When Chen Shuyao mentioned Xu Baichuan's name, the other party didn't even buy it.

However, this is not because the fourth brother of the military commander has no status in the military commander, but because the order this time was issued by Boss Dai, not to mention the military commander. Even people from the presidential palace must be inspected when they leave the city.

Chen Shuyao frowned slightly, because he had already seen the word "business is business" on the other person's face.

She was about to be exposed, because a military agent had already gone to the side to break the willow branches.

The few people from the gendarmerie that Chen Shuyao had bribed before could not say anything at this time. After all, the other party was the military commander. They wanted to investigate, but no one dared to stop them.

It was only a matter of time before he was exposed. Chen Shuyao winked at his men.

Because once it is revealed, it means that they will fight hard. Otherwise, everyone will die in the city if they cannot get out of the city.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside the city gate. A dozen young people who were going into the city to sell vegetables clashed with the city defense troops for some unknown reason.

Everyone's attention suddenly shifted to the outside of the city gate, and the military commanders also ran outside the city to suppress it.

Chen Shuyao's men looked at Chen Shuyao, Chen Shuyao winked, and all the vehicles immediately rushed towards the city gate.

The people from the military command stopped checking, and the people from the gendarmerie and city defense army only looked at them symbolically and then let them go.

At this time, when the young people who were making trouble outside the city saw the military commander coming, they dispersed and fled in all directions.

When Chen Shuyao led people out of the city, the military commanders were still busy arresting people. Because these people are very suspicious and suddenly cause trouble at the city gate, the military commander must arrest them and question them clearly.

But unexpectedly, Chen Shuyao, a big fish, was let out by them.


At the same time, at the military command headquarters, Duan Wu had arrived at Zheng Yaoxian's office.

Zheng Yaoxian was about to go out to greet him, but was blocked in the room by Duanwu.

And when Dragon Boat Festival came in, he asked: "Do you have any clues about the city defense map?"

Zheng Yaoxian said: "Not yet, but I have already released the news that Wang Mingyu will be shot. I believe Zhang Yu will exchange the city defense map for Wang Mingyu's life."

Duanwu shook his head and said: "What you said makes sense, but there are two problems here. First, Zhang Yu is Secretary-General Gu's secretary. Although he is a personal secretary, he must still know some strategies and tactics. If If I were her, I would not trade with us in the city. Because in this case, not only would she not be able to save anyone, but she would also bring herself in.

Secondly, Zhang Yu has not shown up since he disappeared last night. What does this mean? It means someone is assisting her.

And who will help her at this time? Only spies.

Since the beginning of our battle with Japanese spies in the mountain city, Japanese spies have emerged in endlessly. Some of them pretended to be workers, some pretended to be businessmen, some pretended to be coachmen, some pretended to be teachers, some pretended to be patrolmen, and even the military commander, the central commander, the city defense army, and the gendarmerie all had spies.

Let's put it this way, even under our successive attacks, the spies in Shancheng have still not been completely eliminated.

So I have reason to suspect that Zhang Yu may have come into contact with Japanese spies without knowing it.

And when the Japanese spies learn that there is a city defense map on her body, what will they do? The first time was to hide her, and the second time was to send him out of the city. "

Zheng Yaoxian heard this and felt that what Duanwu said was very reasonable. Because just last night, he had sorted out Zhang Yu's interpersonal relationships. Some of the people who were close to her had their homes carefully searched, but Zhang Yu was still not found.

That means Zhang Yu must still know someone outside her circle, and this person is most likely a spy. The more Zheng Yaoxian thought about it, the more terrifying he felt, and he quickly ordered: "Intensify the number of military agents at the city gate, and ask the agents at the city gate to report whether any suspicious people have left the city before, and tell them that if they have concealed the report, they will be punished on the spot. "


An agent took the order and went to deliver the order. Not long after, news came back that Dongchang Yang Company was escorting Shanxi vinegar out of the city.

When Duanwu heard the report, he got up and left.

And Zheng Yaoxian also understood what was going on.

Do more than a dozen trucks transporting vinegar need more than twenty people to escort them? And the boss of Dongchang Yangxing Company followed him personally? Were there military police escorts along the way?

However, at this time, seeing Zheng Yao coming first, Duan Wu said: "It's useless for you to follow me. Someone must be stationed in the mountain city. Notify interceptors along the way, and prepare more portraits of the boss of Dongchang Yangxing Company and Zhang Yu to send to the 11th Division Go. We will definitely gain something by working together. And we must be careful of the enemy building a plank road to cross Chencang secretly, attracting our attention to the outside of the city, and then they will wait for an opportunity to leave the city."


Zheng Yao first took the order and returned to his office. Duanwu, on the other hand, drove his car with his bodyguards and chased directly outside the east city.

The other party is a carriage. No matter how fast you go, you can't catch up with the car. If Duanwu chases him now, he has a 60% chance of catching him.

But after leaving the city, the roads were too complicated. If Chen Shuyao drove the car to a small road, it would be difficult for Duanwu to find him.

But even so, Dragon Boat Festival has to chase, because if he doesn't chase, then he will wait for the city defense map to fall into the hands of Japanese spies!


At the same time, ten miles away from the east city gate, a rapid knocking sound suddenly came from the vinegar barrel transporting Shanxi mature vinegar.

When Chen Shuyao heard the knocking sound, he immediately asked someone to stop the car, and then ordered: "Pour out the vinegar and let the person out. There should be insufficient oxygen."


Chen Shuyao's men took the order and directly used an iron hook to dig out several holes in the vinegar cart to release the Shanxi mature vinegar inside.

In an instant, the entire road was filled with the smell of Shanxi mature vinegar.

Chen Shuyao covered her nose slightly with a handkerchief. After the vinegar was drained out, several of Chen Shuyao's men lifted the cover off and released the panting Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu gasped violently, looked around and said, "Are we out of the city?"

Chen Shuyao smiled and said: "Yes, sister, it is not easy to get out of the city. And next, we only need to find a safe place, send a message to the military commander, and use the city defense map to replace Wang Mingyu."

Zhang Yu nodded fiercely, but said a little strangely: "Sister Chen, why do I feel so much pain in the back of my head?"

Chen Shuyao explained: "You have slept on a hard board for so long, of course it will hurt?"

But at this moment, Zhang Yu took back the hand that was touching the back of his head and saw the blood on his fingers.

She remembered that when she was in the apartment, she had an argument with Chen Shuyao, and then the back of her head hurt and she didn't know anything else.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu asked angrily: "Who are you? Why do you want to beat me? Take me out of the city?"

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