spring cloud warm

Chapter 352 Cooperation

Chapter 352 Cooperation
Except for Cui Mingzhu, the other three are all shrewd.

One is stable loss, and the other is possible to earn.

Moreover, there is a great chance of earning, not only can you keep your capital, but you may also develop a bigger and newer situation based on this.

After all, these companies are quite powerful, and it was not easy for them to cooperate with each other in the past.

Because there is not much connection with each other, they will guard against each other.

But now because the Wang family's land binds them together, and they have common interests, their mutual wariness has been let down.

Therefore, all three of them showed joy on their faces, and praised Xu Chunjun for his cleverness.

"Officer, choosing a date is worse than bumping into it, why not invite these three to have a light meal at our house today! What do you think?" Xu Chunjun always respects Zheng Wuji in front of outsiders.

I don't show a superior attitude just because I have contributed a lot to this family.

"Of course, these three people are usually not invited." Zheng Wuji said with a smile, "It's just a routine, please don't dislike the three of you!"

"The high officials joked, how could they dislike it? We are a little flattered." The three of them also said with smiles on their faces.

"The so-called family and everything are prosperous, if your husband and wife follow suit, this day will be more and more prosperous." Yu Sanye said.

In fact, he didn't want to deal with Xu Chunjun at first. After all, he is a woman, so he is prone to short-sightedness and narrow-mindedness.

Of course, he also knew that Xu Chunjun was in charge of the Zheng family. Although many people said that she was capable, in San Ye's heart, he felt that the chicken sitting in the morning was a bit annoying.

When I met Xu Chunjun, I heard that she spoke crisply and ironically, and saw that she was generous and thoughtful in handling things, which was beyond the reach of ordinary men.

Moreover, her attitude towards Zheng Wuji also made Third Master Yu very appreciative, and felt that she was a bit of a villain before.

"The two have formed a good relationship, and the wealth and wealth are yet to come!" Eunuch Yufu said with a smile.

He has been working in the palace for a long time, and he knows how to judge people best.

Some people obviously hold a good hand of cards, but in the end they walked into a dead end.

Although some people have a hard time at the beginning, they can make the road wider and wider with their scheming and vision.

The one from the Cui family just now is really not worthy of carrying the shoes of the grandma of the Zheng family.

That elder sister of hers just relied on her family's original influence to become a concubine, she had nothing to offer and was not favored.

Besides, the young master of their family has become a fool again, and he is about to go downhill.

Xu Chunjun personally went to the kitchen to arrange the banquet, Zheng Wuji talked with the three guests.

Please take a seat when the banquet is arranged.

Zheng Wuji is the best at this, he is thoughtful and interesting, and the guests and hosts enjoyed the meal.

Xu Chunjun also personally cooked two small dishes for others to serve, while she and Zheng Yuelang had lunch together.

When she woke up after taking a nap, the banquet over there was about to end.

When she packed up and came over, she heard Zheng Wuji say: "Brothers, you might as well take a rest, wake up before leaving."

Those few obviously drank too much, and they all said: "No, no, I have been bothering you for a long time today, and I have to go back to report, and the family is waiting! Brother Zheng Xian, let's meet again some other day!"

Xu Chunjun ordered people to send all the gifts prepared for each family to their cars.

Together with Zheng Wuji, they sent all three outside the door.

When walking back, Xu Chunjun said: "Officials, go back and have a rest. You have worked hard."

Zheng Wuji drank a lot of wine, waved his hands and said: "You don't have to worry about me, be careful not to smell you, just ask Xiaoshun to serve me."

Zheng Wuji has always been out of temper and cynical since he was a child.

He has never made any promises to anyone. He always feels that life is too short, and other than having fun in time, everything else is a joke.

But now he has changed his mind and promised to be nice to Xu Chunjun, which is really as thin as a hair.

Xiao Shun helped him to rest, Zheng Wuji fell asleep and didn't wake up until dark.

His head hurt a little, and he sat up and asked for a drink of water.

Xiao Shun hurriedly brought tea in and lit the lamp by the way.

"Didn't I be rude to grandma when I was drunk?" Zheng Wuji asked.

"No, no," Xiao Shun said hastily, "Grandma just sent someone to ask when uncle woke up and asked to bring sober tea, and said she was waiting for uncle to have dinner together."

"Go and prepare water for me to take a bath," Zheng Wuji said, "I'll wash before going there."

In front of Xu Chunjun, he was willing to show his best posture. After all, he owed too much before, and even if he made up for it so cautiously, he still felt that it was far from enough.

"Miss, the kitchen came to ask again, and said that the food is ready, how about you eat first?" Lvzhen asked Xu Chunjun.

"No need, just wait a little longer, sir." Xu Chunjun was embroidering flowers under the lamp, and the broken peach blossoms were burning young.

After a while, people over there said that the uncle has already woken up and came to eat after taking a bath.

Xu Chunjun embroidered two or three more petals before saying: "Bring me the dinner, I think the uncle will be here soon."

Zheng Wuji tidied up and entered the room refreshed, and saw hot food on the table, Xu Chunjun sitting under the lamp, quietly embroidering.

He just felt that this scene was the most beautiful scene he had ever seen in his life, and it moved his heart even more than those sensual and grotesque ones.

"Master is sober, let's have dinner." Xu Chunjun put down his needle and thread with a smile and got up.

"I kept my lady waiting for a long time," Zheng Wuji moved the chair for Xu Chunjun, "Drinking is really a waste of time."

"It's right or wrong, some things can be done better with alcohol." Xu Chunjun smiled and served Zheng Wuji porridge.

"Is today's affairs as my wife wants?" Zheng Wuji took the bowl and asked Xu Chunjun.

Xu Chunjun didn't speak, just nodded with a smile.

Up to now, the progress of things has hardly gone wrong with what she expected, and it is even easier than imagined.

"That's good." Zheng Wuji was also very happy, "You don't know, when I drank with those three, they kept praising you, I really feel very glorious."

Zheng Wuji was naturally happy when others praised Xu Chunjun.

In addition, he also realized more clearly how good it is to give his family a face.

"Everyone said polite words, we can't take it seriously." Xu Chunjun blushed slightly, "But these are all smart people, that's why it's good to work with smart people, you can get straight to the point."

"After all, they have seen the world, and they can see it through." Zheng Wuji smiled, "As for the Cui family, being stupid has its advantages."

They didn't want to play with her in the first place.

"Actually, doing this may not be a bad thing for the Cui family," Xu Chunjun said, "is there any risk in doing business?"

"Then how much chance do you think our business has?" Zheng Wuji was curious.

"It's hard to say how long we can cooperate, but at least it's no problem to pay back." Xu Chunjun said, "There are many things in this world, and we must be cautious. Doing business with others should rank among the top three. But now there is no The method, the method, you can’t just lose money, right?”

(End of this chapter)

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