Anti-Japanese War: Starting from Yaobai

Chapter 1170 The 125th Division rushes to the rescue!

There is not enough bullets, and there is no place to replenish them for the Dragon Boat Festival. Only some [-]-style rifles can be used by cavalry.

The [-]-type rifle is too long and not suitable for cavalry combat.But it also has an advantage, that is, it has a small recoil and is suitable for the body shape of Orientals.

Of course, the most important thing is that there are no other guns nowadays, even if they don't work well, they have to be used.

Duanwu asked Shangguan Zhibiao to find seven or eight machine guns to supplement the firepower of the cavalry battalion. Then Duanwu got on his horse and brought the cavalry battalion back to Bengbu again.

More than 50 kilometers, if you walk, it may take five hours, six hours, or even ten hours.

Because the marching of the troops is not only as easy as walking on two legs, but also the supply troops and even the artillery follow.

Therefore, if the army marches, if it is not marching in a hurry, and if it is lightly packed, it will generally not be very fast.

But the cavalry is different. The cavalry has horses to travel, although it cannot be exaggerated that they can travel a thousand a day and eight hundred a night.But it only takes about two hours for the Dragon Boat Festival to return to Bengbu, and three hours later, he can arrive near Liutaizi Village and launch a surprise attack on the Japanese army.

Of course, Duan Wu will not face the devil head-on, as long as he saves someone, he will retreat immediately.

Before leaving, Duan Wu asked Shangguan Zhibiao to send a telegram to the Fifth Theater Command.The first is to tell Li Zhongren that the Tenth Regiment of the Japanese Army has been wiped out.The devil's right wing in the Huainan area has almost been beaten and disabled.

The second is that Tang Jiujiu is in Liutaizi Village.

Duan Wu didn't say much about this matter, because Li Zhongren is not a fool, so he doesn't need to explain so much to smart people.He guessed that Li Zhongren should know what to do.

It's just that the Dragon Boat Festival didn't know that the No. 30 First Army had already declined under the fierce attack of the Devil's Ninth Division and the 114th Division, and its defense line had shrunk by more than one-third.

The commander of the 31st Army is going to shrink the line of defense to Shouxian County and Changfeng area in Huainan, and concentrate its forces to defend.

And Li Zhongren is also preparing to reinforce him, because once the 31st Army retreats across the board, the first army will really become a lone army.

However, at this time, the Dragon Boat Festival called.Of course, before that, he had received a telegram from Liutaizi Village, and he also knew that Tang Jiujiu was in Liutaizi Village.

But his reply was only to order Lao Abacus to organize his troops and immediately escort Tang Jiujiu to evacuate.

Because at this time, troops are being used everywhere, and there are already two armies in the direction of Bengbu. If more troops are sent up, Xuzhou's troops will be empty. How to deal with the northern front.The Japanese Second Army was coming in menacingly, and Han Fuju was in the dark.

And if it weren't for the Dragon Boat Festival to hang him with a artillery regiment, I'm afraid he would have withdrawn from Jinan long ago.

But even so, Han Fuju sent three help telegrams a day.So Li Zhongren was really worried that the Dragon Boat Festival had predicted that this Han Fuju would withdraw from Jinan without authorization.

Once Jinan falls, he must mobilize troops to block the little devils in Zaozhuang and Taierzhuang, otherwise the little devils will drive straight in and take Xuzhou directly. Then this battle of Xuzhou, which he has prepared for three months, will be will cease to exist.

But at this time, Duanwu sent another telegram, which made him have to think carefully.

The tenth regiment of the Japanese army was wiped out, which will be a turning point in the Huainan campaign.

He got the news from the intelligence department that, except for one regiment of little devils detouring from the direction of the 31st Army, the Tenth Regiment of the Japanese Tenth Division is most likely to penetrate eastward and then join the Japanese 26th Brigade , in preparation for outflanking the Dragon Boat Festival in Bengbu.

Li Zhongren originally thought that this time, Duan Wu would suffer a big loss. He was planning to inform Duan Wu of this matter, but he didn't expect that Duan Wu would kill from Bengbu to Laoyeling overnight, and wiped out the [-]th Regiment of the Japanese Army.

And without the Tenth Regiment, the Devil's 26th Brigade would be useless.After all, the 26th Brigade of the Japanese Army suffered heavy losses before the Huainan Battle began.

