"There is someone in the power distribution room, ah!"

A security guard opened the door of the power distribution room, only to bump into Chiba Chishou.

Qianye Qianshou was expressionless, and cut the opponent's neck directly with a single knife.A small scalpel has become a sharp weapon for killing in Chiba Qianshou's hands.

puff!puff puff!

Chiba Qianshou killed all three security guards who came to the power distribution room to check on the spot.

But Qianye Qianshou still didn't intend to give up. He walked out from the corner of the security room at a leisurely pace.A doctor and a nurse were boldly walking towards here with a flashlight.

Of course, it wasn't because they were stupid and came to find someone with a flashlight when they heard someone was dead, but because Chiba Qianshou's strikes were very fast, and all the cuts were on the other party's throat.

The person died but couldn't make a sound, so the two unlucky guys bumped into each other.

Chiba Qianshou came out from the corner slowly, the two of them looked at their colleagues wearing masks and thought it was just an ordinary power outage.

The male doctor asked: "What's the matter, when will the power be restored?"

Chiba Qianshou's answer was a scalpel, which pierced the male doctor's throat, and then pierced out from the back of his neck.

The male doctor stared in disbelief, then slowly fell down, and the flashlight in his hand fell to the ground.


At this moment, piercing screams sounded again, but the next moment, the female nurse with a terrified face also fell into a pool of blood.

Qianye Qianshou did it on purpose, otherwise how could the woman in front of her have the chance to scream?
What he wants is the woman's scream, because the woman's scream will attract more people here and create conditions for his assassination.

This was something that Chiba Qianshou had thought about before infiltrating into Kaifeng Hospital.

Because even with his butt, he can imagine that Kaifeng Hospital has already been filled with guard posts because of the arrival of the Dragon Boat Festival.If he wanted to assassinate Duan Wu, he would have to ask the guards who were armed with live ammunition to agree or not.

So he had to create chaos and attract the attention of the guards, and in this way, he would have a chance to kill Duan Wu.

"Who? Put your hands up, or we'll shoot."

Just then, the hospital patrol team arrived.They are the garrison of Kaifeng, and they are ordered to patrol the hospital to ensure the safety of the hospital.

They heard the woman screaming and rushed over with guns.

But Chiba Chishou was wearing a doctor's white coat and a mask, so the patrol soldiers didn't know who Chiba Chishou was.

Chiba Qianshou did not answer, but slowly raised her hands.

He couldn't speak, because Qianye Qianshou's Chinese was not very good, and his articulation was very blunt, as long as he opened his mouth, he would reveal his secrets.

And he raised his hand only to get close to the patrolling soldiers and kill them all.

Although there were seven patrolling soldiers standing in front of Qianye Qianshou at this time, it would only take a moment to kill them.

It's just that Chiba Qianshou ignored one thing. He hid the scalpel in his cuff, and when he raised his hand like this, the cuff fell due to gravity, and the bloody scalpel was on the flashlight. Under the light, there is nothing to hide.

One of the soldiers said loudly: "Shoot, he killed the person."


Before the soldier finished speaking, there was already a sharp scalpel on his neck.

This scalpel was thrown by Chiba Qianshou as a hidden weapon, and it hit his throat directly at a distance of more than 20 meters.

The soldier fell down slowly, while the other soldiers saw it and quickly fired with their guns.

But at this moment, before the soldiers in the front row had time to shoot, the white figure rushed forward.

In a hurry, two pulled the trigger.

The gun rang out, but the white shadow suddenly flashed to the left.

The two shots were all missed, and the two soldiers were surprised. They retracted their guns and swept them to their right side like sticks.

But there was no bayonet on the gun, so it couldn't cause any fatal damage to Chiba Qianshou.

It's just that the two patrol soldiers had no choice but to shoot and missed each other, and the opponent dodged to their right. They could only move the guns in their hands, not giving the opponent another chance to attack.

It can be said that the two patrolling soldiers changed their moves very quickly.It's just a pity that what they met was Chiba Qianshou.

This old devil has lived a life of licking blood since he was less than 20 years old, and followed the Japanese pirates to burn, kill and loot in the coastal areas of China.

Although he committed a heinous crime, it has to be said that in the process of killing people, this old devil has a lot of actual combat experience.

What's more, this old devil is a real master of swordsmanship.When he sideways avoided the guns of two patrol soldiers, he quickly turned around, and the white coat on his body was floating in the air at this moment with the swing of his body.

At some point, the buttons on the white coat had been torn off by Chiba Qianshou. He swung the white coat up with the inertia of turning around, but when the two patrolmen swept their guns over, they found that only A white coat.

The people of Qianye Qianshou disappeared, and they disappeared strangely from under the noses of the two patrol soldiers.

And if it wasn't for the screams and gunshots that suddenly came from behind them, I'm afraid the two of them would think that they had run into a ghost at this time.

The two turned around quickly, but at this moment, what they saw was an extremely shocking scene.The four brothers behind them were all dead, and one of them had his head chopped off, but he remained standing.

At this time, Chiba Qianshou had an extra dagger in his hand.This knife was only two feet long, and it was the same short knife that Chiba Qianshou used to assassinate Duan Wu during the day yesterday.

Qianye Qianshou came prepared, how could he assassinate Duan Wu without a knife?It's just that the long knife is too inconvenient, so he left it in the teahouse, but he only brought this short knife and kept it on his lower back.

However, his saber skills were still sharp. When he escaped with the help of his white coat, he turned behind the two patrol soldiers, and then chopped down all four patrol soldiers with a few swipes of knives.

One of the patrolmen shot in haste, but only hit the ground, and Chiba Chishou then took off his head.

The horrifying scene caught the eyes of the two patrolmen in front, and they even had an urge to run away.Because the opponent was too strong, he killed five of them with only two knives.

But at this time they couldn't turn around and run away.

Of course, this is not because of how high their consciousness is, but if they turn around and leave at this time, they will undoubtedly die.

After all, leave your back to the enemy on the battlefield, and you will only die!

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