Chapter 295 Meeting
But Bai Xian didn't do that in the end, she thought of Gu Jinyao, and remembered that the shop was just across the bridge.

At that time, thinking that her other child might be not far away, Bai Xian saw a little light on life again, so she just lived like this, and came over occasionally to see if she was doing well.

In fact, Bai Xian was mainly shrouded by that sad emotion at that time, and had impulsive thoughts.

Looking back now, she has to scold herself for being stupid.

Yuan Yu is still a child, she shouldn't worry too much about it.

My daughter doesn't understand her painstaking efforts now, but when she grows up, she will naturally understand.

Bai Xian still remembers that before she lost consciousness, she huddled by the gate of the guest house.

At that time, she felt very cold, but the light on the door shone down, and she felt very comfortable and warm.

She thought she fell asleep, but she didn't expect to pass out.

who rescued her?
Is it a rumor?

Bai Xian's breathing was a little tight.

She hoped it was her, even if she thought she was a stranger she had never seen before, she still hoped it was her.

The guy at the police station said: "A young man, a veteran, left you five yuan for medical expenses when he left. He didn't leave his name and said he didn't have to pay back the money."

It was not her.

Bai Xian was very disappointed, but she was relieved to think that she would still be an employee in the store if not for her.

The guy at the police station asked about Bai Xian's situation, whether he should call his family members to serve him or not.

Bai Xian doesn't need it anymore, she will be fine if she drinks some water and eats something.

The guy asked the doctor and he knew she was fine, so he left.

Bai Xian's problem is not serious. She went to go through the discharge procedures, and there is still half of the five yuan she paid in advance.

The five yuan must be returned, even if the other party didn't tell her, she could still find out.

Bai Xian ate a bowl of plain noodles in the alley outside the hospital, and he felt alive, and nothing happened.

She sat in the small shop for a while, and when she fully recovered, she planned to go to the guest house to pay back the money.

Anyway, I can't get to work this morning, so it's better to get this matter done.

When she went out yesterday, she had more than three yuan on her. She kept all the money close to her body and still had it.

Bai Xian got on the bus to the commercial street and arrived in a short while.

When she got off the bus, she checked the time, it was past ten o'clock.

At this time, there were not many guests in the village house, only half of them were seated, and they were all old people and young people who had nothing to do.

Bai Xian tidied up her clothes and hair, grabbed the five yuan, and went to say hello to the little girl who welcomed the guests.

"Ah, you are the aunt who fainted in front of our store this morning."

Before Bai Xian could speak, the little girl recognized her.

Because it was an early shift today, this little girl happened to open the door, and she was the one who notified the manager.

Bai Xian smiled and said, "It's me, thank you so much."

"It's okay. Helping those in need is what we should do."

Even the little girl Yingbin has such a high ideological awareness, Bai Xian is very happy, and feels very comfortable in her heart.

She asked, "Is the guy who took me to the hospital here this morning? I'll thank him and pay him back."

The welcoming girl naturally didn't know Song Shiguang's good deeds without leaving a name, so she asked Bai Xian to sit at the door, and she asked someone to call the manager out.

It turned out that it was the manager of the store who saved her, not sure if it was Jin Yao's husband.

Bai Xian didn't make a special trip to inquire, and he didn't know anything about the situation inside.

The last time she came to see Gu Jinyao, she could see her daughter clearly in the scene far away, but her son-in-law was too vague, so she only saw a rough outline.

That's all, be more cautious, no matter who it is, she just pretends that she doesn't know it.

She came here to pay back the money and had no other ideas.

Bai Xian told herself over and over again that she was here to pay back the money and had nothing to do with anything else.

She thought so in her heart, but Bai Xian also knew that deep down in her heart she longed to establish a connection with this place.

In the backyard office, Gu Jinyao saw a little waiter poking her head at the door, and asked her what's the matter?

The little waiter told about Bai Xian's coming.

"The aunt said to come and pay back the money to the manager as a thank you."

I didn't expect Bai Xian to come so soon.

Gu Jinyao asked her to go to work first. Song Shiguang and Meng Xia just went out on business, so she will go to the front to have a look.

The little waiter answered and left.

At the front gate, Bai Xian pinched the hem of her clothes a little nervously.

When she saw that the little waiter who had called for someone had returned, her heart beat a little faster.

It's just that the expected person didn't show up. The little waiter said that the manager was not there, but the boss was, and she would come over later.


It's Gu Jinyao!

Thinking of seeing each other later, Bai Xian's heart beat faster and faster, bouncing like a rabbit in his arms.

She said, "Well, your boss's surname is Gu, right?"

"Yes. Auntie, you also know that our boss is amazing, and his craftsmanship is incredible. I ate her fish when it opened. My God, it's so fresh, so tender, and so fragrant. I ate it. The best fish. It’s just that the boss is very busy and can’t eat it often. But the chefs are doing a good job. I haven’t worked here for a month, and I’ve gained two catties.”

The little girl Yingbin is just a chatterbox, and she can't stop talking as soon as she opens the chatterbox.

Bai Xian was soon amused by her, and felt much relieved.

It was at this time that Gu Jin rumors came out.

She was wearing a black and white polka-dot long skirt with a white waistcoat on the outside.

The button of the vest is open, just revealing the big bow of the same color at the neckline of the skirt.

Her hair was tied behind her head, revealing a smooth forehead and slender neck, coupled with a delicate and distinct face, she looked more beautiful and fashionable than those stars in the pictorials.

Seeing her, Bai Xian was stunned, her hands hidden in her sleeves kept shaking.

The last time she looked at it from a distance, she knew that her daughter was good-looking, but she didn't expect it to be so good.

It was so good that everything around her lost its color because of her arrival.

That's right, this child looked like a New Year's doll when she was born, and everyone who saw her sighed, your daughter is so white, she is a beautiful doll.

Now, this beautiful doll has grown up and is much better than she thought.

Like her, also like Yongquan.

Before Gu Jinyao came over, Bai Xian's eyes were red with tears rolling in them.

Aware of her mood swings, she quickly lowered her head, pinching the hem of her clothes with both hands, and warned herself again, don't have any extravagant expectations, she came here to thank you and pay back the money.

Gu Jinyao came to Bai Xian and saw her with her head down and her shoulders shaking.

It seemed that the man recognized himself.

It's just that I don't understand why she is so excited.

I left so decisively at the beginning, goodbye, I should be able to let go.

Bai Xian lowered her head. Although Gu Jinyao couldn't see her face clearly, she didn't need to.

In a dream last night, she saw Bai Xian's current appearance, his appearance after death, and his appearance in ashes.

(End of this chapter)

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