spring cloud warm

Chapter 249 Murder husband

Chapter 249 Murder husband
It has been two full days since Zheng Wuji was caught.

In the past two days, let alone eat, he didn't even drink a sip of water.

From the beginning to the end, his eyes were covered with a black cloth, his hands and feet were tied, and the back of his head was aching.

That day when he relieved himself by the side of the road, he felt a pain in the back of his head and lost consciousness.

Someone must have knocked him out from behind. Although he couldn't feel it, he guessed it must have swelled up like a big lump.

When he woke up again, he was tied to a chair.

Although he couldn't see, he could hear that there should be three people in the house.

Among them, there is a particularly quiet one, who should be the leader of these people.

Listening to their conversation, there should be two other people outside, responsible for delivering the news.

Since childhood, Zheng Wuji has never experienced such hardships?But his mouth was gagged, and he couldn't do it even if he wanted to ask for forgiveness.

These people will only ask him twice a day whether he is polite or not, and they don't care about the rest.

"Boss, we took the money tomorrow, where are you going?" The three thieves were drinking, and one of them with a shrill voice liked to talk the most.

"I haven't thought about it yet." The boss replied coldly.

"Second, what about you?" the man asked again.

"I didn't think about it either." The second child was sullen. He was scolded by the boss just yesterday, and he was a little depressed. "There is wine and meat, can't you keep your mouth shut?"

"I said you two, we are brothers after all, is it worth hiding like this?!" The man was obviously upset.

"We don't mean that, third child." The second child poured him a glass of wine while talking, "Isn't there an outsider here?"

The third child sneered, very disdainful.

He should have turned his head to look at Zheng Wuji, couldn't help laughing and said: "It's just a dead person, so what if he hears it?"

Those two people didn't say anything after hearing this, but Zheng Wuji's heart was shattered!
He had imagined that these people would let him go after taking the money, but who would have thought that they would end up with his own life!

He struggled desperately, whimpered, wanted to break free, wanted to question.

"Damn, be honest!" The second child came over and punched Zheng Wuji in the stomach, "It's best to be good, and I can let you breathe a little more!"

"Oh, forget it, he's been wronged, so why do you have to be as knowledgeable as a dead man?" Although the third child has a bad mouth, he has the gentlest temperament among these few people.

"That's right, if my wife hooks up with other men and tie me up, I'll be so fucking mad!" The second child spat on the ground, "Damn, no wonder people say that women are the most poisonous. See Look at this one, he looks handsome, right? His wife still doesn't like him, and wants to kill him!"

"If I say it's because he doesn't live up to expectations, I can't blame his wife." The third child smacked his lips and said, "A woman's heart is broken, if she loves you, she is willing to die for you, if she doesn't love you, I really want to be ashamed. "

"Don't worry about these things, we use the money to do things, and one cent of the money after the work is done is enough for us to spend the rest of our lives." The boss said.

"Yes, yes, the boss is right! It's only natural that we use people's money to eliminate disasters for others. The grievances and hatred between them have nothing to do with us." The third child said while pouring wine, "I have to say that this Grandma is really generous, with this money, let's find a place to change our name and surname, and we will become rich people in a flash."

"Hey, that's right, I love hearing what you say, third child! We brothers live a life of licking blood, but it's a pity that the money we earn every time is squandered in a short time. Now we take over the business The biggest job is now, once we get the money, we won’t have to worry about it for the rest of our lives.” When the money was mentioned, the second child also became happy, and his voice was obviously much lighter than before.

The three of them drank more and more, and their words became more unrestrained.

"Tomorrow we will withdraw the money and ask the fourth and fifth to come over and bury this unlucky bastard to death." The third child said with a belch, "Damn it, these two guys are too timid. Every time they kill someone I dare not look into people's eyes, so I have to cover it with a cloth."

"According to me, there is no need to bury him." The second child's tongue was a little too big, "You think, the original purpose of that grandma was to kill her husband, and then remarry after widowhood. If he were to be buried, it would be difficult to find him. "

"That's right, second brother is still smart, I didn't think of that. If you bury him, it will take a long time to find his body. Wouldn't that delay the remarriage of his grandma?"

After the thieves finished speaking, they laughed hahaha.

Zheng Wuji's lungs were about to explode!

It turned out that all of this was Xu Chunjun's idea!

Now that I think about it, why does she not care about herself?

No matter how cynical and sarcastic she was, she was not angry at all.

Because in her eyes, she is already a dead person!

Zheng Wuji recalled all the things Xu Chunjun had done since he entered the door, and felt more and more that she had planned it for a long time.

Otherwise, which wife would be willing to let her husband fool around outside?He didn't care about staying alone in an empty room for several months.

Don't compete with the concubine to be jealous, just focus on being the director of the family.

It turns out that the drunkard's intention is not to drink!

How stupid I am!She is the granddaughter of Xu Shangshu, who dared to go to Beijing alone at a young age, and even coaxed her aunt to bring her family to the capital.

How could such a person be willing to marry his prodigal son?Wasting a lifetime?
Who is her adulterer?Is it Chen Sijing?
Warn yourself before marriage to keep her at a respectful distance, so that you can keep your innocence.


Is it because he is afraid that he will find out that she is no longer innocent? !
Zheng Wuji could only feel thunderbolts rolling in his mind one after another.

The gentleness, virtuousness, dignity and generosity in front of people are just a layer of painted skin, but inside is an evil ghost with a green face and fangs who eat people without spitting out bones!
He didn't feel at all that he was guessing Xu Chunjun maliciously, but felt that with Xu Chunjun's mind, he couldn't guess too much.

After all, she dared to have herself tied up, extorted money and then killed.

In this way, everyone in the world will think that they have been torn up by thieves, and they will sympathize with the grandma who became a widow at a young age.

I'm afraid that many people will say that they deserve to die, after all, their reputation is there.

And because I was so indifferent to Xu Chunjun before, everyone will only sympathize with her more.

And actually?Xu Chunjun put 10 taels of silver into his pocket, and turned himself into a little widow.

She had been married for less than half a year, and she hadn't consummated the house with her, and she had no heirs.

Of course, it is impossible for the Zheng family to let her stay with her all the time, and they will let her remarry soon.

He even felt indebted to her and gave her a large dowry.

This wishful thinking was really well done, and it was calculated to the bone!
If Zheng Wuji hadn't had his hands tied and his mouth gagged, he would really have applauded Xu Chunjun!

(End of this chapter)

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