Chapter 650
Whether Xiao Zhu is busy or not, this matter is for the beholder to see benevolent and the wise to see wisdom.However, it is also certain that even if little Zhu is going to do anything now, it will be explained by Lao Zhu or Xiao Zhu, otherwise he would be relatively free.

That is to say, relatively speaking, as the crown prince, Xiao Zhu definitely needs to study, and his study pressure has always been relatively high.The skills and knowledge he needs to master should also be relatively broad.So compared to ordinary children, little Zhu is definitely not so 'carefree'.

But this kind of thing is also very normal. Although there is a lot of academic pressure, little Zhu doesn't need to worry about food and clothing, future, even if it's family property or something, little Zhu doesn't need to worry about other brothers and sisters competing for it.

Fish and bear's paw can't have both, Little Zhu, as the crown prince, has the supreme glory and at the same time, naturally has enough responsibilities.

Zhu Yunying is actually the same, he needs to bear the choice he made himself.

Back then, he kept urging Lao Zhu to abdicate, and he ascended to the supreme throne, so the country and society fell on his shoulders.These are Zhu Yunying's choices, and these are also his responsibilities and obligations.

The great geographical discovery needs to be accumulated slowly now, although Zhu Yunying also understands that if you want to make a great geographical discovery, you must do it well with your life, and it takes a lot of people to take great risks to try to explore the ocean.

However, to take risks, you should also make some preparations, instead of recklessly using your life to do something that is impossible.

There is no doubt that the navy of the Ming Dynasty still needs to continue to learn how to sail and conquer the ocean.All of this is also preparing for the next great geographical discovery.

But what Zhu Yunying has to do now is to deal with the affairs above the court, and there are still many things that need to be dealt with.

Regarding the matter of the cabinet, it is now a major issue that many courtiers care about. It can almost be said that it has become a major event in the recent period, just like the entry of the lord of Zhongshan Kingdom, and there must be no slack.

Even in the eyes of some people, the entry of the king of Zhongshan into the court is nothing more than the establishment of a suzerain-vassal relationship in the Ming Dynasty.This is a matter of etiquette and the majesty of the court, which is naturally a great event.But the Grand Master of the Palace is even more different, which affects the national policy.

These things are the most fundamental, and the Ryukyu Zhongshan Kingdom is not even worth mentioning in this matter.

This depends on the starting point of the civil and military officials. It is normal to have different judgments and cognitions on these two things.

When it came to the early court again, many civil and military concerns were actually about the entry of the Lord of Zhongshan and the Grand Scholars of the Palace.

Some courtiers, represented by Ru Yu, repeated the same old tune. What they cared about was not only the Dian Ge Grand Scholars, but also the duties and positioning of the Dian Ge Grand Scholars, and whether such an approach was in line with the Hongwu Emperor's formula. ancestral system.

In the eyes of Ru Yu and others, this matter is extremely important. All of these are actually rules and etiquette, which are related to being famous and righteous.In their view, this matter must not be treated carelessly.

In fact, Ru Yu and the others are of course supportive of the Diange University Scholars, because this can indeed limit the imperial power to a certain extent, and can also slightly improve the status of the civil official group, which is of course a good thing for them.

This matter is actually not difficult, let alone Yingshi's enthronement, even before Yingshi's enthronement, Emperor Hongwu changed a lot of rules.These things are really not difficult, as long as Emperor Hongwu issues an imperial decree, all problems will be solved. After all, Emperor Hongwu just abdicated, not died.

It couldn't be easier for Emperor Hongwu to issue an imperial edict based on Emperor Hongwu's doting on Emperor Ying and the ability of Emperor Ying.

It's just that when Ru Yu and others brought up this matter, Emperor Yingshi must have been pretending to be confused.Emperor Hongwu would never issue such an imperial decree, and would never recognize the legitimacy of the royal scholar's right to participate in politics.

It's not that Zhu Yunying is good at making claims and hiding the truth from Lao Zhu, but that Zhu Yunying and Lao Zhu made up their minds from the very beginning, that they must make the reputation of the Palace Grand Scholars unjust, and continue to restrict the development of the cabinet.

Legitimacy, that does not exist, this is what Emperor Yingshi did behind the back of Emperor Hongwu, and this is where Emperor Yingshi violated the ancestral system.Everyone just pretended to be confused, not to mention Zhu Yunying, even among the descendants of future generations, if anyone is brave enough, he should put the cabinet in order, and then he will be reprimanded for violating the ancestral system.

