Chapter 26

Yin Temple is a taboo.

This is true no matter Dayan or Southern Jin.

What is Yin Temple?

It's very simple. Those who are officially canonized by the technique of conferring gods are called Yang temples, and those who privately worship obscene sacrifices are called Yin temples.

The art of enshrining the gods has been passed down from ancient times to the present. Dynasties have changed and the situation has changed. Some things have long been lost to the people and are controlled by the family and the dharma.

The real art of enshrining the gods needs to occupy the dragon's veins with royal luck, build mausoleums, refine magic weapons, and arrange formations. It can be completed almost with the power of the whole country, and there are still many secrets in it.

This is also the reason why the founding emperors of all dynasties needed the support of many aristocratic families to seize the world.

Those who enshrine the gods are attached to the orifice of the dragon veins, and the country offers incense and sacrifices, and the spirit is pure and upright.

However, the prostitutes of the Yin Temple are enshrined, either for the ancestors, or for the spirits of heaven and earth, and some are even giant monsters. In addition to incense and ground energy, flesh and blood sacrifices are also required.

Why does the Yin Temple exist?

The reason is also very simple. Whenever dynasties change and troubled times come, the land will also fall, and the various families will conduct prostitute sacrifices to protect the sphere of influence.

And when the world is once again unified, the royal family will hold a grand ceremony of enshrining the gods, and the Yin temples of various families will also be transformed into the land of the city god.

Of course, the royal family will occupy most of the places and seal the heroic spirits who died in the Kai Dynasty.

"Dayan Criminal Law": Anyone who worships Yin temples among the people is the same heinous evil as witches and poisons.

Apart from the inhumanity of the blood sacrifice, there are more reasons to maintain the orthodoxy of the country and the luck of the royal family.

If there are too many Yin temples, and the dragon veins and ground energy are scattered, it also means that the country will collapse and chaos will come.

"It's not surprising that there is a Yin Temple here..."

Chen Qiong's eyes became cold, "Gujia Mountain City has experienced the troubled times of the Great Wei Dynasty, and must sacrifice to the Yin Temple to protect itself, but how can it remain so far?"

Guo Luquan chuckled: "Needless to say, Wu Laosan made so many sacrifices, he must be using the art of obscenity. What the old man doesn't understand is, what is the relationship between the Yin Temple and the Taiyin training diagram?"

"If you find it, you will know!"

Xiao Qingman couldn't hide the murderous intent in her beautiful eyes, she looked at Li Chunniang and asked, "Su Xian's house, is it possible to find the Yin Temple?"

At this moment, Li Chunniang is still inviting the immortals, so she is directly asking the immortals.

Although the five halls enshrined in the Hall of Five Immortals are all spirits and monsters, they all practice the way of human cultivation, with the ultimate goal of becoming a fairy.

They and some great guardian spirit beasts have been integrated into human society since ancient times, and they can talk easily at ordinary times, but if you shout to break the demon body, they will definitely be enemies and make you restless.

"What's the rush..."

Fourth Sister Su Jiao Didi, who was on Li Chunniang's body, complained, her almond-shaped pupils were full of doubts, "Strange, the qi here is stable but abnormally scattered. Could it be that the Yin Temple is blocked by a formation?"

Then she sniffed the air again, with a foxy smile on the corner of her mouth, "However... the smell of rats all over the mountain is hard to hide. Look for it, it should be in some mountain."

After all, she yawned lazily, and opened her eyes again, the pupils had returned to normal.

Xiao Qingman frowned slightly: "Is that all?"

Li Chunniang shook her head helplessly: "There is a formation to cover it here. Fourth Sister Su is good at detecting the breath, but not good at breaking the formation."

"Hard work, Chun Niang."

After Xiao Qingman finished speaking, she looked at Guo Luquan.

This is the case with the patrol team, usually two people who are good at attacking, plus a master who is good at detection and various auxiliary techniques.

Under Chen Qiong, Chou Fo'er was good at attacking, and Guo Luquan was his assistant.

Guo Luquan was also not humble, and said in a deep voice: "The way of formation is unpredictable, each family has its own secrets, and the old man of Taiyin Sect knows a little bit, let's have a look."

