Anti-Japanese War: Starting from Yaobai

Chapter 1872 Zheng Yaoxian was deceived!

At the same time, Beicheng District, near Bijin Park. Jiangchuan Yuki and a group of Japanese spies are already trapped inside.

A dozen of Jiangchuan Yuki's subordinates were all panicked. But Jiangchuan Yougui rolled his eyes and led people directly into a bathhouse.

This bathroom is not very big. The boss and the waiter are all alone, and there are two relatives at home heating the hot water. Since it was around noon, there was no one in the bath.

But when guests come in, they greet them with a smile. Jiangchuan Yuki also smiled warmly and said: "Brothers, come here and take a shower. Is this clean? Is the place inside big?"

The boss quickly said: "Big, big, let alone a few brothers, even a dozen more can be accommodated."

Jiangchuan Yuki asked again: "With so many people, can hot water be provided?"

The boss quickly explained: "Yes, absolutely yes. Those working in the backyard are two very capable young men."

Jiangchuan Yuki nodded, then winked at his subordinate, who strangled the boss's neck with his arm behind him.

The boss was shocked and wanted to scream, but at this time another Japanese man covered his mouth and nose and suffocated him to death.

At this time, Egawa Yuki went to the backyard towards his two men and strangled the two young men who were chatting to death without warning.

After another search and no one was found, Yuki Egawa said: "You go and pretend to be the boss here. The two of you pretend to be the ones who boil the water. The others took off their clothes and pretended to be guests taking a bath here."


Everyone responded, and Yuki Egawa also walked towards the bath.

The Japanese who were handling the corpse looked around and found nowhere to put the corpse. One of them suggested throwing it into the boiler.

But another person said: "No, it will have a strong burning smell, which will attract attention."

Having said this, the man looked at the firewood and a large pile of coal piled aside and said, "Bury them inside so that no one will find them."

"This is a good idea, let's do it!"

So a few Japanese soldiers began to dig up the coal, bury the bodies, and continued to boil water in the backyard as if nothing had happened.

So it can be seen that Yuki Egawa's adaptability is very strong. In just a short moment, he came up with such an unobtrusive lurking method.

Of course, this is just a stop-gap measure, and it is impossible for Jiang Chuan Yuki to lurk in this bathhouse for a long time. After all, this is a bathhouse, and the door must be opened to conduct business. If regular customers come in, they will definitely find clues.

However, Jiangchuan Yuki is not worried for the time being, because few people go to take a bath in the middle of the day. It’s just three o’clock in the afternoon. At four o'clock it's hard to say. During this time, everyone who should get off work is off work, and everyone who should be out of school is out of school.

Especially for people who have been working hard for a day and are sweating all over, spending a copper coin to take a bath in the bathhouse is so comfortable.

Therefore, it was the wisdom of our ancestors to take a bath as early as possible during the Republic of China, otherwise the water in the bathtub would be full of mud balls.

But no matter what, no one disturbed me during this period, only the military commander came to take a look.

Because this place is still far away from Bijin Park, the military commanders did not search carefully. They just asked, then entered the bathroom to have a look before leaving.

There was a lot of fog in the bathhouse due to the heavy burning, and Jiang Chuan Yuki covered his face with a handkerchief, otherwise the military commanders would definitely recognize him as Jiang Chuan Yuki. But it is a pity that the military commander's agents' search of this area was just a process. Their real destination was to search the buildings near Bijin Park, or even search inside the park.

Because the leaves of that kind of tree cannot float very far into the city.

So Zheng Yaoxian focused his search on Bijin Park and the location where that kind of tree appeared.

And at this time, Zheng Yaoxian had already found the kind of tree Sun Chuanfang mentioned.

This is a relatively small tree, only about three meters tall. Its leaves are similar to willow leaves, but shorter and reddish brown.

Zheng Yaoxian had never seen this kind of tree before, but it was precisely because of its special nature that it pointed a direction for Zheng Yaoxian.

Zheng Yao first took out the map of Bijin Park that Zhao Jianzhi had just found from the municipal government.

Zheng Yaoxian pointed to the map and said: "This kind of small tree runs for three kilometers from west to east. And it is inside the park. This means that either the smoke is hidden in this mountain, or the smoke needs to pass through here.

And Huang Daya's opium den is in the west of the city, which means that the opium may have been transported from the east side of Bijin Park, then passed through here, and then transported to the west of the city. This road is very secretive, so it is very possible. In short, you lead people along this mountain road to the east to see if they can find anything, while others search the woods here carefully to see if there is anything abnormal! "


Zhao Jianzhi and a group of military agents took orders one after another, and then went their separate ways.

Zhao Jianzhi led more than fifty people to the east, while Zheng Yaoxian stayed with more than fifty people to search.

Zheng Yaoxian felt that Sun Chuanfang would not lie to him when he went out to get out of jail, or at least let him find opium.

But maybe Zheng Yaoxian underestimated Sun Chuanfang's cunning, because Sun Chuanfang knew Zheng Yaoxian, the sixth brother of the military.

Or maybe anyone with any brains in the extra-high school class knows the name of Zheng Yaoxian's sixth brother.

Because I remembered that in Shanghai, the agents of the Eighth Special Higher Education Course were chasing Zheng Yaoxian, and the result was that he died and went crazy. That battle left a deep impression on the Japanese spies in the Special High School.

Therefore, Sun Chuanfang never thought that she could deceive the sixth brother of the military commander. She used her superb acting skills to deceive Zheng Yaoxian, making Zheng Yaoxian mistakenly believe that she would tell something in order to escape. But little did they know that Sun Chuanfang planned to escape from the military headquarters with the help of Zheng Yaoxian who took away a large number of secret agents within the military command.

"Brother, come here."

When a military agent passed by Sun Chuanfang's cell, Sun Chuanfang stopped him.

The military agent saw that Sun Chuanfang was a woman and she was pretty, so he joked: "What kind of sister? Isn't it comfortable to live here?"

Sun Chuanfang saw the other party looking at him with a lustful look, and immediately sighed and said: "Yeah, how can I feel comfortable here when it's dirty and smelly? Look at my back, it's very itchy, and I can't scratch it myself. Come on, brother, can you come in and help me catch him?"

The military commander thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I can't get in. The key is with Bantou Wang."

Sun Chuanfang cooed: "Brother, then you have to find a way to get the key. I'm so itchy that you can scratch it, okay?"

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