Lord of the Misty World

Chapter 143 Attack

Chapter 143 Attack
"Now, I order that Chen Dao will command the First Field Battalion as the Central Army, Di Jun will command the First Brigade and the Frontier Defense Third Battalion will serve as the Eastern Army, and Su Qiang will command the Subordinate First Brigade and the Imperial Guard First Battalion will serve as the West Army. .

I am in command of the recruit army and the militia as the central army, and Hu Sanniang is my deputy. This time we have a rifle brigade and a rifle squadron. All troops should make good use of this weapon advantage and strive to annihilate this group of werewolves in one battle. "


Di Feng looked around and gave orders solemnly.

"Army attack."


After Di Feng finished speaking, all the generals stood up and said loudly.

According to Chen Dao's exploration and investigation during this period of time, after turning over the hill in the south of the valley where the county seat of Nancheng County is located, behind a hill, is the location of the group of werewolf tribes.

If you want to reach the werewolf tribe from Nancheng County, you need to go straight over two hills, and on the left and right sides, bypassing the hills, the road is not easy to walk, and the distance is also very long, but the road does not have such high ups and downs.

The mountains are not convenient for the cavalry to advance. Without opening up a road, Chen Dao's cavalry was greatly limited in strength.

The cavalry led the horses and walked on the rugged mountain road, heading towards the werewolf tribe, their speed was not fast.

Three groups of troops advanced, each led by a bronze-ranked warrior, and followed by rune riflemen. For enemies below the bronze level, rune rifles were very powerful and could completely crush them.

And if a black iron-level soldier is equipped with a rune rifle, then relying on his strong strength, he can threaten a bronze-level enemy.

Moreover, it is not difficult to train a rune rifleman. It takes one month of queue training, one month of shooting training and one month of practice. Basically, it can be formed, and the trained troops are very effective.

As soon as this kind of instant arms appeared, it was recognized by the generals at all levels in the territory.Moreover, after the first rune rifle was formed, after several months of experiments, some small problems were discovered. The master craftsmen had experience in the design of firearms, and they made modifications according to the problems reported by the rune rifle. In a few months, the new rune rifle will take shape.

Moreover, the anti-aircraft weapon requested by Di Feng also has a test model. This is a single-shot rune rifle, which is similar to the appearance of an anti-material sniper rifle for thermal weapons.

The bullets used are armor-piercing bullets engraved with strengthening runes, and the entire bullet is as thick as a middle finger.The range of such firearms has been doubled directly, reaching a range of two kilometers.

In order to increase this range, the craftsmen who designed the firearms came up with a different design, such as increasing the length of the barrel, increasing the size of the airtight cylinder with the wind element rune on the tail of the gun god, and increasing the number of wind element runes. arts.

Therefore, the entire gun god is half as long as the general rune rifle, and a thick cylindrical tail is also added.Thanks to the miraculous effect of the enhanced runes, even if the material technology of the Qinghe collar is not high, but with the enhanced runes, the strength of the materials can be greatly increased. If the runes are arranged, it will be even stronger.Therefore, technicians can design this powerful air gun.

The huge size of the firearm and the need for long-range aiming and shooting or air-to-air shooting, the rune firearm adds a base and support, which can make the rune rifle fixed and easy to adjust the angle.

In this way, even if the Fengshen pterosaur approaches, relying on this powerful and long-range rune rifle, it can also cause huge damage to the swooping Fengshen pterosaur.

But this time, looking at the experimental products of these models, Di Feng thought that they could be used as large-caliber sniper guns, and they would be erected on the hills to shoot at the werewolf tribes in the valley. It can only be aimed by the human eye, so soldiers with very good eyesight must be selected for this purpose.

After all, Qingheling is in an extraordinary world, and the eyes of the black iron-level soldiers are very good. From the high mountain, you can see the werewolf tribe below the mountain.

Therefore, the first batch of experimental products, two anti-aircraft rune rifles, were allocated to a selected infantry squad. The entire squad was divided into two groups, with five people in one group, including the main shooter and the deputy shooter, the observer, and two guards and ammunition transporters. .

The troops from all walks of life moved forward, and there was no trace of werewolves from the werewolf tribe along the way, and the progress of all walks was very smooth.After crossing the hill, half a day later, the three-way troops arrived at the outer hills of the werewolf tribe.

In this valley with an area of ​​about two square kilometers, you can see a series of animal skin tents erected in the center of the valley, and around these tents, you can see a large number of humans.

"Those are human slaves." On the top of the mountain, Chen Dao led his troops to lurk on the top of the mountain, looking at the group of humans being guarded and working around the werewolf tribe, it seemed that they were treated very badly from a distance, Chen Dao cursed under his breath. "This group of beasts, I will definitely kill you all."

This werewolf tribe is also a tribe. The various fighters in the tribe only need to be able to defend the tribe. Except for the daily hunting team hunting, they will not set up guard posts around the tribe.

After all, this werewolf tribe is just a tribe, not a country. They don't have this awareness, which also gave Di Feng's troops a chance to approach the werewolf tribe quietly and surround them.

"Communication team, go and ask where the other two troops are, and notify the rear troops that the central army has arrived at the predetermined location."


Under Chen Dao's order, the communications team of the Field Battalion of the Central Route Army quickly dispatched personnel to spread around.

After Chen Dao's Central Route Army arrived at the predetermined location, the Eastern Route Army Di Jun also lurked along the valley to the hilltop in the east of the valley, lurking with the help of the forest, waiting for orders.

At this time, the same is true for the West Route Army.

"Battalion Commander, the troops have now arrived at their intended positions."

"Okay." The communications soldier returned and reported the situation to Chen Dao. Chen Dao himself changed his expression, and looked at the werewolf tribe down the mountain again, with a trace of murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

Central Army Command.

Di Feng received news from other troops that the three troops had all arrived at their predetermined positions.

Di Feng stood on the main seat and spoke.

"Where are the rifle brigade and anti-aircraft squad?"

As soon as Di Feng finished speaking, a staff officer on the side quickly replied. "My lord, the rifle brigade has arrived at the predetermined position and blocked the retreat of the werewolf tribe. The air defense squad occupies a high ground and is ready to attack at any time."

"Very good." Di Feng nodded and gave the order. "Then let's start, the whole army goes out."

(End of this chapter)

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