Bracada calendar February 28.

The 28th of Erasia's Winter Holy Light.

The so-called Holy Light Moon is actually February.

It's just that Erathia, as a religious country, always wants to come up with a little different tricks.

Like replacing the months with things like holy lights, angels, etc.

In addition to the month, many things have also been modified and changed accordingly.

For example,
Meals are not called meals, they are called communion,

Singing is not called singing, it is called Divine Comedy,

Tax collection is not called tax collection, it is called dedication,

Bribery is not called bribery, but atonement.



Cleverly set up the name and secretly change the concept.

In this way, faith is unknowingly integrated into all aspects of the daily life of all citizens, and the seeds of faith are planted in the hearts of the people without anyone noticing.

In Erathia, the closer the city is to the Holy City, the more believers there are, and the higher the piety of believers.

Even criminals who smuggle and rob will go to church to confess their sins after killing and stealing money.

There is also a discount for confession if there is a teaching position in the monastery.

The same is to enter the body of the little boy, and ordinary nobles need 15 gold coins to redeem their sins.

If it is a priest, as long as 12 are enough.

In this Erathia of angelic glory, even sin must be sacred.

The strange rules that are funny enough to make people laugh in the eyes of the players are the daily routines that Erathia people are used to.

Regarding this, Qi Ge can only say that Ronnie's method is really very clever.

If he could devote all his energy and thoughts to improving people's livelihood, perhaps Erasia's national strength would have caught up with Bracada long ago.

Of course, everyone has things they are good at and bad at.

Maybe Ronis puts all his skill points on spreading beliefs, and maybe he doesn't improve people's livelihood at all (laughs).

February 28.

For other forces, this is just an ordinary day.

But for Erasia, today is a special day.

Just today in history, Ronis led the war-torn human beings to offer their faith to the angel race who had helped human beings fight against hell.

Since then, humans have had another guardian besides griffins.

This guardian, under the advocacy of Ronis, soon became a patron saint, until today.

Therefore, today is the birthday of [Holy Angel Church].

A veritable "Christmas Day".

However, in the Church of the Holy Angels, today is generally called "Holy Advent Day".

According to the "Old Gospel (Compiled by Ronis)":
【Holy religion is natural, it exists at the source of the world, at the beginning of creation.

Believers wake up.

The Holy Faith descended from the billion and sixty million heavenly mountains. 】

Therefore, using the word [birth] to describe [Holy Angel Church] is a blasphemy against [Holy Angel Church].

Every year on Advent Day, according to the usual practice, the Holy Angel Church will hold a grand [Mass].

In reality, [Mass] is the most important and most frequently held ceremony in the Catholic Church.

Its purpose is to sanctify the body and blood, sacrifice to God, express admiration, thanksgiving, supplication and atonement to God.

The main belief activities of the church revolve around the mass.

The Mass is the subject and center of Catholic liturgical life, as well as the peak.

In Erathia, however, due to the fact that there are not enough resources to waste, the mass will only be held once a day.

Of course, the scale of this mass will be extremely grand.

Especially in Shengtian City.

On February 28th, [Holy City] will have many handsome men and women from the church wear wings made of royal griffin head down, put on silk robes naked, and sing sacred and solemn songs in the Holy City. The Divine Comedy comes and goes.

Everyone who sees an "angel" must worship the angel to express his loyalty to the Holy Angel Church and the angel.

The bishops who came all the way from various cities had to follow in the footsteps of the angels three times and salute around the city.

People who can be "angels" are not chosen randomly.

In addition to having extremely high requirements on appearance, one also needs to have enough deep devotion to the Holy Heaven Church.

Therefore, such talents are generally selected from the orphanages and monasteries in all the cities of Erasia.

Each selected person has to go through half a year of training to ensure that he can perfectly restore the holy demeanor of the angel.

In the eyes of those teenagers and girls who yearn for power, being an "angel" is a shortcut from the grassroots to the top of the church.

It is the cloud road to the sky, and it is the supreme glory for which one can give up one's life.

When they put on the gorgeous decorations and strolled on the cold white stone streets.

The praises of flowers along the way and the kneeling and praying of the residents are the [Holy Steps] to open their bright lives!
However, this year's batch of "angels" suffered unprecedented treatment.

Even the first [Mass] when the [Holy Angel Church] was just established for a year, there was no such scene as it is now.

In [Holy City], the road is still the same road, still white and bright.

But the dead flowers and fallen leaves on the road were randomly placed aside, as if they hadn't been cleaned up yet.

The number of residents who should have knelt down to pray has also been greatly reduced.

None of the bishops who were supposed to follow them could be seen.

This kind of ceremony is far from the imagination.

The "angels" gritted their teeth, angrily spurning the culprit that caused all this.