And the enemy on the Eastern Front was cut off with one arm, which means that the turning point of this battle has appeared.

Of course, the most important thing is that Tang Jiujiu was in Liutaizi Village and did not leave for unknown reasons, otherwise the Dragon Boat Festival would not have sent a second telegram.

The Dragon Boat Festival is to remind him that if Tang Jiujiu suffers a casualty, even you, Li Zhongren, will have to bear the thunderous wrath of the Chairman.

Li Zhongren thought for a while, and felt that there was no need to offend the chairman of the committee in such a matter.What's more, the situation on the southern front has changed, and it's time for him to use his troops.

Li Zhongren ordered that the 20th Division of the No.125 Second Army fully support Liutaizi Village and rescue Miss Tang Jiujiu.

No.20 Second Army 125th Division, the division commander is called Chen Dingxun, under the jurisdiction of the 136rd Brigade, the [-]th Brigade, and a [-]th Mixed Brigade.

The predecessor of this mixed brigade was actually a shelter.When the Sichuan army went out to fight against Sichuan, many troops were dispersed. Many Sichuan troops had nowhere to go, and no troops were willing to take them in.So Chen Dingxun, the commander of the 125th Division, was ordered to set up such a shelter.

After that, the scale of the shelter continued to expand, and finally reached the strength of nearly a regiment.So there was the prototype of the 136th Brigade, and after that, such a supernumerary battle order was drawn from the main force and mixed.

The brigade commander of the 136th brigade is exactly Lu Jian, who is doing the final finishing work with the independent regiment at Laoyeling to wipe out the [-]th regiment of the Japanese army.

Of course, the news of Lu Jian's battle had already been sent back.

Lu Jian has always been in contact with the division headquarters, and told the division headquarters that the commissioner of Duan Wu is just like the rumors, not only generous but also approachable. As soon as the 136th Brigade arrived in Liutaizi Village, a company of pure German equipment was dispatched. After several battles, although there were casualties in the troops, almost all the brigade was replaced with Japanese equipment.

Lu Jian also told his teacher Chen Dingxun that this little devil's [-]-type rifle is easy to use.

Whenever Chen Bingxun saw the telegram sent by Lu Jian, he would smile from ear to ear.Because they Sichuan army, when have they been treated like this?

So at this time, when Li Zhongren's telegram was received, Chen Bingxun immediately ordered the whole division to move to Liutaizi Village in Bengbu.

The reconnaissance team went first, with enough strength for a regiment. They only carried light weapons and went to support. They must rescue the wife of the Dragon Boat Festival Commissioner-Miss Tang Jiujiu.

The 125th Division was dispatched across the board, but at this time, the battle situation in Liutaizi Village was not optimistic.

Because as expected in the Dragon Boat Festival, although the supply troops are brave, their overall combat effectiveness is mediocre.

In fact, most of them were withdrawn from the combat troops during the Dragon Boat Festival.Some of them are wounded soldiers, although they have recovered from their injuries, they are left with disabilities and cannot enter the front-line troops.And they were unwilling to retire, so they were incorporated into the supply camp.

And there are old, weak, sick, old, young, or some diseases.

They didn't want to leave the army and Duan Wu saw no reason to abandon them.

Moreover, there are trucks in the supply battalion, even some soldiers with disabled legs can follow the troops to fight with ease.

But these people still have a patriotic heart.They yearned for the battlefield, yearning to kill a few more devils with their own hands.

It just so happened that the devils came and the main force was not there, it was time for them to go into battle to kill the enemy.

It's just that the little devil is not weak. Although there is only one team, it took only ten minutes to break through the position of the blocking team of more than [-] people outside Liutaizi Village.

The sacrifices of the soldiers were all heroic. When the devil broke through the line of defense, he detonated the explosives tied to his body, and died together with the little devil who jumped into the position.

The explosion was so violent that a dozen devils were instantly engulfed by the explosion, and none of them survived.And more than [-] devils who charged behind were also blown out, and the smoke and mud rising from the position reached a height of more than [-] meters.

At this time, smoke and dust were everywhere, and among the falling mud and stones, little devils howled all over the place, and it was unknown how many devils would be taken away by this explosion!

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