Lord of the Misty World

Chapter 168 language barrier

Chapter 168 language barrier

Early morning on the fourth day.The Knight Gawain and the Grand Duke of the South who were located in this frontier Viscounty led their troops to the border.

This passage is located at the entrance of his own territory, which happens to extend westward from the southern misty border.It is important to be able to see this passage corridor when coming here.

One side is a foggy border, the other side is a mountain and dense forest, only a flat corridor area with a width of fifteen kilometers in the middle, so a piece of land is occupied by the enemy, and the line of defense is almost deployed to the border of its own territory. Very unfavorable.

But I was procrastinating on my side, and the other party did not invade the territory of the territory. In this way, the enemy cannot be said to be an invader. Unless it is a direct declaration of war, otherwise it is really difficult to find trouble. This is a hidden loss.

"In the future, we must advise the king to strengthen border patrols." Knight Gawain thought to himself.

"Lord Duke, let's go, let's go together and see if this foggy territory can be touched."

"Okay, Knight Gawain." The Duke of Southland replied.

Behind the two, Gawain's 200 Lancer Knights, the Duke of the South brought a [-] cavalry in gray knight armor, [-] pikemen, and [-] longbowmen.

Such a troop appeared at the border. Immediately, the soldiers of the Baimao army stationed on the defense line blocked the troops of Gawain and the Duke of the South, shouting loudly.

"This is the territory of Qinghe Territory. What is your purpose for coming here?"


Listening to the words of the soldiers of the Bai Mu Army, Knight Gawain was a little confused, because it was only then that Knight Gawain realized that he and the other party did not understand the language.

Although they didn't understand the language, the Knights of Gawain and the Grand Duke of the Southern Region could also tell that the other party was not letting them advance. Now that they didn't know each other, Gawain and the Duke of the Southern Region stopped the troops from advancing, so that there would be no conflict for the time being.

"Knight Gawain, it seems that we don't understand what they are saying." The Duke of the South Border asked Knight Gawain.

"It's really difficult." Knight Gawain nodded. "What the soldier said just now was an ancient oriental language. If I hadn't lost my heroic body, I could still speak it, but now this body has forgotten this language.

But there seem to be some among our king's servants who are proficient in this language, and I will send for them. "

After speaking, Gao Wen said a few words loudly to let the other party know the meaning of the language barrier between the two sides, and then retreated back with the Duke of the Southern Territory.

In the Border Viscounty, the Knight Gawain discussed with the Duke of the South.

"My lord, it seems that the other party is unwilling to start a war with us, and we all need to face the monster army of the Red Dragon Lord. In this passage, there will be such a stalemate.

At that time, the Duke will need to guard this passage. "

"There is no problem with this." The Duke of the South said.

"I thought it was just an ordinary mist exploration by the King of Knights, but I didn't expect to encounter the mist territory suddenly. Now that I know the situation, I will deploy heavy troops to the viscounts and baronies on the border.

Not only to monitor the misty territory, but also to guard against the monster army in the western mountains and forests. "

Northeast Defense Zone, General Command.

The squad leader who came out to stop Gawain Knight and the Duke of the South reported the situation to the superior squadron leader.Then this information was sent to Chen Dao of the rear headquarters as soon as possible.

Hearing the information, Chen Dao immediately understood the situation and exclaimed.

"The language barrier is really a big problem. Does anyone here understand that language?"

"Forget it, let's report it up. The lord will have a headache. And it seems that the opposite side is also an elite army. The cavalry and infantry are well-matched. I am afraid that the white scorpion army and the defense zone will be able to fight together. It seems that our strength will continue to be strengthened. .”

When Knight Gawain reported the situation opposite, Chen Dao also sent the report of his observation to the rear.

"Language barrier is indeed a big problem, but does anyone under me know a foreign language?"

Looking at the report sent by Chen Dao, Di Feng thought about it.

"It seems that there are only Zhang Xiuli, Su Ziyu and Li Ziqing, but it's been two years, have they forgotten their foreign languages?"

"However, these three are the directors of various departments under the General Administration Office, responsible for important departments, and it is impossible to personally receive these visitors."

"never mind."

In the end, after thinking about it, Di Feng gave up and waited for direct contact.

"I still don't know what language the other party is speaking. I'm afraid the foreign language the three of them have mastered is English or something, maybe it's different.

At that time, I can also do translation by relying on the wordless book. "

"However, it can be confirmed that the fog lord on the opposite side is also a human being, and his strength must be good. Then to contact each other, the territory needs a department that is responsible for receiving other territories. This needs to be discussed with Zhang Xiu."

Thinking about it this way, Di Feng gave Chen Dao the order to wait until the other party makes contact, and to avoid war if the other party does not show the awareness of war.

Then he found Zhang Xiu and explained his purpose.

"It's no problem to set up a special reception department." Zhang Xiu thought.

"In terms of accommodation, let's leave a suite on the first floor of the inn in the city as a place for reception and accommodation. At the same time, set up a diplomatic office under the Department of Education to take charge of this matter."

"Also." Di Feng continued. "Now that all the residents of the territory have registered, I plan to recruit [-] new recruits. Can the current personnel structure of the territory recruit so many young people?

And is there any pressure on the territory's material reserves to recruit [-] recruits? "

"The territory now has a population of nearly 30, and it is not a problem to draw about [-] to [-] troops from it."

Zhang Xiu thought about it.

"Now, except for the guard militia units formed in various places, it includes guard squadrons in towns, guard brigades in county towns, border battalions in counties, and field army guards.

The number of registered soldiers in Qinghe's army is about [-], so it is not a problem at all to recruit [-] new recruits.

However, it will be busy farming soon. If the lord suggests recruiting new soldiers, then the recruiting will be done after the busy farming season, and after the busy farming season, the territory will also be able to deploy a group of manpower. It is not a problem at all to support the current number of soldiers. "

"very good."

After getting the exact information from Zhang Xiu, the chief political officer, Di Feng gained confidence, so after the busy farming season, he recruited [-] recruits and sent them to the recruit training camp, and at the same time prepared enough supplies to send to the military warehouse.

"No problem." Zhang Xiu nodded.

At this time, Di Feng left the government affairs hall, looked at the north, and thought to himself.

"I hope the border can be stable for a while, so that there will be enough soldiers to supplement the army."

When Chen Dao's report arrived, the Women's Army of Yuanbei County and the Fifth Frontier Battalion wanted Di Feng to send back news that goblins and other monsters had appeared on the border.

(End of this chapter)

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