Chapter 383
The Zheng family suddenly became chaotic.

All the servants looked nervous, and the old lady Jin's side was even more crowded, and no news was allowed to pass through.

Hong Xian originally planned that Xu Chunjun would continue to settle accounts with her, but who would want to wait and wait until someone called her over.

She couldn't help feeling that Xu Chunjun was deliberately leaving her alone, so that she could panic first.

"It's really a miscalculation. There are delicious food and drinks here, and there are people waiting for you. It's not worse than Miss Master, what can I afford?" Hong Xian secretly smug in his heart.

Every meal was brought to her room. Although it was not a delicacy, it was two meat and two vegetables plus a soup.

The chef of the Zheng family is not bad at cooking, and the red thread is very easy to eat. I think it will be a few catties of meat in the near future.

However, she was originally born delicate and weak, and she would not look ugly if she gained a few pounds of flesh, on the contrary, she would look more round and round.

She even thought about it, in front of Lu Yuzhi, she must thank Grandma Zheng.

As long as Lu Yuzhi believed that she was a good person, it would be useless for others to hate her.

Probably all the favorite concubines around Hunjun are like this!

After another two days like this, the red thread was a little flustered because she hadn't seen Lu Yuzhi. This day, the maid came to deliver the meal again, so she asked in a good voice: "Sister Xiu'er, where is Master Yuzhi? I have something to talk to He says."

The maid named Xiu'er glanced at her and said, "If you have something to eat and drink, just stay in your room! Don't make any trouble."

"Sister, I won't make trouble, I just want to meet Young Master Yu." The red thread was soft and firm.

"My aunt has been in the mansion for the past few days, so don't go looking for bad luck." Xiu'er was annoyed, "Young Master Yuzhi is sick and unconscious. Ten doctors came, and eight said it was hopeless.

He also said that he was not allowed to move, so he had to stay in this mansion.The aunt washes her face with tears every day, and seeks medical advice everywhere.What else are you doing with Young Master Yuzhi? "

"What?! Young Master Yuzhi is sick? What kind of sickness is it?!" Hong Xian hurriedly asked after hearing this.

Lu Yuzhi was her talisman. When he was sick, Hong Xian was naturally worried.

"Let's just say that this disease is difficult to cure! We don't know what it is," Xiu'er shook her head and sighed, "Anyway, don't ask, just stay honest!"

Xiu'er put down her food and went out, but Hong Xian lost her appetite.

Is it true that Lu Yuzhi is sick?

If it is false, it must be testing yourself.

If it's true, then it's time to show yourself.

Thinking of this, Hong Xian immediately put on his coat and went out.

There was a sporadic snowfall outside, and the north wind was cold and chilling, so cold that the red thread shrank its neck.

A woman walked up to her, and Hong Xian recognized her as Mama Zhu, who was in charge of the kitchen, a very upright person.

So he hurriedly stepped forward to hold Zhu's mother's hand, and asked pitifully, "Mom, I heard that Young Master Yuzhi is ill, but is it true? Where does he live now? I have to go and see."

Zhu's mother withdrew her hand and said, "You got into trouble, do you know? Master Yuzhi got sick because he went with you outside the city, and his whole body was burnt like coals. You don't know where he is. Do you have the nerve to ask where he is? Auntie Madam hates you so much that she wants to skin you!"

"How did this happen?" Hong Xian immediately began to cry, "Young Master Yuzhi is such a good person, nothing will happen."

I wish my mother saw her like this, and her tone softened a little. , pointing her out: "Go and ask our grandma! She is a virtuous person and will not harm you."

"Thank you mom, I'll go ask grandma right now." Hong Xian wiped away tears while wishing her mother a thousand thanks.

When she came up, Xu Chunjun was looking at the account books of the bank.

Lvyu got angry with her and scolded: "After all, you came from a small family, and there are no rules at all! You live in someone else's house now, how can you break free?!"

The red thread was so cold that his hands and face were flushed, and with tears streaming down his face, he looked very embarrassed.

Wiping her tears, she explained: "Sister Lu Po is right in scolding, I didn't intend to disturb Grandma, but I heard that Young Master Yuzhi was ill, so I came here in a hurry to ask. If there is any impoliteness, please bear with me." two."

"Okay, Luyu, she is still a guest of our house." Xu Chunjun put down the account book, glanced at the red line and said, "Yuzhi has been ill since the night you came here, and I have never let anyone tell you. Auntie It is also here, but no doctor has said that it can cure this disease.”

"How did this happen?'s all my fault! Grandma, please let me meet Young Master Yuzhi! Is that okay?" Hongxian begged bitterly, her face full of self-blame and self-destruction.

"Red line, you don't need to meet Yuzhi. He is now insane, and it won't help if you go." Xu Chunjun sighed softly and said, "No matter what you say, you can't let Yuzhi down. He wants you If there is a good result, I will fulfill you, and it will be regarded as the accumulation of virtue in helping others.

You don't have to go see your aunt, she is sad right now, and she will inevitably get angry when she sees you.I'll bring you some money, and I'll send someone reliable to take you back to your uncle's house.

Uncle mother, you have to be with your own family to look good.Otherwise, wouldn't it be ruining your life to be a servant? "

Hearing what Xu Chunjun said, Hongxian would only become more suspicious, thinking that they were just assuming that Lu Yuzhi was seriously ill, so as to take the opportunity to drive him away.

She cried while shaking her head and said: "Master Yuzhi is my great benefactor, he is so sick now, how can I just leave? I want to serve him well in front of Young Master Yuzhi, so that I can feel a little bit at ease Some. Even if Mrs. Lu beats and scolds me, I will bear it willingly and never resist."

"You make me very embarrassed." Xu Chunjun said helplessly, "Why are you so determined?"

But Hongxian didn't listen at all. In order to show that she was sincere, she knelt down and kowtowed to Xu Chunjun repeatedly.

"Grandma, you can fulfill me! I will miss your kindness all my life, please!"

"Ah Li, help up Miss Hongxian!" Xu Chunjun put his hands on his forehead with a headache on his face.

"Grandma, if you don't promise me, I won't get up! Please let me meet Young Master Yu!" Hong Xian refused to get up.

She just knelt and sat on the ground like that, and whenever someone pulled her, she fell limply all over, unable to pull her up at all, Lvshi rolled her eyes in anger.

"Do you have to meet him?" Xu Chunjun asked seriously.

"Yes!" Red Thread answered decisively.

"Okay then! Ask someone to send Miss Hongxian over there." Xu Chunjun didn't talk to her anymore.

Hong Xian secretly rejoiced, thanked Xu Chunjun, and got up quickly.

She walked out with a third-class girl in Xu Chunjun's room, bypassed the west ear room, and planned to walk through the west corridor.

There was no one here, perhaps because it was too cold.

They walked for a while, and two servants came from there, carrying a rattan drawer, on which there seemed to be a person lying, covered with a white cloth.

The servant girl quickly covered her mouth and nose, and hid aside.

"What's wrong?" Red Thread asked.

"It should have been carried out from Young Master Yuzhi's room." The maid avoided snakes and scorpions like a snake.

The two male servants passed by them, and a gust of wind blew up the white cloth, revealing the dead man's arm covered with red sores.

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(End of this chapter)

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