Chapter 406
Tu Xiaotian was wearing a blue tunic suit.

He holds a notebook in his hand, a camera hanging around his neck, and black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. He is about 1.7 meters tall and thin. He looks like other media people.

Most of the reporters on the field were just like him, thin, with glasses, laptops and cameras.

Due to the constraints of the conditions, this job is really not an easy job now.

In fact, Ji Shaobei admires these writers, because in special times, the pen in their hand is a knife.

But it is obvious that Tu Xiaotian, the pen in his hand has deviated from the original professional ethics, and the knife is extended to ordinary people, not to the enemy.

Tu Xiaotian came late today, and the best position in the observation area has already been taken.

He had no choice but to sit on the side.

"Comrade, what's the situation on the field now? How long has it been since it started?"

Seeing a man in a black and gray suit with a media card hanging on his chest sitting beside him, Tu Xiaotian asked him directly.

Then he discovered that this man was really tall, and his back was straight when he was sitting on the chair, like a pole.

Ji Shaobei glanced at him and said, "It's just begun."

The voice was deep, with a hint of majesty.

Inexplicably, Tu Xiaotian trembled in his heart.

He pulled the corner of his mouth and smiled, "Oh, thank you."

Tu Xiaotian originally wanted to ask something more, but he couldn't say anything, he felt a kind of pressure on this person.

And, who is he?
There was no such person two days ago!

Tu Xiaotian glanced at Ji Shaobei's media card hanging around his neck from the corner of his eye, and he was surprised to find that the media card that was still there just now was gone.

Obviously, he also talked to this person because he saw the media card before, but he didn't see him take it off, why did he disappear?
Tu Xiaotian felt something was wrong, he silently left Ji Shaobei's place, and went to the other side, far away from him.

Ji Shaobei's mouth twitched into a sneer.

Counseling like this and wanting to make trouble, it seems that he is just a puppet, and there are other people behind the command.

It's just that the person's purpose is to target Jin Yao, himself, or Sun Yin...

On the assessment field, after the three teams were formed, the organizer moved up the stove and gas tanks.

Because it is necessary to hold banquets, the previous small stove will definitely not work.

In this day and age, gas is not popular yet, so Gu Jinyao only uses briquette stoves or kerosene stoves at home.

There is gas available in Xiangkeju, but it is used in conjunction with coal.

This thing is still a bit expensive now.

The three large stoves are all placed next to the windows to avoid heavy oil fume.

The time set this time is before twelve o'clock, so there is plenty of time.

Moreover, the organizer also set up a large stove and iron pot for everyone to cook steamed vegetables.

After the three teams were formed, they stood in the corner and held a small meeting to discuss what dishes to make, what soup to make, what style to serve, and what stalls to serve.

The ingredients provided by the organizer include beef and mutton, chicken, duck and fish, as well as some dry goods and vegetables.

Everything that you usually see in the market can be provided here.

In short, you play as you please.

Gu Jinyao made a list and handed it to Jiao Shutian.

On it were some dishes suitable for banquets that she and Guo Baogen met.

"The two of us held banquets in the village before, and it's only this year when we come to Nancheng to open a store. There are limited things we can do."

The organizer's problem is to serve noodles, so you can't pile up all the good ones and just serve the good dishes.

To hold a banquet, you have to look like a banquet.

First determine the style of cuisine you want, and then look at what dishes to choose, hot and cold, there must be meat and vegetables, and there must be corresponding local characteristics.

This is already the fifth assessment, as long as you pass this one, the next step is to compete for the title of Immortal Cook.

For such an important fifth scene, it is definitely not just letting you cook a table of dishes casually.

Jiao Shutian took the initiative to ask to form a team, although Gu Jinyao did not refuse, but everyone was somewhat restrained when getting along.

This kind of restraint mainly comes from Gu Jinyao and Guo Baogen, Jiao Shutian is quite casual, and after confirming the formation of the team, he asks them what seats they will play.

They will be the village seats in Jiangcheng.

So Gu Jinyao wrote about eight bowls of steamed vegetables, twelve cold dishes, squirrel mandarin fish, whole chicken, farm stews in iron pots, and a few common farm stir-fries.

The fact that Gu Jinyao didn't know that she and Guo Baogen were Guo Kun's apprentices had already been exposed.

So she didn't mention the special high-end dishes that Guo Kun added to the banquet list when she was on the list.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether you mention it or not.

Because none of the rich and noble banquets listed by Guo Kun had ever held them. What they had held outside were all hibiscus banquets and auspicious banquets.

So they are not very familiar with those few high-end specialty dishes.

If you can do it, you can do it, but you don't know how to do it.

Jiao Shutian glanced roughly, nodded and said, "Since you two know how to make this, let's just make this directly. Let's modify a few dishes on this basis, and complete this list according to the existing situation."

This passed?
Gu Jinyao was a little surprised, she thought that Chef Jiao was just asking them casually, but actually he had already made up his mind.

The result is a happy agreement?

Or what he wants to cook are these dishes.

After all, he was taught by Guo Kun, and when Guo Kun was an apprentice, he also followed his master as a village cook.

Guo Kun knew the village seats in Jiangcheng by heart.

Jiao Shutian said: "It is impossible for one person to organize a banquet. Everyone knows how to choose. Mutual cooperation is the best choice."

Gu Jinyao nodded to Guo Baogen.

Invisibly, they already regarded Jiao Shutian as the captain.

No way, they are indeed better than you.

The work of optimizing the order was completed by Jiao Shutian.

Finally, when Gu Jinyao got the list again, she was only shocked, because the list was changed to be almost the same as the rich banquet written by Guo Kun back then.

He changed two steamed dishes, and changed the whole chicken to soy sauce chicken. As for the squirrel fish, those are the usual dishes on the table. Among the twelve cold dishes, he chose three meat and three vegetarian dishes, all of which are relatively expensive ingredients.

Stir-fries and stews include ordinary pumpkin and winter melon, as well as side dishes such as shredded pork with green peppers.

Very good, we can hold a rich banquet for Master here.

I just don’t know if this kind of down-to-earth seating will work.

It doesn't matter, since Chef Jiao chose it, it will definitely work.

The three of them discussed and immediately wrote a list of ingredients for the staff to choose.

Although this scene is for everyone to play freely, the selection of materials still requires the help of the little guy, because it is a waste to use up.

When they formed a team before, they were the first, and they were still at the forefront in preparing ingredients.

The other two teams saw that they had already discussed it, and they were secretly anxious.

Soon, all three teams moved.

In the observation area, the reporters' pens also started to move.

They have to record the basic situation on the field from now on, and they will know what to write when the report is published.

(End of this chapter)

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