spring cloud warm

Chapter 104 Pregnancy

Chapter 104 Pregnancy
After sending Xu Chunqiao out, the Xu family rested for three consecutive days.

Just because the wedding date is right next to the New Year's Eve, the fatigue of the New Year's Eve has not yet recovered, and I continue to be busy again, which is really unbearable.

Xu Chunjun caught up with his childhood, probably because he had caught a cold a while ago, but these days he only felt pain in his waist and abdomen, so he stayed in his room honestly.

Ziling took moxa to fumigate her, and asked her mother-in-law to burn brown sugar wine to drink.

A few days later, when Xu Lang came back, Xu Chunjun also went to the front to accompany him. The female relatives of the family gathered together, had tea and snacks, and talked about their parents.

Song said: "When everyone is here today, I'll just say something. I have long thought that it will be the Grand Master's birthday in a few days, and I haven't been able to give him a good time for so many years. I can say nothing this year." Don't be sloppy, let me say that our second master is not at home, but I have to take care of it by myself, but there are some unexpected things, you all must remind me, and make sure this birthday banquet is complete."

When she said this, everyone said: "You are right, this year must give the old man a good birthday."

"Second daughter-in-law is really interested. Whatever is lacking here, just take it to our side. If I don't have it, go buy it. I will pay for it." Xu Lang smiled, "The same goes for the second and third brothers in the future. .”

"I know that third aunt is rich and powerful now, so I won't be polite." Second Mistress said, "I'll make plans with the manager first to see what I need."

Although Chen Qin is not an official, there are many Shu Xius in the Chen family private school every year.

What's more, there are always people who come to ask him for calligraphy and painting, or ask him to write an epitaph, and the retouching fee is even more amazing.

He handed over the money and property to Xu Lang, and Xu Lang was good at taking care of things.

I went through all the farms and shops in detail, and rented out all the farms except Tianzihao, which hired tenant farmers to cultivate them.

As for business, if you can manage it yourself, you can find a reliable shopkeeper and accountant, and if you can't manage it, you can rent it out.

Even sold a few lots or houses with problems, and took the money to exchange for a good house on the main street.

After some planning, Chen Qin's property almost doubled.

But he doesn't care about these at all, as long as Xu Lang doesn't get tired.

"Try this candied fruit. The third wife sent someone to buy it." Mrs. Song brought over a large plate of candied fruit and said, "It's clean and delicious."

There is nothing unusual about candied fruit, and there are many desserts on the table.

But Song said this on purpose, just to make Wei's face look better.

After all, she was also the wife of the family.The quarrel has been quarreled, and the punishment has been punished. It should be eased or eased.

Otherwise, everyone would be chatting and laughing here, the two mothers would feel embarrassed, and everyone would feel uncomfortable.

So when Mrs. Song said this, everyone joined in.

Everyone grabbed a handful and said it was delicious.

Sure enough, Wei Shi's complexion looked much better than before.

After a while, Yanyu, the maid beside Xu Lang, came over and looked for dried plums in the dried fruit plate on the table.

The eldest grandma Yang grabbed her and asked in a low voice, "You girl, when did you start eating sour food?"

Yan Yu blushed, but said with a smile: "It's not me who wants to eat, but our wife wants to eat."

The eldest wife and the second wife at the side couldn't help being a little surprised when they heard this, they turned to Xu Lang and asked, "Third sister, don't you think you're happy?"

Xu Langwei blushed at first, and said: "It's been more than two months, and I plan to talk about it after three months."

After hearing this, everyone was happy for her.

The eldest wife said: "Amitabha, this is a great thing! You must pay attention to it, you are so easy at this age, you have to be safe and secure at any time, otherwise it is not a joke. "

The second wife also said: "Often ask the doctor to watch, and ask the people below to cook for you whatever you want to eat. Can you make a fuss or not? It's best if you don't make a fuss, but it's okay if you do. Eat after you vomit. You can’t spit it out. You eat a lot, and the baby in your belly can grow fast!”

Xu Chunjun was also as happy as anything, with a child, Xu Lang's life would be happier.

"Does my uncle know?" Grandma Yang asked.

"I didn't tell him. I was not sure about the date. I didn't come for two months, so I thought of asking the doctor to take a look." Xu Lang said, "Didn't he go to Dongdu these days? He will come back the day after tomorrow."

"His uncle knows, maybe how happy he is!" said the second wife, "Third sister, you are really a blessed person!"

"There are only a few sour plums in the first place. I would have bought more if I knew about it." Wei said awkwardly, wanting to laugh but not very nicely.

Few people usually eat such sour things, and they only grab such a handful for decoration.

"That's enough." Xu Lang said to Wei, "Is Daoqing better? I'm thinking about going to see him later! His uncle said that there is a doctor named Yun in Dongdu who is very good at treating bone diseases." , if he can meet him this time, I will definitely invite him to show Daoqing a good look."

When mentioning his son, Wei's eyes became soft and sad.

Aunt Qin beside her also lowered her head slightly.

She knew that even if Wei Shi could forgive everyone in the family, he would not forgive her even though she had done nothing.

Xu Chunjun saw her embarrassment, and said, "Aunt Qin, I see that your complexion is very bad. Is there something wrong with you?"

Aunt Qin shook her head and wanted to say no, but suddenly she felt dizzy and could hardly stand up.

Fortunately, the little girl next to her supported her.

"What's the matter? Quickly ask a doctor to come and take a look." Xu Lang said.

"It's okay, it's okay, I think it's because the yang energy rises when spring comes." Qin Luzhi said easily.

"It doesn't bother you. Anyway, there is a doctor at the old man's side." Song's housekeeper is very clear about the family's affairs, "I will ask someone to ask if he is still there. If he is, I will ask him to give it to you in a while." Look."

Grandpa suffers from cough every spring, and this year is no exception.

However, in previous years, we could only stay next to each other outside the Great Wall, and it was different when we returned to the capital. Doctors came to consult us every day.

Aunt Qin is a smart person. Although she has not been in the mansion for a long time, she is very respected.

And because she was sent in by Xu Lang, everyone gave her a high look.

Here Mrs. Song called Xu Chunjun, and helped Aunt Qin out with her.

The doctor who saw the old man hadn't left yet, he checked Aunt Qin's pulse, got up and said congratulations: "This aunt is now pregnant, it's been nearly two months."

Aunt Qin herself somewhat guessed, but she was not sure.Hearing what the doctor said now, my heart completely fell to the ground.

Mrs. Song and Xu Chunjun were very happy and asked someone to take the reward and send the doctor out.

The news of Aunt Qin's pregnancy quickly spread throughout the Xu family, but some people were happy while others were worried.

(End of this chapter)

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