Because of the habits developed through long-term training, they can still maintain a majestic and beautiful demeanor, singing loud hymns, and walking firmly.

But they are very clear in their hearts that the [Holy Angel Church] church is facing the greatest crisis in history.

And their lives are highly bound to the [Holy Angel Church], as if they were tied to a broken ship that was gradually sinking in the stormy sea.

There was nothing to do but curse disaster and tremble.

Unfortunately, sadder than anyone, they don't even have the option of jumping ship.

It's like you got on the wrong bus.

When the speed of the car suddenly increases and you realize that this is not a car for going to kindergarten, it is already too late.



In Yasha World,
Faith is a very magical thing, it can only be cheated, not robbed.

People with strong will, clear goals, and strong hearts will never have true faith.

Because the essence of faith is to entrust one's emotions and will to another thing.

More often than not, this thing is God.

Things you can't do, goals you can't accomplish, regrets you can't do anything about.

Pray for these things to be done by an [omnipotent existence] (God).

This is the ritual of delivering faith.

Because of this, humans who firmly believe that everything must and can be done by themselves cannot provide belief to angels.

Such as Mrak, such as Catherine.

They themselves are their own gods, so there is no need to believe in gods.

But people with such a strong heart are, after all, a minority.

The hearts of ordinary people are always full of weaknesses.

This is also the reason why Holy Angel Church can develop rapidly in Erasia.

But also because of this, the foundation of the church is also built on the Pope's reputation.

Once the reputation of [Holy Angel Church] is damaged, the status of [Holy Angel Church] will plummet.

Seven pigeons set three fires in Erathia.

Mrak rebelled and charged Hell, dying in battle.

This is the first fire.

Sosa sacrificed himself and asked the Church of Poseidon for help.

This is the second fire.

Ronis had a secret conversation with Selron, the greatest enemy of mankind.

This is the third fire.

[Holy Angel Church] is a deep-rooted tree rooted in [Elasia].


The first two fires burned away the supreme majesty of [Holy Angel Church] and the gorgeous leaves that covered the rotten branches.

Then, the third fire will burn on the root of the [Holy Angel Church].

The Church of the Holy Angels was established to thank the angels for helping humans expel demons.

From ancient times to the present, fighting against demons has always been the foundation of [Holy Angel Church].

It is precisely because human beings cannot fight against demons that human beings pray like angels.

Ask the angels for help to destroy and expel the demons.

Among the believers of [Holy Angel Church], more than half firmly believe that the angel race will become the guardians of human beings.

However, the pope of [Holy Angel Church] cooperated with the devil.

This is an incomprehensible, let alone betrayal to the entire Erasia believers.

The three fires burned those believers who had been brainwashed by the Holy Light to a loss.

Especially when images of Ronis and Selron's secret conversation spread.

Uproar, panic, questioning, questioning, denial, denial, quarrel, anger...

A similar scene continued to be played up and down in Erasia.

Shocking churches, gathering people for sit-ins, verbal criticism...

Countless ambitious guys took advantage of this opportunity to stir up trouble, constantly disrupting the situation in Erasia.

[Holy Angel Church] responded quickly.

Ronis personally came forward and declared that the pictures in those photo beads were forged, and it was a devil's conspiracy.

Afterwards, the church began to confiscate and destroy the photo beads that had been circulating in the name of eliminating demons.

During this period, it was accompanied by cleansing, public revenge, violence, killing...

But these actions have been unable to change the unbelievable fact that [Holy Angel Church] has betrayed mankind, and spread in Erasia.

The large-scale shattering of faith has shaken the grassroots rule of [Holy Angel Church].

The final result of disillusionment is hysterical madness.

If it is not stopped, this madness will eventually turn into a rebellion.

[Holy Angel Church] can only take action and continue to suppress.

The butcher's knife of the church has finally fallen on the heads of former believers.

But the endless suppression and internal friction cannot change the reality that [Holy Angel Church] is slipping into the abyss.

[Sea God Church] has already taken advantage of this opportunity to blossom everywhere in coastal cities where [Holy Angel Church] has relatively weak influence.

[Holy Angel Church]'s monopoly on faith is under unprecedented threat.

Both Ronnies and [Holy Angel Church] urgently need a chance to prove themselves, and at the same time prove that the thing on the [Photo Bead] is nonsense.

At this time, a letter from [Thunder Temple], across the fireworks-ridden Ofer, arrived at Ronnies.

After Ronnies read the letter, flames rose in his eyes.

What could be better than this proposal?
Taking advantage of Hell's weakness, he led troops into the army, and used his destructive strength to prove the determination of [Holy Angel Church] to be irreconcilable with Hell.

