Showdown: I'm Reborn

Chapter 443 Press Conference

"The live broadcast is about to start!"

"This time the dean and ministers are all present, and it's been a long time since I've seen the two of them attend a press conference together."

"Today's spiritual energy has recovered, are they planning to make another big news?"

Xiong Yan hasn't shown up yet, but the comments of netizens in the live broadcast room have already swiped the screen. There are so many bullet screens that people can't see the screen itself clearly.

After a while, Xiong Yan appeared in front of everyone, this time it was still a projection, which made many people heave a sigh of relief.

Many people thought that perhaps on this special day today, if Xiong Yan was happy, the deity would come. In this way, they would have a chance.

As long as Xiong Yan dies, Daxia's great situation will definitely be ruined.

In their view, although Chu Xuan's intelligence is very high and has already surpassed the limit of human beings, his emotional intelligence is really not good.With Chu Xuan's EQ, many people are worried about letting him control the entire Great Xia's extraordinary world.

Not only people abroad are worried about letting Chu Xuan be the leading brother, but even many departments in the country, many middle-level executives are unwilling to see Chu Xuan as the leading brother.

This is also related to the personal settings of Xiong Yan and Chu Xuan in the past.

At that time, in all public places, Xiong Yan's persona was close to the people, a good person, a good person, an innocent, pure, and kind person.

As for Chu Xuan, he kept a cold face and hardly ever smiled in public.Of course, he hardly ever smiled in private.

Moreover, Chu Xuan has always been known for his ruthlessness, impartiality, and wisdom.Such a person, when everyone has nothing to do with him, he can give a thumbs up and praise him.However, if such a person becomes his own boss, the experience will be very bad.

Therefore, for many people, today is an opportunity, an opportunity to destroy the great situation of Great Xia.

But I never expected that even today, even if St. George had been defeated long ago, even if the Illuminati had split into several organizations, and even though Daxia seemed to be as stable as Mount Tai today, Xiong Yan would not show up.

Not to mention that the real body descended, Xiong Yan didn't even want to descend in his avatar, what appeared on the scene was still Xiong Yan's projection.

If it is the real body, then even if the face is torn, you have to take out all kinds of big weapons and try to assassinate Xiong Yan.

If it is an incarnation, the big guys can also cover up each other, then seize the avatar, use the connection between the avatar and the deity, and finally curse and kill Xiong Yan.

But in the end, it was just a projection, not a magic projection, but a simple three-dimensional projection, and there was almost no causal relationship with the deity.

At this moment, there are quite a lot of disappointed people.

But at the same time, there are quite a lot of people who are relieved. After all, not everyone wants to risk their lives to kill Xiong Yan.

Killing Xiong Yan may be good for their country and organization, but for them personally, it must be ten deaths and no life!
Afterwards, no matter whether it is successful or not, those who did it on the spot will definitely not be able to escape, not even one of them!
Xiong Yan looked at the crowd in front of him. Today's audience is indeed very different.After looking around, Xiong Yan picked up the microphone.

"First of all, I would like to say hello to the audience friends around the world, good afternoon everyone."

"Today is the third tide of aura. A large amount of aura is pouring in, filling every corner of the world. It is the first time that people's bodies will not be able to adapt to the transition from low-concentration aura to medium-concentration aura. An opportunity. So everyone insists on trying to pass out as late as possible."

"After this time, it will probably truly enter the era of the supernatural for the whole people. By then, great changes will take place in many places."

"After this time, most of the shipping is estimated to be suspended for a period of time. I don't know if the countries and regions where you are located have made enough preparations, and how the relevant materials are prepared."

After chatting with ordinary people for a while, Xiong Yan raised his head and looked at the crowd sitting in the distance.

"Today's scene is very different, because there are too many so-called big shots. They have official leaders from the extraordinary world of various countries."

Speaking of this, Xiong Yan looked at Lao Dengtou, and the camera followed Xiong Yan's gaze to Lao Dengtou.As the headmaster of the Harry Potter School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Lao Dengtou's reputation is quite high.

In front of the camera, he was still so polite and humble, as if he felt that the camera was facing him, and Old Deng smiled at the camera.In an instant, I don't know how many aunts and grandmothers love me.

"There are also leaders of non-governmental organizations..."

The camera shifted again, this time focusing on a big nose with blond hair that looked very intimidating. This was the famous Sir Isaac.

The camera focused on his big nose for a while, and many junior and high school students were shocked the moment they saw Sir Isaac.

This is a double deterrent from mathematics and physics!