Regardless of what to say, Emperor Hongwu definitely didn't know about it anyway, even if he knew, he pretended not to know.

There was no answer to the discussion about the Grand Master of the Diange, and it was over in a hurry early in the morning, and many people still have more to say.

Just arrived at the yamen of the Chinese military governor's mansion, before Chang Mao had time to sit down, a young eunuch came over courteously.Many people also understood that it must be His Majesty's will, who made the founder of the country so powerful and distinguished.

Sure enough, the little eunuch flattered and said, "Master Guo, the Emperor has called you to the Hall of Martial Arts."

Although he was a little muttering in his heart, there should be nothing to deal with right now, but Chang Mao was just muttering in his heart.Even if it is the uncle who is close to the emperor, he must also pay attention to the difference between the emperor and his subjects, so as not to embarrass the emperor's nephew.

Although it seems that the little eunuch is not needed to lead it, it is better to follow the rules, and Chang Mao also set off for the Hall of Martial Arts.Regardless of what the nephew emperor has, as long as it is explained, it will be handled directly. This is also Changmao's style in recent years.

Seeing Chang Mao, Zhu Yunying said directly, "Brother, move a chair for Uncle."

Chang Mao was not too polite, mainly because he knew that being polite was not of much use, so it was more appropriate to thank him directly.

After Chang Mao took his seat, Zhu Yunying was not polite, "Uncle, what do you think about the affairs of Chaoshang?"

Chang Mao was stunned for a moment, a little uncertain, "Your Majesty, is it about the King of Zhongshan, or about the Grand Master?"

Zhu Yunying was not surprised by Chang Mao's attitude, "Naturally, it refers to the matter of the Grand Scholars of the Diange. Does the Lord of Zhongshan still have to bother uncle? This is all in the court, and the etiquette matters are handled by the Ministry of Rites. If there is a war, would uncle be willing to go?"

Chang Mao was not embarrassed, and said frankly, "Your Majesty, if there is a war, I will naturally dare to die. It's just that my ability is limited, and I am afraid that I will miss your Majesty's important event."

This is very calm, but Chang Mao's calmness made Zhu Yunying a little speechless.Faced with Chang Mao's undisguised misbehavior, Zhu Yunying choked instead, and really didn't know what to say.

But thinking about Chang Mao's character and ability, Zhu Yunying didn't think Chang Mao was playing badly.This is definitely the truth of Chang Mao, if Chang Mao is really going to do big things, then it is really Zhu Yunying who is asking for trouble, Chang Mao may be able to do small things well.But for military and national affairs, it is better not to use Changmao's.

Trust and ability are actually two different things, and Zhu Yunying has more and more awareness of this now.

Hearing what Zhu Yunying said, Chang Mao said in a hurry, "Your Majesty, I really want to publish the memorial. I am afraid that this Diange Grand Scholars will offend the Emperor. I have also discussed with others, and I think it may be too much for the Diange Grand Scholars to discuss politics. Inappropriate. Now His Majesty is in control, but there is no guarantee that the Grand Master of the Diange will become the Minister of Zhongshu in the future."

It seems that Chang Mao has made some preparations, and many people can actually see that this palace scholar may really become the Secretary of the Ministry of Education, and it can even be said that there is a chance to create an alternative prime minister.

Zhu Yunying smiled and nodded. Of course he knew what it meant to be a grand scholar in the palace, and he also knew that the cabinet in history continued to grow, and even severely suppressed the six ministers and martial arts.

The so-called chief assistant of the cabinet is really almost the same as the prime minister. These are some historical trends that Zhu Yunying knows.

But even if he knew these things, Zhu Yunying also knew that he couldn't give up because of choking, some things still had to be done, and he couldn't just say that he saw the bad side and failed to see the good side.

Looking at Zhu Yunying's face, Chang Mao said in a low voice, "In today's court, Ru Shangshu and others are justified. If the Supreme Emperor refuses to approve this matter, His Majesty may bear some infamy, and many things are not easy to do. .”

Zhu Yunying looked at Chang Mao, and said with a half-smile, "Grandpa Huang naturally knows about this matter, and we can't make decisions on such a big matter."

Hearing what Zhu Yunying said, Chang Mao was relieved.Since the Supreme Emperor knows about this matter, it is good, since the Supreme Emperor knows, it naturally means that the Supreme Emperor will not object, and will not refute the face of the current emperor.

