spring cloud warm

Chapter 185 Miscarriage

Chapter 185 Miscarriage
The cicadas were neighing, and the cloud head was very low.

The weather was unbearably hot, and people were hiding in their houses, and no one went out to the streets unless it was urgent.

A doctor with a medicine box on his back came in from the side door of Jiang's house. The collar of his robe was covered with sweat stains.

The woman who was traveling with her also kept wiping the sweat with her sleeves, but the sweat was still dripping down her cheeks.

After leading the doctor to the backyard, the old woman finished her errands and hurried out, cursing in a low voice, "This dead heat and desolation makes ghosts and monkeys, and makes others suffer! Shameless little bastard, who knows nothing about it The master is groping! You deserve it, Xiaoyue!"

It turned out that Shui Xing, the eldest girl who served his wife Meng Shi, had a miscarriage, and this woman was ordered to find a doctor for her.

There are two big girls beside Meng, one is Xin Yi and the other is Shui Xing.

When the Meng family married Jiang Yinzhi, the Meng family was exiled, so they didn't have a maid by their side.

This Xin Yi was the girl she bought after she straightened her body, and she served her the longest time.

Those servants around her when she was a concubine were all dismissed by her with various excuses.

After entering Beijing, the Meng family gave Xin Yi to Jiang Yinzhi as a housekeeper, firstly to show that he was not jealous, and secondly to win over people's hearts.

Since then, Xin Yi has been loyal to her, and only waited for Meng's kindness to allow her to give birth to a son and a half daughter, so that she can have someone to rely on when she grows old.

This water apricot was bought after entering Beijing. It is younger and more beautiful than Xin Yi, and Jiang Yinzhi has always been interested in her.

But Meng Shi didn't ask, and he was too embarrassed to ask for it.

But how can a cat not steal?After all, these two people took advantage of Meng Shi's inattention to secretly hide Chen Cang.

When Mrs. Meng found out, she was neither anxious nor annoyed, and simply pretended not to know.

Still instructing Shui Xing to do this and that as usual, Shui Xing thought she was keeping it a secret and was not discovered by his wife.

She and Jiang Yinzhi sneaked around a few times, and every time they saw the master, she begged him to tell his wife about the matter as soon as possible, so as to give herself a name.

Jiang Yinzhi himself thought about Minglu, but he was busy with promotion these days, so he was really embarrassed to open his mouth because of this matter.

Shui Xing couldn't help but panic, it was nothing else, her little life hadn't come for more than 20 days.

She is always on time, and there will be no difference of two days before and after.

And I began to hate meat and fish, and I couldn't help but vomit when I smelled fish and meat.I also want to eat sour food all the time, these are all symptoms of nausea.

Shui Xing wanted to find a chance to tell the master about it, but Jiang Yinzhi had nothing to do these days, and Meng kept her by his side.

This morning, Jiang Yinzhi went out for business early.

Meng Shi said that the weather was hot, so he asked someone to make an ice cooler, and put ice cubes the size of a washbasin in it.

Just place it in the center of the room, and use the air-conditioning to drive away the heat.

After a while, Mrs. Meng thought that thing was in the way again, and said, "Xin Yi, Shui Xing, you two, carry that ice cube to the wall. The eldest lady and the second lady will come to say hello later, this thing will inevitably get in the way."

Shui Xing and Xin Yi went to carry the ice cube. The ice cube was made of porcelain, and there was a layer of water droplets hanging on the outside.

The thing weighed twenty or thirty catties, and it dropped Shui Xing to the ground in an instant.

The ice block also hit the floor tiles heavily and shattered.

"Forgive me, madam! I accidentally slipped my hands." Xin Yi quickly admitted his mistake, and then cared about Shui Xing, "How are you? Are you okay?"

Meng Shi was not angry because of this, but said: "Throw it out if it is broken! As long as it doesn't hurt anyone."

Shui Xing felt a pain in her back at the time, but she insisted that she was fine.

When it was time to eat lunch, I couldn't stand it anymore, my lower body began to bleed, and I couldn't stand up in pain.

"What's the matter? Kui Shui is here, let's put some straw paper on it." Xin Yi said to help her, but Shui Xing was in so much pain that she couldn't even speak.

After all, the paper can't contain the fire, not to mention the situation at this time, if you don't invite a doctor, you may be killed.

Those who came here knew what was going on at a glance, not to mention that people had already touched some shadows and guessed that most of the children in Shui Xing's belly belonged to the master.

The doctor checked her pulse and said: "This is a miscarriage. Don't be too busy to stop the bleeding. You have to let the contents of the stomach flow out completely, otherwise it will be fatal."

So I prescribed a secondary medicine, explained how to take it, and said that I would come back for a follow-up visit in three days.

After the doctor left, Mrs. Meng came to see her in person.

Shui Xing's face turned white and red, red and white again.

In the final analysis, this matter is still her fault.

"Ma'am, this servant deserves to die!" Shui Xing kowtowed to Meng Shi on the pillow, "This servant was confused..."

"Is this child the master's?" Meng asked her.

"Yes...it belongs to the master." Shui Xing lowered her eyes, not daring to look at Meng Shi.

"You silly girl, why didn't you say it earlier?" Meng said regretfully, "If I knew you had it, how could I order you to do it? This is really, what a pity!"

Shui Xing felt ashamed and hurt when she heard this, and cried: "Madam don't blame me for this, I will close my eyes even if I die. Now Madam still pity me, slaves feel sorry for you even more."

"Stop talking about it. If you want to blame this matter, you can't be blamed alone. In fact, I have long wanted to give you to the master, but the time is wrong. I want to wait until autumn.

If I knew you guys couldn't wait so much, just tell me that, I'm not the one who can't tolerate people.For so many years, Xin Yi's stomach has not moved at all.I am getting older, so I thought about giving the master another one, giving birth to a son and a half daughter, and the family is also lively. "

When she said this, Shui Xing cried even more sadly.

"Okay, this confinement is easier to give birth to, you are still young." Meng comforted her, "The days will grow, don't worry."

In the evening, Jiang Yinzhifang came back from the Yamen.

As usual, Mrs. Meng personally helped him change his clothes, and even prepared tea, melons and fruits, as well as warm water for bathing.

When Jiang Yinzhi had cleaned up and was sitting at the table preparing to have dinner, Mrs. Meng said, "I did something wrong today, and I'm very sorry, sir."

Jiang Yinzhi didn't know why, so he quickly asked, "What's the matter, madam?"

Mrs. Meng told about the miscarriage of Shui Xing today, and sighed: "It's also my fault for being careless. I didn't realize that there was something wrong with this girl. If I knew she had it, I would have turned her face off, and just stayed in front of the master to serve her. It’s really worrying to be in this state now.”

Jiang Yinzhi was also very surprised that Shui Xing had a miscarriage, he had no idea that this girl had it.

But compared to his wife's generosity and thoughtfulness, Shui Xing's miscarriage is not a problem at all.

"My virtuous wife, I became immoral after drinking that day. Fortunately, you can understand, I am ashamed." Jiang Yinzhi couldn't help holding Meng's hand.

"Master don't blame me, as long as our husband and wife are of the same heart, this family will prosper." Meng shi smiled softly, "The family will treat us to a treat in the future, and ask our whole family to go. It is likely that the master's promotion has been decided."

(End of this chapter)

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