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Lu Zhen failed to be conceited this time, but her face was greatly humiliated.

He apologized to the five judges one by one, and finally walked in front of Ji Shaobei.

"I'm sorry, classmate Ji, please forgive me for being arrogant and doubting your grades."

Lu Zhen lowered his head and bowed slightly, his voice was very calm, in the state of extreme anger and humiliation until finally numb.

He could apologize to everyone present, but he didn't want to say a word of admitting defeat to the person in front of him.

Because he had only provoked Ji Shaobei before and told him that he would never lose to him again in this life, how could he have expected that the reality slapped him so quickly.

Lu Zhen didn't have the idea of ​​escaping and diving into the cracks in the ground.

He understood that this failure was caused by his own arrogance. It was a mistake that could have been avoided, but he lost his basic points in vain because of his excessive self-confidence.

He will learn the lesson of this time, and he will be full of energy in the future contests.

Lu Zhen realized that he needed this failure, because the reality told him that Ji Shaobei not only has a family background that can help him move forward, but also his own ability should not be underestimated.

Although she had already figured it out in her heart, Lu Zhen still felt a great humiliation in the face of Ji Shaobei.

Lu Zhen lowered her head, unable to see clearly what expression she had at this time.

Ji Shaobei thought for a while and said to him: "There is no problem with arrogance, but the premise is that you need to know who you are facing."

Yes, your arrogance doesn't work against me.

This can be regarded as a response to Lu Zhen's previous provocation.

Compared with pale and weak words, actual blows can sting people's hearts more.

Lu Zhen almost gritted her teeth.

The sudden farce subsided, and Lu Zhen returned to the stage to receive his second prize.

The two judges came to the stage to hang medals for them, and everyone shook hands and said some words of encouragement.

The attitude of the judges throughout the awarding process was very kind. Although they were a little displeased with Lu Zhen in their hearts, they were all in their teens and would not show these feelings on their faces. They would only silently remember this person in their hearts. Remember his arrogance and arrogance.

In addition to books and learning materials, the second prize prizes also include a thermos and two enamel cups.

At the end when Ji Shaobei came to the stage to receive his first prize, he also had the study books and materials, but the prize was upgraded to a tape recorder and two cassettes.

The tape is related to English, and the organizer also hopes that he can learn foreign languages ​​better and contribute to the motherland in the future.

These tape recorders and tapes are good things, not because they are expensive, but because you can’t buy these things without a ticket.

Everyone in the auditorium was almost drooling with envy. When Ji Shaobei took the photo and left the stage, someone asked him in a low voice if he would sell it. Several people from the University of Technology knew that Ji Shaobei already had this thing in his home.

Ji Shaobei does have a tape recorder now, the money is paid by his wife, and the tickets are given by his brothers.

Now there is one more, he thought for a while and nodded.

But he doesn't sell two cassettes.

The people at the University of Technology were elated, knowing that this item is not cheap, everyone pooled their money together to buy it, and will use it in turn.

The competition ended successfully, and Ji Shaobei was about to go back. Before leaving, he looked towards the office on the second floor. Sun Yin stood by the window and waved to her son, telling him to go back on his own. She still has some things to do.

Ji Shaobei understood and left with everyone.

In the office, the person in charge of the organizer of the interaction between Sun Yin and Ji Shaobei saw it, and was glad that the decision just now was correct.

Ji Shaobei scored the best in the retest in the first test, and as the person in charge, he must know about this.

In fact, he felt that Ji Shaobei would be fine in the playoffs, and of course it was the safest way.

It seems that this Ji Shaobei is the son that Secretary Sun has been looking for for more than [-] years.

Regarding the complete success of this event, Sun Yin praised everyone and Zheng Kun in the following short meeting, and everyone handled it very well.

Of course, this incident also exposed their lack of planning. Afterwards, everyone wrote a report to ensure that information is transparent, timely and fair in similar competitions in the future.

This time the competition was held in a high school, which happened to be in the city center, not far from the hometown.

Ji Shaobei bid farewell to his fellow seniors from the University of Technology, and instead of taking the car, he went to live in the village on foot.

At noon today, my daughter-in-law has two banquet tables, and everyone is in the shop.

In the hot summer month, the scorching sun at noon makes people's skin burn.

Because it was a speech contest, Ji Shaobei didn't bring a bag when he went out in the morning. He found a non-staple food store and bought a bottle of ice soda. Just as he was about to quench his thirst before leaving, he never expected to hear Lu Zhen talking to a woman.

Just now on the field, Ji Shaobei paid attention to Lu Zhen, and he left after taking the photo.

If this person was going back to school, he would have gotten on the bus long ago, but he didn't expect to be here.

Lu Zhen and the man were in the shade on the side of the non-staple food store, Ji Shaobei could only hear their voices, but could not see anyone.

Ji Shaobei is not a gossip person, nor does he like to listen to gossip behind his back.

It’s just a little helpless. In this era, soda is bottled in glass bottles. This bottle cannot be taken away. You have to return it to the store after drinking it here, otherwise you will have to deduct money.

Since there was no way to avoid it, Ji Shaobei sat down on the small stool at the door, enjoying the coolness while listening to the conversation of the two not far away.

At first they were talking about things on the playing field, and it seemed they were alumni.

Moreover, Ji Shaobei was somewhat familiar with this woman's voice. After thinking about it, he remembered that he had heard it at the previous exchange meeting. She was a student of Nantah University. She could vaguely remember her appearance, but she had no impression of her name at all.

Since the two are alumni, they can talk while walking back to school. How come they whisper in such an alley? It seems that the relationship is unusual.

Ji Shaobei was right, it was Zhou Qingqing who was talking to Lu Zhen in the alley.

After Lu Zhen was reborn, she did not break up with Zhou Qingqing.

Although this woman disgusted him, he needed the Zhou family's contacts for the magazine's preparations, and he also knew that Zhou Qingqing was not so easy to deal with.

He wanted her body, if this woman hadn't left on her own initiative, it would be very difficult for him to get out unscathed.

And Zhou Qingqing, after having an awkward fight with Lu Zhen last time because of Ji Shaobei, it also subsided recently, and the two got back together.

Lu Zhen is an excellent talent at Nantah University, especially the ability he has shown recently is amazing.

Zhou Qingqing still can't find a man who has better grades than him and looks like her, so she found Lu Zhen again and made friends with him.

But recently Zhou's father noticed that something was wrong with his daughter, and the two secretly interacted less.

Even when Lu Zhen participated in such an important competition today, Zhou Qingqing found an excuse to come and watch at the last moment.

Unfortunately, Zhou Qingqing came to see Lu Zhen apologizing to Ji Shaobei.

At that time, her face turned red instantly, thinking about her relationship with Lu Zhen, she felt extremely ashamed.

That's why there was a conversation here. Zhou Qingqing asked him why he was so impulsive to question the organizer's ranking.

(End of this chapter)

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