Record the heroic appearance of the angel destroying hell with the photo beads.

Rely on the fact of victory to cover up another fact and turn another fact into a lie.

If they could capture the [Heart of the Abyss] before the Sea God Church, or kill Selron once, or destroy the [Devil Baron] army.

No matter which option is achieved, it can protect the crumbling reputation of [Holy Angel Church].

As for the sacrifice of the Angel Race caused by the war...

Now, Ronis and the angel clan can't control so much anymore.

At this time, he was still looking forward and backward, once the Sea God Church gained a firm foothold, the source of faith value would be greatly threatened.

That is, enough to threaten the survival of the angel race, enough to affect the foundation of Roniss demigod.

From a long-term perspective, the pros and cons are clear.



[Holy Angel] is the strongest battleship of [Holy Angel Church].

Although Qige once commented on the [Holy Angel] as an angel catapult, it is worthless to belittle the [Holy Angel].

But that was just a cunning rhetoric to please Sylvia.

As the card of the [Holy Angel Church], the [Holy Angel] still has some merits.

For example, it looks good.

This isn't a joke or a sarcasm, the Sant'Angelo is really good looking.

When manufacturing the 【Holy Angel】, Erasia invited the elven boatman from Avili.

Extensive use of [Sky Cloud Wood] that is only available in [Cloud City] in the entire Yasha world.

Therefore, the Holy Angel has been surrounded by several circles of holy halo.

In addition, the elf craftsmen consciously built the fence on the "Holy Angel" into the shape of a city wall, making the "Holy Angel" look like a cloud city floating in the air from the outside.

Here is another advantage of [Holy Angel].

can fly.

Well, apart from being good-looking and able to fly, the San Angel has no special features.

Average durability, average firepower, and average flight speed.

[Holy Angel] is not so much a battleship as it is a giant transport ship carrying angels.

But even if it is a transport ship, once it is equipped with a powerful weapon named [Angel], it will have an extremely terrifying deterrent effect.

What's more, this time the [Holy Angel] is carrying not only ordinary angels, but also the most elite [Holy Angel] legion in Erasia.

【Holy Angel

Faction: Castle

Rating: 7
Steps: 4
Quality: Miracle

Attack: 80
Defense: 80
Life: 1800
Speed: 50
Damage: 75 (fixed value)
Special skill:

Flying arms.

The morale of one's own side is increased by 1. If there is a hero leader, the morale is increased by 1.

Allies can be revived five times in each battle, and each holy angel revives 100 HP each time. (Real resurrection.)
Enemies cannot counterattack when attacking.

Resist fear.

The morale of all friendly arms will not be low.

Heaven Comes: Change the terrain of the battlefield to Judgment Heaven.

Judgment of Heaven: Deal (75*number of holy angels) real damage to surrounding undead and demon units every round.


One day during the Second Jihad, the knight Orin received an order to deliver a message to the neighboring country of Aveli.

The people of Avili lived a peaceful life, so he took only an archangel and a small army of crusaders as guards on the journey.

Such defense seemed to be enough, so Ou Ling set off.

On the second day of the journey, a strange, fiery demon burst out of the ground.

The fights are short and full of death.

Although Orin's Archangel revived his brave crusaders, such a small force was still unable to withstand such a powerful enemy.

Ou Ling's troops were finally defeated, and Ou Ling was also injured by the monster and had to start running away.

After a lot of setbacks, Ou Ling finally arrived in Aveli.

Had it not been for a circumstance that led to further developments, the story would have been nothing more than a commonplace encounter in the Second Jihad:
The demon attacking Orin and his troops is the Hellboy - a miracle unit unprecedented in holy wars,
It has incredible strength and has the terrifying ability to steal the soul of its enemies;
The troops of Archangel and Ou Ling were almost defeated by it.

The honor of the Archangels was tarnished when one of their number was defeated in an unfair battle where the more bullied the less.

It was their sworn enemy, the devil, who defeated the archangels.

Ou Ling prayed with Ronis for a long time and intensely, and asked Michael for protection.

Although usually Michael is silent, this time Michael replied and gave him a favor:

Only miracles can fight miracles.

The angel family needs to experience in the chaotic battlefield to produce angels who can fight against the devil baron.

Thus, the archangel who was defeated by the demon broke off his wings, joined the human army like a swordsman, and entered the chaotic battlefield.

After three months of experience.

The archangel washed away all the lead.

On the battlefield, he understood the strength of human beings and the shortcomings of the angel race.

Thus, the first supreme archangel (Gabriel) in the Yasha world was born.

This is the origin of the Archangel High on Erathia.

At the request of Gabriel, the archangels who are ambitious to go further will break their wings and fight against chaos like ordinary people.

