Star boss she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 829 829 Are you shy about this? He thought she liked it! Nothing too obvious!

There was something unspeakable between the words.

This time, even though he didn't clarify his words clearly, Charlotte reacted immediately.

Ah, so that's it...

The crux of the matter is her!

Charlotte looked down. At this moment, she was wrapped tightly in the blanket, and she couldn't see anything inappropriate at all.

It's her fault, she forgot about it.

After Ares carried her away from the fountain, she obviously noticed this detail because of his abnormality.

It can only be said that after Charlotte experienced the apocalypse, she did not have much awareness of being a woman.

When getting along with others, she rarely consciously reminds herself that she is a woman.

Since her internship, she has been with him for so long, and he has always been cold and distant.

This also made Charlotte think that in his eyes, she was just an ordinary intern.

He won't place too much importance on her gender, as long as she follows basic social etiquette.

Unexpectedly, these inherent concepts of hers actually caused her to miss this detail.

The white silk shirt on Charlotte's body became transparent after getting wet.

Especially earlier, she had taken off her tie and wiped the water stains from his face.

Now that the collar is slightly open, it looks even more...unspeakable.

Although Charlotte is not shy about such trivial matters now, she is not going to go out of her way to let it go.

When conditions permit, regular dress etiquette must be taken into consideration.

Therefore, Charlotte continued to wrap herself in the blanket and did not mention the matter of asking him to wipe away the water stains.

He had wiped his head and face half dry. The person he had arranged for would be arriving soon, so he would wait for now.

He cares so much, and he cares reasonably, so there is no need to argue about these things.

With his physique, he could probably hold on for a while without getting sick immediately.

However, Charlotte still said kindly: "Stand in a little bit, the rain is so heavy that it's hitting you all."

He was already standing near the entrance, but just now he took a step back to avoid her. His entire body was in an extremely peripheral position.

It was still raining heavily outside, and the rain curtain was tilted by the wind, and many of them floated into the pavilion.

Charlotte knew without looking that his back must have been wet by the rain again.

It's just because the shirt is completely wet and it's a dull black color, so even if you look carefully, you can't see it clearly.

After Charlotte wrapped the blanket, Ares calmed down a little.

At least, he wasn't as shaken as before.

"Yeah." Ares responded in a low voice and took a step inside.

Charlotte also took advantage of the situation and moved a step aside to make some room for him.

From this, the distance between the two people can be regarded as neither far nor close.

Charlotte looked outside quietly, with a calm expression that made it difficult to tell what he was thinking.

She wrapped herself in a blanket and looked out at the rainy scene.

The white palace-style pavilion is the only place in the surrounding area that can provide shelter from wind and rain.

Everything else seems to be soaked in rain, and the scenery has a unique charm.

The sun is half hidden, and the surrounding light is not too dark.

The rain was still falling heavily, forming a fine rain curtain.

The wind stirred from time to time, causing the rain curtain to sway, like a veil of water mist, swaying and ethereal.

Dense raindrops fall on leaves, flowers, grass, soil...

The pattering sound suddenly changed its tone—sometimes soft, crispy, dull, or sonorous...

When all the sounds are blended together, they appear extremely layered and dynamic.

Charlotte stood in the pavilion and could smell abundant water vapor at the tip of her nose.

With the rain, the initial earthy smell has faded a lot. In this way, in this humid water vapor, the fragrance of vegetation becomes more prominent.

The flowers were bent down by the rain, but under its moistening, they became more beautiful and beautiful.

The green grass was washed by the rain, and it was pleasantly green, with a faint fragrance unique to the grass and trees.

On the ground, small puddles would gather from time to time, so lively and vivid.

Rich sound, fresh and natural air...

Everything seems to make people calm and peaceful.

Charlotte looked at the distance, this simple but exquisite garden, quiet and peaceful.

Although there is already a natural lake near the garden, it is so blue that it dazzles the eyes, and it is so beautiful that words cannot describe it.

But in this garden, there is also a small pond.

The pond is neither big nor small, and the water quality is clean and clear.

There were some round and small plants similar to duckweed floating on the water. At this time, they were "trembling" due to the rain, and they lost their former calm.

The path winding into the distance, the surrounding flowers, trees and plants, and this small pond...

All the scenery overlaps and is very interesting.

Charlotte still remained silent. She was not a talkative person now.

Ares next to him also remained silent.

It was very quiet between the two of them, no one spoke.

However, the sound of rain outside softened the silent atmosphere in the pavilion.

"Do you like rain?" A faint voice sounded from beside you.

Surprisingly, he was asking her about her personal preferences.

Charlotte retracted her thoughts and looked to her side.

Ares was looking at her slightly, his originally cold red eyes seeming to have been softened by the surrounding moisture.

Charlotte looked at him calmly with her black eyes. After a moment, she shifted her gaze and looked outside again.

"I don't really like it." After a long time, she answered.

Her tone was calm and devoid of any emotion.

Originally, Ares had followed her line of sight and looked into the distance.

However, after hearing her answer, he looked at her again.

Just now I saw her looking intently into the distance, her expression so calm and peaceful.

He thought she liked the rain scene.

But her answer was beyond his expectation.

Even though Ares didn't say anything, Charlotte still noticed his confusion from the subtle expression.

After a pause, she said: "It's not that I hate it, I just don't like it that much."

Ares listened silently, she rarely talked about her preferences.

Much of what he knew about her was based on further speculation based on observation.

For Charlotte, maybe it was because she was in a good mood today and she was not facing a talkative person, so she rarely said a few more words.

"A long time ago, I thought the rain scene was nice and could make people feel at peace." Charlotte's tone was very light and calm, "But then... something happened, and my preference changed."

She didn't go into details, but she did reveal some information.

Ares's peripheral vision was always on her, but he didn't show his attention too obviously.

His emotions and thoughts have always been contained.

However, although his mood was restrained, he still secretly wrote down this new discovery - she didn't like rain very much.

Dear friends, we will be very busy after the new year. We will temporarily adjust the update time - update every other day, tentatively scheduled to the end of March.

thanks for your support!

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