Chapter 622

After Xu Chunjun lived in the palace for half a month, Zheng Wuji returned to Beijing.

It was about the same as they had expected.

Zheng Wuji registered all the people in the Huaiyang Palace and sent them to the capital, and at the same time ransacked the Huaiyang Palace.

It took three days and three nights just to count the property and finances.

This does not include Huaiyang Wang's property in Beijing.

Mr. Wu's pens are all three bald, and he is not alone in keeping accounts.

Zheng Wuji calculated the account, if the Huaiyang King's property is converted into silver and distributed to the people of Chenzhou.

Each person can get 30 taels.

When the Huaiyang Palace was raided, the local people sang a big show for three days.

The local officials shook their clothes and fought, and the seven county magistrates all became guilty.

Many wealthy businessmen tried to run away, but were detained by Zheng Wuji.

Pull out the radish and bring out the mud, you can't let go of these ideas.

These years, they leaned on the big tree of King Huaiyang, domineering, and searched for the people's anointing.

If they are not punished, how can they be regarded as being accountable to the common people?
On the day Zheng Wuji came to the capital, the common people saw him off along the way.

Many elders were afraid that Zheng Wuji would not return to Chenzhou after this visit, they all cried and begged Zheng Wuji to leave after Chenzhou expired anyway.

Zheng Wuji has been here for more than a year, and he has done a lot of good things for the common people in real time.

Now that the mountain of King Huaiyang has fallen, the common people can live their lives with their heads held high.

A good official like Zheng Wuji has always been rare for ordinary people.

Zheng Wuji repeatedly stated that he would try his best to tell the Holy Spirit that he would still return to Chenzhou to take up his post.

He is also reluctant to come here, not to mention there are still many measures that have not been implemented.

On the way back to Beijing day and night, Zheng Wuji really missed his wife and daughter so much.

Zheng Wuji returned to Beijing, Xu Chunjun naturally brought his daughter back home.

At this time, there is no need to hide Fang Fei's life experience, everyone knows that this child is the biological birth of Zheng Wuji and his wife.

Holding her granddaughter in her arms, Fang couldn't put it down, and said: "It's a pity that I didn't have a daughter in my life. When I saw someone has a daughter, I was so envious.

This time with my eldest granddaughter, grandma can be loved by someone. "

Immediately, he took out a set of jewelry that he had kept at the bottom of the box and gave it to Fang Fei: "Grandma didn't say anything about this set, she was not willing to let your father see it. It was given to me by my grandmother when I was out of the court, and it was a gift from the head of the palace."

"Oh, ma'am, you're a bit biased." Zheng Wuji yelled deliberately, "A few years ago, I told me that the family had no money, so it's not a problem to change this set of clothes for a few thousand taels of silver?"

"You were too ridiculous at that time. If it was like this, I wouldn't have to keep this set of things for myself to make river money." Fang said with a smile, "Actually, this thing is not rare for you now, Chun If you want something like this, how much can you afford? This is just my wish as a grandmother."

The old lady Jin was also very happy to see her great-grandson daughter.

He had to use his own money to make a full moon wine for Fang Fei.

Although Fang Fei has been around for more than five months now, she was taken away from her parents because she was born. Although she was taken back later, she has always been busy and did not hold a full moon banquet for her.

After hearing this, Madam Lu clapped her hands and said: "The old lady is serious, this child has already been wronged enough, and this matter cannot be settled.

It just so happened that Wuji also came back, and everyone gathered together to be lively. "

"By the way, aunt, I heard that Yuzhi is going to get married next year. How are you preparing?" Xu Chunjun asked Madam Lu with a smile.

"Ten stops are ready, three or four are stopped." Mrs. Lu said with a smile, her brows stretched out, "Mr. Chun, I still want to tell you.

When you have time, help me gather them together to see if there is anything missing.Encountering such a major event, you have to be a fine person like you to help check it out. "

"This is my aunt's favor. I'll go there tomorrow." Xu Chunjun quickly agreed, "You know that I like to read other people's dowry list the most, not really to help."

One sentence made everyone laugh, Madam Lu said: "You child, you have been taught badly by Wuji. You were not so glib before."

"Then what can I do?" Xu Chunjun smiled, "People say that husbands and wives are easygoing, such as your aunt, the uncle you married was refined and upright, and naturally became dignified and luxurious.

Another example is the eldest sister, the married brother-in-law is hardworking and motivated, and she is also virtuous and gentle.

My master, I don't say anything, everyone knows, just like me, I still restrain myself! "

"Chun Jun is really a good person. Not only do you have a good life, but you can also make everyone happy." Zheng Yuelang said, "If you have meritorious service, you don't need to take it seriously, and you will always be so easy-going and friendly."

Mrs. Lu also said: "You mentioned your uncle, he didn't come back from the yamen today.

Last month, he stayed with your father for a whole day, playing chess and copying iron coupons from Dan Shu.

Your uncle came back and told me that your father's knowledge is no worse than today's bachelors, but unfortunately his health has been poor. "

"I heard my father mention it, and he said that my uncle's calligraphy has become more and more proficient, dignified and fluent, and strong like Ana.

He also said that he had asked his uncle for calligraphy, and it would be framed and hung in his study. "Xu Chunjun has just returned to the capital, and has been living in her mother's house.

Mr. Xu loves his daughter very much and has to chat with her for a while every day.

"The two of them can be regarded as confidants. Your uncle said that he wanted to write a long scroll for your father, and I didn't go to his study. I don't know how much I wrote."

Zheng Wuji didn't intervene much, just holding his daughter was not enough.

After eating at Zheng's house, everyone dispersed.

Back in the bedroom, Fang Fei was a child, she couldn't bear it and went to bed early.

The nanny carried her to live in the opposite room.

Zheng Wuji hugged Xu Chunjun, Xu Chunjun was ashamed to push him, and said in a low voice: "I'll see someone coming later."

"It's so late, and the servant girl doesn't come in anymore." Zheng Wuji hugged Xu Chunjun's face and asked, "Can you tell me if you miss me these days? Have you ever thought of crying?"

"I know you're busy with business." Xu Chunjun said, "You can't help yourself. I just need to wait quietly."

Zheng Wuji was a little disappointed, and hugged Xu Chunjun even tighter: "I knew you were heartless. I'm so busy these days, but I still have to make time to think about you.

Lying in the boat on the road, I counted the days on my fingers. "

"I miss you too." Xu Chunjun said, "Is this the head office?"

"That's always not as good as I miss you." Zheng Wuji gritted his teeth and dragged Xu Chunjun onto the bed, "I'll let you see how much I miss you!"

The moon outside the window is curved, although the moon is not round, people are already round.

The season is late autumn, but the spring is as deep in the Luo tent.

(End of this chapter)

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