Anti-Japanese War: Starting from Yaobai

Chapter 1859 City-wide manhunt!

Although Xu Baichuan, Zhao Jianzhi, and Song Xiaoan acted quickly, they were still escaped by some Japanese spies.

The Japanese spies have very strong combat capabilities and work well together. They fought tooth and nail to break through, and even a few of them escaped.

Some spies escaped because they did not return to the dealership.

However, none of the spies in Guifu Tower escaped, and a large number of weapons and ammunition were seized in the basement of Guifu Tower.

These weapons and ammunition were obviously used to attack the weapons transfer station tonight.

But Duanwu acted in advance, not only Zheng Yaoxian was caught off guard, but also the little devil.

So after this action, Zheng Yaoxian even dared to assert that even if there were still Japanese spies lurking in the military system, they would never be able to react.

Of course, he did not believe that there were still spies in the military system, because after several purges, the military system seemed to be extremely clean. If there is another Japanese spy, then Zheng Yaoxian can only write a big word "service".

The operation to capture Japanese spies is still going on. Although the Japanese spies have escaped, they will definitely find a new foothold. Moreover, they learned from the captured Japanese spies that at least a dozen Japanese spies were not on the list of kills and arrests.

The Japanese from the kamikaze team confessed that they had sixty-six people entering the city this time, but they did not know about the spies lurking in the city. The purpose of their entry into the city this time was to cooperate with a commander named Ekawa Yuki to blow up the weapons transfer station, and they were preparing to launch an operation tonight, but they did not expect that the military commander's agents would come in before they were ready.

Moreover, it was learned from the interrogation that these kamikaze agents had only been trained for about three months and were trained according to the training methods of German special forces.

As for the subject of resisting torture, they didn't know. So the process of torture is much simpler.

However, this just shows that in the previous operations, the spies have suffered heavy losses, otherwise these spies who have not even started torture subjects would not be lurking into the mountain city.

But even so, Zheng Yaoxian will not relax his vigilance. He is ordering the mountain city military to control various departments, cooperate with the gendarmerie and the city defense army, and hunt down spies in the mountain city, striving to catch all the escaped spies.

And at the same time, he also received an order from Duanwu, asking the military commander to quickly investigate the identities of Tang Hong and the other three people who followed Tang Hong. Duanwu also asked Director Wang to send photos of the four people to the military commander. The four people were wanted throughout the city, including the four city gates, and the military commanders were required to cooperate in the investigation, so as not to miss a single spy without sealing off the city.

The city-wide manhunt operation was launched quickly. Although it was not as large as before, the city defense army also set up checkpoints at various intersections to check the documents of passers-by.

The air in the mountain city became tense again, and the Western media also became restless again.

Because every time a card is set up, it means that there are traces of spies in the mountain city.

But how long has it been since the last lockdown? It’s only been about a week, will the city be closed down again like last time?

They viewed the raid with suspicion. What disappointed them was that not only was the city not closed during this round of raids, but it was only closed overnight, and the checkpoints on the road disappeared the next day. Some people speculated that the Japanese spies were caught, while others speculated that this was just a mistake. The military commander was frightened like a frightened bird. At the slightest sign of trouble, he encouraged the Dragon Boat Festival to close the city.

Everything was said at the moment, but then the gunshots came from the Zhang family and the news that Wang's Car Dealership, Zhang's Car Dealership, and Guifulou were closed down came out. And everyone also understood one thing, that is, this city-wide manhunt was definitely not an oolong incident, but that there were indeed Japanese spies at work.

However, the city defense forces that blocked the city suddenly withdrew, and the large-scale manhunt in the mountain city also stopped. Were all the spies caught?

No, the spy wasn't caught. Only three of the escaped Japanese spies were captured and two were shot dead. The remaining Japanese spies and traitors who knew the exact number were at least fourteen who were at large, and directly thwarted the Japanese spies' plan to blow up the weapons transfer station of the Ministry of Munitions that day.

So since not all the Japanese spies were captured, why were all the checkpoints removed and the military commander no longer conducted city-wide manhunts?

The reason is simple. The remaining spies are hiding, and they are hiding to a point where their traces cannot be found in a short period of time.

After the last lockdown, the people in the city were very nervous, and a long-term lockdown would greatly affect the city's economy, especially those living at the bottom. They have no savings and can barely earn a day's money. That's it. A day's rations, and what should such people do when they face a long-term lockdown?

Therefore, Dragon Boat Festival made a prompt decision to lift the blockade and let the mountain city return to normal.

Of course, he did not ignore the Japanese spies, but the military commander would continue to monitor them secretly. As long as the Japanese spies showed up, they could still catch them all.

Because no matter how the Japanese spies hide, they have two things to do. One is to blow up the weapons transfer station of the Ministry of Munitions. The second item is the city defense map of Wuhan.

But this time, with the help of the city's closure, Duanwu has used the power of the city defense army to transport the weapons and equipment from the weapon transfer station directly out of the city, and has added Zhou Bao and more than a hundred of his guards to the city defense army to assist in the escort.

Of course, it's better to call it assistance than surveillance. Because at this time, except for a few people in the mountain city, no one believed in Dragon Boat Festival. Therefore, you must let someone you trust escort this batch of arms.

But inside the city, there was nothing unusual about the weapons transfer station of the Ministry of Munitions. Even the security force of the weapons transfer station had not been replaced, and no personnel had been transferred.

Everything was as if nothing had happened, waiting for the little devil to fall into the trap.

And last night during the Dragon Boat Festival, he also had a phone call with Director Xu of the Central Command, asking the Central Command to closely monitor the First Theater Command.

If the little devils want to steal Wuhan's city defense map, the First Theater Command will be their only choice at this time.

Because of the lessons learned last time, both the presidential palace and the military commanders have stepped up their defenses. Although the First Theater Command has also strengthened its defenses, due to the special nature of the First Theater Command, no matter how well prepared it is, it is still the best target for spies.

So this time, Duanwu asked Zhongtong to replace the military commander and monitor the first theater headquarters.

Of course, the First Theater Command is the territory of the military command no matter what, and the military command agents lurking in the First Theater Command will also participate in this operation.

In other words, a small first theater command now has three forces, the military commander, the central commander, and Japanese spies, fighting for their wits and courage among them!

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