This lord is very scientific

Chapter 518 Keep in mind the core characteristics of [Knight]!

Chapter 518 Keep in mind the core characteristics of [Knight]!

At this time, there are only Garose, Xiao Nuomi and Antova in the villa.

Before, there was also his mother, Furlong.

But Lin Ke couldn't do anything about it, and Emperor Wumian and Andrew could only help him pay attention on weekdays, and it was impossible to put down everything to help him find it.

He can only search all over the heavens and star realms to find his mother after he has fully grown up.

"Father." Lin Ke walked over. Even though every time he saw Garose, he would think of the evil deeds of Grand Duke Deep Blue and the strength of his mother Furlong, he still smiled: "Are you basking in the sun?"

"Yeah Lin Ke." Garose laughed, with no trace of sadness on his face, he stroked a feline with his left and right hands, making the two cats purr.

"Your mount looks good."

Garose glanced at Lin Ke's "Physics".

Now he takes a back seat to the second line, often walking around two big cats, reading a book, riding a green water snake or a Gula bull, and his life is relaxed and freehand.

"But unfortunately, I can't ride well." He doesn't like to ride inanimate things, so he has always been unable to accept that cold magical creations such as bicycles are also mounts.

There are some people who are as conservative as he is, but they are always a minority, and most nobles can perceive the great potential of bicycles.

Garose has also noticed it, but he doesn't have much ambition now. With such a successful son, he can retire comfortably.

Moreover, he is a person who values ​​relatives and feelings, and is not suitable for power.

In the entire Azahn territory back then, there were mostly nobles who were obedient and obedient, and the same was true for the noble council, which was rotten.

Unlike Lin Ke, when Garose came back, Sleepless became the backstage.

Lin Ke woke up from the slumber of the lava swamp war, and immediately used iron and blood methods to cleanse the Azahn family, formulated and promulgated a series of legal provisions and bills, and applied to launch a war against Viscount Mantis.

With a series of combined punches, the people live and work in peace and contentment, Azahn's GDP is rising gradually, and people's materials and life are becoming more and more abundant.

Only the people of Azahn's blood lived in fear, and there was no such thing as arrogance and domineering and oppressing the people in the past.

There were also people who resisted and raised opinions.

Lin Ke also differentiates according to the situation. The starting point is good and reasonable. He will make an exception. The starting point is greed, arrogance, etc., and clean it up directly.

As a result, Garose retired honorably, and Lin Ke also successfully built Azahn and the Great Deserted City into prosperity.

Until now, Garose could no longer understand his excellent son, even some proper nouns.

It's not that he is old, but that his son has already stood in front of everyone.

Garose was also a little worried about Lin Ke. There were too many things on Lin Ke's shoulders at this time, so he called out to stop Lin Ke at this time.

Lin Ke came over, stroked the deep blue giant tiger's chin, and said to Garose, "Is everything okay, father?"

Although he no longer has prejudices against Garose, his relationship with Garose has never been as deep as that with Furlong.

"Okay, okay, with you as the Lord of the Wilderness, what can I do wrong?" Garose said with a smile: "But, what are you doing here?"

"I'm going to ride a bike to exercise." Lin Ke replied.

Garose raised his eyebrows: "Exercising? Your body is already at the twelfth [knight] level. Is cycling useful?"

Garose doesn't know that Lin Ke's "physics" can not only save effort, but also make him inactive, even strenuous.

Riding a kilometer can make him as tired as riding a million kilometers. His magic power is exhausted and he is as tired as a dead dog.

He explained to Garose a little bit about the function of "physics".

"It turned out to be riding." Garose nodded, then pondered for a moment, and said, "I didn't want to say more, after all, son, you are already very powerful and smart..."

Speaking, Garose stroked his mustache, and said to Lin Ke: "But I still want to remind you..."

"Father, tell me." Lin Ke never used his emotions and energy on rebellion, so he listened intently.

Garose nodded, and said: "The most important quality of [Knight] is not the mount or the charge, but your knight's code... Back then, I chose to be fearless, so the more fearless you are when charging, the better. , but for you... If you want to advance, what is your core principle, and what should you exercise more."

What is the core knight principle, what should be exercised!
Lin Ke's body shook.

A word to wake up the dreamer!


As a [Knight], Garose's core principle is fearlessness, so every time he charged on behalf of fearlessness, Garose got a lot of feedback, and he was promoted all the way to the fifteenth level [Knight].

And what about him?
As a [knight], his core principle is the people!
At the beginning of the war of war in the lava swamp, and later in the Phather period.

As long as his starting point and goal are consistent with the people, or for the people, he can improve.

What's more, if he has the help of God when charging, he can go forward indomitably!


This is his core quality!
"Thank you father!" Lin Ke immediately said sincerely: "I also ignored this before."

What's the use of him riding a bicycle and running around outside alone?

Since it is the people, then come from the people and go to the people.

Even if he rides, he should ride, camp, eat and drink with the people.

Instead of riding for the sake of riding.

To be honest, he did stay away from the people for too long.

"Even if I don't tell you, you will figure it out for yourself." Garose shook his head, looked at Lin Ke, his eyes were full of pride: "I am very proud of having you as a son...Go, be your son. Let's go."

Lin Ke nodded and left.

He rode a bicycle, but came to the gate of the university.

The university has not yet selected a location. Originally, he planned to choose a few from those planes, and he and Andrew also agreed on the location method for the university plane.

However, recently inspired by Lin Ke, Andrew has fallen into a research experiment on the laws of thermodynamics. He is frantically creating and destroying planes to observe the big bang.

I don't have time to help Lin Ke right now.

"It seems that it will take a long time for the university cycling club to be established... Well, the university club is very necessary, but at that time we must avoid bureaucracy and capitalism from affecting the purest hobbies."

Lin Ke came to the gate of the university, leaning on his bicycle and standing still thinking.

After the bicycle competition is held, it is believed that there will be a wave of love for bicycles in Dahuangcheng.

When the time comes to form a club in the university, Lin Ke will join in the name of a student, ride with the students every day, and even go out for a ride in Nassinger.

This was the case with the cycling clubs of some university clubs in the previous life.

(End of this chapter)

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