After finishing speaking, he took out a compass from his pocket, and saw the spinning needle on it kept spinning like a convulsion, and then looked up at the direction of the surrounding mountains, "Sure enough, there is a formation, and you need to find the armor of escape to break it. First, let’s go to the ruins to have a look.”

Everyone nodded, using their strength to bounce and fall on the straight and steep slope, as if walking on the ground, while Chou Fo'er jumped directly, smashing a human-shaped huge hole in the snow, laughing like a child.

Soon, they entered the ruins of the mountain city.

I saw ruins, barren grass, and snow on the broken walls, which had been eroded by the years.

The old man Guo Luquan watched the compass turn left and right, stopped at a snowy field, looked at the surrounding mountains, and frowned: "It's strange, this is the center of the earth's orifice, even if the Yin Temple is built, it should be here, where is it hidden?" where?"

Chen Qiong sighed: "Forget it, Fourth Sister Su said it's in the mountains, let's search around."

Everyone dispersed to investigate immediately.

And behind the giant pine on the high cliff opposite, the old Taoist Li Shouxin shook his head slightly, "The old Taoist has been looking for it for several years, but he didn't expect it to be right under his nose. If the three wonders don't gather, and the six appearances don't show up, how can Dunjia show up?"

After that, he lowered his head and smiled and said, "Little mouse, it's up to you."

On the ground, a gray mouse circled around, the old Taoist was close in front of him, but he couldn't see it at all.

A hundred meters below the old road, there is a huge cave hidden by An Shusheng. The torch is flickering, and the rats are surging and squeaking like a sea tide.

"Master Shu, what should we do if a stranger comes?" asked the bearded villain among the five ghosts.

An Shusheng was chewing peanuts, his small eyes rolled around, and his smile remained unchanged, "What are you afraid of? They are just acquaintances. I told that little girl to run away three years ago. Today is just the time to settle the grudge."

On the ground in front of them, countless rats gnawed wildly, and a huge iron chain as thick as a bucket appeared from the ground. It was unknown what forged it, but there was no rust at all.

An Shusheng laughed and said: "Although I snatched the key map from the old ghost at the Yin Gate, the Yin Temple is full of those things, and the foundation of the formation is simply broken. When the Yin Temple opens wide, the group of idiots outside will just be Sacrifice. But... still not enough..."

"Go and attract those soldiers."

"Yes, Master Mouse."

Several figures quickly entered the depths of the cave, and An Shusheng was the only one left in the cave. He was stroking the big mice crawling on his body, with an uncontrollable smile in his eyes:
"Three Wonders Appear, Thousands of Ghosts Come Out, Longevity is Calamity, Hee Hee, Interesting, Interesting..."


"Array, hold on tight, just guard the ground!"

In the valley, the shouts and howls gradually diminished.

Wang Xuan led the soldiers of the government army to go north for less than ten miles, and encountered wolves again.

This time there were more wolves, at least 30, and they chose to ambush in the valley very cunningly, and rushed out from various hillsides to attack people.

However, the soldiers of the military government have long been reborn.

40 people formed an formation with their evil energy, and killed the pack of wolves without any haste.

Wang Xuan was more relaxed this time, he didn't even use the military formation like his arms and fingers, and only relied on Zhang Heng and Liu Shun's command to win easily.

After a while, the sound of fighting stopped.

Liu Shun wiped away the blood on the steel knife, walked over and frowned and said, "My lord, this Beishan is a bit weird, my subordinates have been on guard all the way, and you also used the spirit talisman to search for monsters. Why didn't you see any evil monsters?"

No wonder he asked, the mountain forest is very easy to breed monsters and monsters, and they leave the basilisk territory early, and they couldn't find one to train the soldiers.

"There is indeed something wrong..."

Wang Xuan shook his head slightly, "Forget it, there will be more opportunities in the future, clean up the battlefield, withdraw troops and return to camp!"

With an order, the soldiers quickly peeled off the wolf's skin, packed up and went back to the camp.

3000 taels of silver won't last long, and Wang Xuan also has a plan to hunt and earn money when he comes out this time, including basilisk skins and bear skins, all of which have been packed away.

However, just less than three miles away from the valley, the little black dog Ah Fu pricked up his ears and kept barking towards the front.

All of a sudden, the surrounding wind was everywhere, and there were only a few figures...

(End of this chapter)

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