spring cloud warm

Chapter 368 Whistleblowing

Chapter 368 Whistleblowing
Feng Huahong stood awkwardly in the middle of the house paved with big bluestone square bricks.

The room was extremely ornately decorated, and an incense she couldn't name was burning on the desk.

Even the rags thrown in the spittoon were of much better material than the clothes she was wearing.

She came in haste and came out pretending to be sick.

I didn't think there was anything wrong before, but standing here now, I feel ashamed of myself like a sleepy person awakened.

"Miss Feng, sit down, the third lady will be here in a while." The maid brought a cup of tea to Feng Huahong.

The delicate enamel of Yingqing's bamboo hat is smoother than her skin, and the amber tea soup is filled with mist.

Feng Huahong has grown up to this day, and here she sees the most exquisite decorations, smells the best aroma, and drinks the most delicious tea.

All these made her instinctively greedy, and completely discarded the little guilt in her heart.

The third lady may not be a good person, but must that Miss Cen be innocent?

Who can tell the struggle between women?

Anyway, it was San Niangzi who found their mother and daughter, so she had to do it if she didn't.

so be it!It's just a transaction, and it doesn't matter whether it's moral or not, whether it's a loss or not.

Anyway, their family is cautious, and they have not received any blessings until now.

On the contrary, those who committed crimes, murdered and robbed, wore gold and silver, called slaves and maidservants, and lived a very nourishing life.

She took a sip of tea, but was embarrassed to drink any more.

Although there were only two servant girls in the room besides her, he and she tried to be as reserved as possible, not wanting to be laughed at.

After a while, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and the third lady came.

Feng Huahong only dared to look at her, and immediately lowered her head.

The third lady is full of jewels, like a fairy in a painting.

What Feng Huahong didn't dare to look at was that there were many young and strong men around San Niangzi. They were all handsome, wearing light-colored blouses, flirting with San Niangzi.

"Tell me, what did you find out?" The third lady sat on the special soft couch and asked in a manly voice.

"My mother and I went to Wuqiu nunnery, and the people there said that their abbot was in secluded retreat and did not see anyone, so we couldn't see them either.

They didn't let us go out of the courtyard, and they were only allowed to chant scriptures and burn paper in the arranged place. "Feng Huahong said, "Because I can't walk around at will, I only found the opportunity in the middle of the night last night, and found the courtyard where the person you mentioned lived. "

"Did you see her?" The third lady was leaning on a man's leg, and there were no pillows on her bed.

"You see it!" Feng Huahong felt a little guilty, she really wished she had seen it then.

Nothing else, she wanted to be appreciated by the third lady.

"What do you mean?" The third lady raised her voice a bit, obviously dissatisfied.

Feng Huahong said quickly: "I dare not get too close, for fear of being discovered. I only saw her shadow reflected on the window paper."

"What can be determined by the shadow?" The third lady smiled, mockingly.

"Although it's just a shadow, it looks good." Feng Huahong swallowed, "And I heard what she said to the host. She is the person you are looking for."

"Oh? Then tell me, what have you heard?" The third lady seemed very interested, "You will be rewarded for what you say."

She was playing with a red gold bracelet in her hand. According to this, if Feng Huahong's answer satisfied her, then the bracelet would be given to her.

Feng Huahong was obviously encouraged, and her eyes lit up immediately.

She said carefully what she heard.

But she found that San Niangzi liked to interrupt her very much, and sometimes she had to repeat a sentence several times.

For example, she said: "She said that she would leave before Erye Cen returned to Beijing. Rather than seeing each other and being sad, it would be better not to see each other at all."

The third lady asked, "Then why is she coming back? Just to see Xu Chunjun and Jiang Nuan?"

"I'm not sure about that. She just said that she has met the person she wants to see." Feng Huahong said.

When she said that Cen Yunchu's appearance was ruined, the third lady actually jumped up.

"What? Her face is ruined?! Did you hear that? She did say her face was ruined?"

"That's what she said," Feng Huahong nodded. "She always covers her face with a veil. I saw her from a distance once when I entered the nunnery."

The third lady was very happy, to the point of dancing: "Haha! The appearance of the most beautiful woman in the capital is ruined, I really want to see it with my own eyes! I just don't know if it was destroyed by herself or someone else."

"I don't know about that either," Feng Huahong said. "The host advised her to stay near the capital, but she said that for the sake of her family's reputation, she had to hide her name and go far away."

"Oh, Cen Yunchu! Others don't know what's on your mind, but I do.

Although you escaped with your life, you were also completely destroyed.When you come back to the capital, let Xu Chunjun and the others know that you are still alive, and also tell them not to look for you again.

You won't stay, naturally you don't want people to know how miserable you have become.So you will not let outsiders know that you are still alive, otherwise someone with trouble will definitely drag you out to show the public! "

"She also said that she is extremely filthy, and it is difficult to wash away her sins even after entering Buddhism." Feng Huahong said here, her face flushed.

She is a woman who has not left the court, but she also knows what these words mean.

But in order to show her loyalty to San Niangzi, she still told the truth.

Sure enough, after hearing these few words, the third lady smiled even more happily, clapped her hands and said, "Cen Yunchu, ah Cen Yunchu, so what if you are lonely and self-seeking, and your innocence is ruined in the end! After all, you still Not as good as me!

Everyone says you are pure and pure, and that you are unparalleled in beauty, but now that your innocence and appearance have been ruined, I want to see how much pride you have left! "

She listened to Feng Huahong's secret report contentedly, and then threw the gold bracelet over.

"You'd better go back to Wuqiu Nunnery and be my internal response. Since she said that she will leave tomorrow, as an old friend, I have to give her a big gift." The third lady took a long breath and said, "After this is done, I will reward you mother and daughter heavily. Don't worry, I will never break my promise."

"Thank you, San Niangzi,! Thank you, San Niangzi!" Feng Huahong expressed his gratitude.

"Come on, look up at me," Third Lady's voice suddenly became serious, "What do you think I look like?"

Feng Huahong raised her head carefully and said, "I think you look like a Bodhisattva."

"Bodhisattva? Bodhisattvas are merciful, but I am not." The third lady smiled, "Your analogy is too fake."

"I am sincere! I have worshiped Bodhisattva countless times since I was a child, but the Bodhisattva has never blessed me once. I have lived from starvation and cold to this day, and only San Niangzi gave me real gold." Feng Huahong said.

"Haha! You are really an honest person, yes, only gold is reliable." The third lady nodded with a smile.

She used to pretend to be noble, but now she realizes that nothing is real.

Feng Huahong left, and the third lady lay down on the couch with her arms around the two beautiful men.

She was in high spirits, so she naturally wanted to have some fun in time.

However, she prefers the pleasure of revenge to the love between men and women.

What happened to Cen Yunchu made her heart ecstatic, and she didn't mind adding another icing on the cake.

"I still have one more pilizi! Give it to the Fourth Miss of the Cui family! I think she gave me a gift back then, just like I gave it to that poor girl just now."

(End of this chapter)

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