What Chang Mao was most worried about was that Emperor Yingshi made the decision without authorization. If Emperor Yingshi set up a palace scholar to discuss politics one moment, Emperor Hongwu decreed to depose him the next moment.

If these things really happened, Chang Mao believed that Emperor Yingshi could only acquiesce, and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty would not say much.After all, Emperor Hongwu was the founding king of the country. Even if the prestige of Emperor Yingshi is rising now, he cannot be compared with Emperor Hongwu.

If those things really happened, it would also do great damage to the imperial prestige of Emperor Yingshi.

Seeing Chang Mao's cautious look, Zhu Yunying couldn't help but laugh too.It seems that everyone is the same, it is difficult to serve an emperor, let alone two emperors.Moreover, these two emperors are domineering, and both of them are the type with very positive ideas.

Chang Mao was cautious at this time, naturally worried that he would hurt Emperor Yingshi's face.Even he knew that Emperor Hongwu doted on Zhu Yunying, but an emperor couldn't make his own decisions, and many things needed to be approved by the Supreme Emperor, which was very uncomfortable in itself.

In addition, although the courtiers cared about the attitude of the emperor Yingshi, they cared more about the opinion of the emperor.Such things are really more difficult to accept, especially for a talented and ambitious emperor, he must not be able to accept them.

Zhu Yunying has nothing to accept, the main reason is that he knows some things, but others don't.

It is very normal to think a lot when you are not clear, and it is not incomprehensible to have some unfounded worries.

Seeing Chang Mao's appearance, Zhu Yunying said, "Grandpa Huang knows about this, but he doesn't intend to tell it. Uncle, don't tell anyone else when you turn around. Don't let others know that Grandpa Huang knows about this."

Chang Mao was dumbfounded for a moment. What does this layer upon layer mean?

Seeing that Chang Mao was still a little confused, Zhu Yunying didn't play riddles, "Grandfather knows that we plan to set up a palace scholar to discuss politics. He doesn't like this matter, but he doesn't plan to abolish it. Let's say that, uncle understands gone?"

Chang Mao, who was stunned for a moment, carefully tried to sort out his thoughts. He seemed to understand some truths, and seemed to know that there seemed to be some strange sayings in it.

Chang Mao seemed to be slowly understanding something, and asked tentatively, "Your Majesty, you mean that the Supreme Emperor knows about this, but he just pretends not to know?"

Zhu Yunying smiled and nodded. There is no need to hide these things from Chang Mao, "It's good that uncle knows about these things. If other people know, it will be a troublesome matter. We still think that one more thing is worse than one less thing."

Chang Mao's expression was slightly bitter, which seemed to be His Majesty's trust, which is of course a good thing.But knowing these secret things naturally means that you need to keep your mouth shut, and you need to help His Majesty do something.

Seeing Chang Mao's expression, Zhu Yunying probably could understand a little bit.It's just that Zhu Yunying is really not such a considerate person, even when facing his uncle, Zhu Yunying is not considered considerate.

It's not that the Tian family has no kinship, but that in Zhu Yunying's position, many things need to be considered are the court, the country and the country, and these things are what he needs to pay attention to the most.Others can be ignored.

What's more, as Chang Mao, he also needs to shoulder his own responsibilities and obligations, which is what he should do.

Chang Mao nodded sullenly, and assured Zhu Yunying, "Your Majesty, you can rest assured that I will definitely not let other people know about this matter. We will rot this matter in our stomachs."

Zhu Yunying nodded with a smile, and Zhu Yunying believed Chang Mao's guarantee.Chang Mao can't do things like lead troops to fight, but Chang Mao can still do some other things well, and there is no need to doubt Chang Mao's loyalty.

Looking at Chang Mao, Zhu Yunying said with a smile, "Since Uncle knows that Grandpa Huang knows about this, he should understand some of what we mean, right?"

Chang Mao didn't intend to pretend to be confused. In fact, he was still a little confused about the situation, "Your Majesty, since His Majesty the Supreme Emperor knows about this, is he going to let the ministers stop talking about it in the court?"

Although what Chang Mao said is not absolutely accurate, it is basically true. Zhu Yunying really needs Chang Mao to do these things. There is no more suitable shit-stirring stick than Chang Mao in the court of Ming Dynasty. Others are not as good as Chang Mao.

So there are some things that Chang Mao can do.

(End of this chapter)

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