Although no supreme archangel was ever born again, most of the returning archangels eventually became [Holy Angels].

[Holy Angel Legion] was formally established.

Their mere presence on the battlefield can inspire allies and frighten evil. 】

The essence of the angel family is the [Emotional Mechanism] composed of emotions.

Because of this, the values ​​​​of the Angel family always have an unblemished beauty.

Fixed damage value will not fluctuate due to play; stable special effects, without any random factors.

Strictly fit, there will be no slight deviation, full of the beauty of mechanical precision.

"On the day of Advent, the Advent of Hell...

It's a good sign too.

Your Majesty Gabriel. "

Ronis stared coldly at the clouds in front of him, and asked the angel beside him expressionlessly.

Completely different from the usual gentleness, the current Ronis is full of vigor.

Like an unsheathed sword.

Gabriel stood beside Ronis, and the four wings of light behind him flickered with brilliant light.

"God said that for those who are evil, their crimes should be judged, their bodies judged, and their souls should be destroyed without delay."

Obviously only Gabriel was speaking, but there were thousands of voices all around at the same time.

Men, women, young and old, or hoarse, or sweet, or blurred.

These thousands of voices are superimposed and say the same thing together.

"Ronis, you should have sent us out long ago.

We have long been impatient to completely purify our sins. "

Ronis shook his head and said:

"It's because I despised the Sea God Church too much.

I never imagined that these despicable people would dare to tarnish my reputation so much in order to fight for my faith.

"No need to blame yourself.

If you (believers) can't do it, let me (God) do it.

This is the way we promised to get along from the beginning. "

An angel flew in front of Gabriel and said quickly:
Hell city was found ahead.

It is a dilapidated city under restoration. "

Ronnie's eyes moved.

Of course he knew about the city.

Burning Luo City.

It was here that Mrak was cornered and eventually defected.

Gabriel flew into the sky and asked Ronis:

"The trial begins?"

Ronis bowed his head reverently, silently approving.

He knew very well what he meant by nodding this time.

"Judgment, start!!"

Gabriel's wings fluttered wildly, and a thousand voices overlapped in the air.

[Holy Angel] emitted a bright light, the ring rotated at an accelerated speed, and one angel after another ejected from the [Holy Angel] and flew into the sky.

The sky is occupied by angels, and dots of holy light are connected together.

Gabriel drew out the lightsaber at his waist, pointed forward, and said emotionlessly:

The wings of light all over the sky folded and descended, swooping towards Burning Luo City.

Ronis held the scripture and recited softly:

"Guilty, says God.

I will always do this to all the villains who gather against us, and they will be destroyed in this wilderness and die here.

One day's crime should be punished with one year's punishment.

Unforgivable crimes should be punished with life. "

The laws on Ronis unfolded, and a grand group of demigod-level magic [prayer] descended, linking the power of the angels into one.

Gabriel led the legion of holy angels and swooped down from the air without hesitation, attacking Burning Luo City.

[Burning Luo City], which was very dilapidated and didn't have much guarding power, seemed so powerless under the angel's lightsaber.

In Burning Luo City, there are actually not many real hell troops.

Most of the people who are currently doing restoration work in Burning Luo City are human slaves that Hell plundered from nearby human cities.

When they saw the Angel Legion, they were almost overjoyed:
"Angels! Angels have come to save us."

An old monk burst into tears with excitement.

He knelt down on the ground and prayed devoutly:

"Oh my God!
I pray that you will purify this sinful place and redeem me and my companions from this profane place! "

As if hearing the old man's prayer, an angel flapped its wings and approached the old man.

"Ah! God has come! God heard my prayer."

While the monk was ecstatic,
A huge lightsaber swiped across the monk's celestial cap.

Accompanied by a sound of wind approaching to the extreme.

The old man's head and neck were split in half vertically.

"My god, why did you kill me?"

The old monk didn't think about it until after he died.

"Ah!! Angels killed people!! Angels killed people!"

Just when those people were lost, the angel who had just killed the old man flapped his wings and chased after him.

One, two, three... Countless civilians captured by the forces of hell fell to pieces under the angel's sword.

Rhonis sighed deeply.

"This is an angel, an indiscriminate, emotionless killing machine."

To angels, all creatures living in the realm of demons are blasphemers.

This, of course, includes humans.

As for those human races, whether they were forced or passed by, the angels didn't care.

The angel race will be precise and cruel, and will take away all the lives in a whole hell city, and will not let go

In their judgment, the human beings captured by hell who did not commit suicide immediately are potential traitor seeds, no different from demons.

After all, the underlying logic of the Angel Race has never been forgiven or forced.

They're just incredibly powerful killing machines.

ps: Hamster wishes everyone a Merry Christmas.

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