at this moment, Gu Jinyao's name was called on the broadcast in the reception room.

Gu Jinyao was still a little surprised, who would call her at this time.

Because the person over there was too anxious, he left a phone number, and she dialed it immediately after getting it.

Hearing that Jia Caishu was injured and sent to the hospital, Gu Jinyao was also shocked.

She hung up the phone and hurried out, just in time to see Mo Guangyao and Ji Shaobei were still standing at the school gate waiting for the bus and did not leave.

Thinking of what happened to Jia Caishu, Gu Jinyao felt that he had to tell Mo Guangyao, so he rushed there.

Ji Shaobei sensed that something was wrong with her, so he also went to meet her. When the two met on the way, Gu Jinyao told about Jia Caishu's injury.

"It was the police who took her to the hospital. No one is looking there now. She didn't bring enough money with her, and she didn't pay the hospital bill."

Gu Jinyao said while looking at the school gate, the school bus just arrived at this time.

Ji Shaobei frowned, "Let me talk to Mo Guangyao."

Ji Shaobei hurried back, grabbed Mo Guangyao who was about to get into the car, and the two started talking in a low voice.

Gu Jinyao stood far away and didn't know what the two of them said, only Mo Guangyao glanced at her, and then got into the car under the urging of the instructor!

Gu Jin Yao: "???"

What's wrong with this man!
She is sure that her man must have explained the matter clearly, but why is he leaving?
Gu Jinyao was also angry, really wanted to rush up and question that stinky man, your wife was injured and hospitalized, even if you can't go there, at least you should say something and ask something, just look at me, and then leave?

Gu Jinyao wanted to go there, but saw Ji Shaobei waving to her, and said loudly, "Don't ride a bicycle, take a taxi or take a car." It snowed last night and the road was very slippery.

Ji Shaobei was pulled up by the principal, and the whole car was waiting for him.

He got into the car and saw Mo Guangyao sitting in the middle, talking in English with two guests.

Just now when he heard that his lover had an accident, he didn't show any special expression, but now he calmed down quickly and got down to business.

Ji Shaobei pursed his lips. If someone wasn't there, he would probably curse.

Mo Guangyao saw that Ji Shaobei sat down directly in front, he had no intention of coming over at all, and felt a little guilty.

Soon, he ended the conversation and took the initiative to sit beside Ji Shaobei.

"That, they took the initiative to ask just now." It was impossible for him not to answer.

Ji Shaobei was silent.

Mo Guangyao pinched the hem of his clothes, and said, "Will your wife come over?"

It will definitely pass, the Ji family on the opposite side are all good people.

Since she will pass, there is no need to give up this rare opportunity now.

Just now, when he heard that his daughter-in-law was injured, Mo Guangyao panicked, but...

There were so many people waiting for him in the car, he didn't think much about it at the time, he felt that since Gu Jinyao knew about it, he would definitely pass by, and he didn't have to worry about it anymore.

He should thank her afterward.

Ji Shaobei didn't want to talk to him and chose to ignore him.

Mo Guangyao also knew it was wrong to do so, but today's opportunity is too rare, if he misses it, it will be difficult to have such a good opportunity again.

"Ji Shaobei, thank you." Mo Guangyao said to him.

Ji Shaobei looked at him inexplicably, "What are you saying thank you to me for?"

Mo Guangyao whispered, "Isn't Gu Jinyao your wife?"

Ji Shaobei: "..." He really convinced this nerd.


When Gu Jinyao went there with the bag, the policeman who took Jia Caishu to the hospital had already left.

At that time, Jia Caishu was lying on a temporary hospital bed in the corridor of the hospital. Because she hadn't paid the fee and went through the formalities, she hadn't been able to live in the ward yet.

Gu Jinyao ran up and down several times, and finally got the person into the ward.

Seeing Gu Jinyao busy up and down, Jia Caishu felt very embarrassed.

"Sister Jinyao, are you busy today? If you are busy, go back first and tell him when you see my man, let him come and take care of me, and I will ask him to return the money to you when the time comes."

Gu Jinyao was helping her change into her hospital gown, when she heard Jia Caishu mentioning her nerdy man, her complexion turned pale instantly.

"Sister, what's wrong?" Jia Caishu sensed something was wrong.

Gu Jinyao was silent for a while, but finally decided to tell the story.

"I happened to see him in the playground by the front door when you called me."

"He's here?" Then why didn't he answer my call, why didn't he come to see me!
Jia Caishu didn't say what she said later, because she felt a sharp pain in her head, and her whole body suddenly became ill, and she was sweating and dizzy.

Seeing this, Gu Jinyue hurriedly called the doctor and nurse over.

The doctor prescribed an injection and asked Jia Caishu to inject it immediately, and then told Gu Jin rumor.

"How do you take care of the patient? He's hit his head. He needs to rest. Don't disturb him. Don't get excited. Do you understand?"

"Understood, sorry doctor, I didn't know very well when I first came here."

Seeing Jia Caishu awake, Gu Jinyao thought her condition was not too serious.

After sending the doctor away, Jia Caishu's eyes were red, not because of Mo Guangyao, but because of Gu Jinyao being scolded by the doctor himself.

"Sister, it's my sister who hurt you."

Gu Jinyao sighed, "Stop talking, listen to the doctor, and get a good night's sleep first."

Gu Jinyao is also blaming herself now, she shouldn't have said anything about Mo Guangyao impulsively, after all Jia Caishu is still a patient.

Jia Caishu had just received an injection, and her eyelids were beginning to feel heavy.

She held back the tears that were about to shed and said: "Sister, you go back first, don't guard me here, tell my man to come over."

Far away in a foreign country, with no relatives or reasons, the only thing Jia Caishu can rely on is her husband.

Gu Jinyao didn't tell her that Mo Guangyao was no longer at school and would not be back in a short time, she just asked Jia Caishu to have a good rest, and she would arrange other things.

Jia Caishu soon fell asleep.

Gu Jinyao asked the nurse to confirm that she did not wake up so soon, and went downstairs to buy some daily necessities for the hospital.

Jia Caishu slept for more than five hours, and when he woke up, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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