Even many college students suddenly recalled how embarrassing they were when they were doing force analysis and calculus.

"Yes, this is the Sir Isaac who is loved and hated in the textbook. He is currently the president of the non-governmental organization Physics Association and the vice-chairman of the non-governmental organization Mathematics Association."

"Among these non-governmental associations, many are great scientists who have left their names in history. Their names often appear in our junior high school textbooks and high school textbooks."

"Although Great Xia was excellent in ancient times and is excellent now, it must be admitted that in modern times, it was indeed these outstanding scientists who were leading the advancement of human civilization."

After Xiong Yan said so many good things, Sir Isaac also tried his best to squeeze out a smile towards the camera. It was okay when he was not smiling, but his smile became a psychological shadow for many elementary and middle school students in an instant.

"In addition, there are still many extraordinary people with outstanding strength today, such as brothers Tom and Jerry..."

The camera turned again, and it was the Gundam Tom and the sensitive Jerry brothers. These two people are now well-known in the Western extraordinary world. They are known for their luck. Many people wonder if they have lifted the skirt of the goddess of luck. Jiao, otherwise how can you be so lucky?

"Today, there are not a few pure imaginary seniors, such as Daoist Taihong sitting in the guest seat."

Following the camera, the audience saw an existence, and then they discovered that there was an error in their mutual perception.

"Huh? Is this Daoist Taihong? He looks like a fairy. According to the dean, he should be a pure imaginary figure, and now he has come to reality."

"Fairy air? No, I just saw an old man with white hair and a childlike face. He was holding a book in his hand. The book was called Taihong Jing. As for the immortal air, I really didn't see it. It felt like an ordinary man. The old man next door."

"No, why did I see a young man in his early twenties, in such a cold day, he was still wearing a pair of black trousers, a white shirt, and a watch on his hand..."

"What's going on? Why do I feel that the one sitting there is a bosom elder sister with all kinds of charm and perfect figure?"

For a while, Xiong Yan hadn't spoken yet, and the netizens started arguing first. If this was at the scene, shouldn't they fight directly?

After a while, Xiong Yan spoke again: "Senior Taihong has already become a Daoist, and the Daoist is Dao, and Dao includes everything. What kind of image do you think Senior Taihong will appear in your heart?"

"So, everyone's image of Senior Tai Hong is different. But this is also an opportunity, because this image well reflects your true thoughts and expectations in your heart."

A Dream of Red Mansions, some people see the oppression and exploitation, and after reading it, they just want to overthrow this dark world and establish a world of great harmony; It would be great if I could be a nobleman, and I would definitely spend more time playing than them; some people saw the life of a master, and their minds were full of me wanting to be a master.

And Daoist Taihong is the master of hundreds of millions of origins who are in charge of the origin, a typical existence born of pure emptiness and devoted to Tao.

This kind of existence cannot be simply described as men, women, old and young, or even he, she, it, but only her.

Therefore, looking at Daoist Taihong more will help you understand your heart, see what you want, what you desire, and what you miss.

After a while, netizens finally understood Xiong Yan's thoughts.

"I regret it. Now I just want to ask Guan Ming, can you delete what I just said!"

"Also, what's there to cover up? Sir, I just like big ones, I just like warped ones, what can't I say?"

Netizens' reaction was as usual, and Xiong Yan took a sip of tea before officially entering today's topic.

"Today's press conference has only one theme, and that is the aura transformation rune we accidentally discovered."

"Next, play a video from above Mars."

With the playback of the video, the hidden secrets have gradually been revealed to everyone.

In the past, even if you were a Daoist king who came to the world, you would not even think about discovering the relevant experiments on Mars through the way of deduction of heavenly secrets.

But at this moment, as the secrets are slowly released, many people subconsciously start to deduce the secrets. As time goes by, they get more and more secrets.

It turned out that before the decisive battle, Daxia had already carried out the aura transformation experiment on Mars, and the most important thing was that it was successful!
In the past, in every era, people have conducted similar experiments.But the final result is not ideal.

The Taiyi Clan's Zhoutian Xingdou formation can only be used in the virtual world.In reality, it's not reliable at all.

The Earth Vein and Spirit Vein systems of the Houtu clan can only operate under the premise of spiritual energy. When the concentration of spiritual energy is close to zero or disappears directly, these earth veins and dragon veins will gradually die.

Xianqin's Yun Dynasty system can only continue to operate in an environment without aura when the people's hearts remain at their peak.

But since ancient times, people's hearts have been changeable, so where can there be eternal people's hearts?

Old people who have seen the troubled times, as long as someone can end the troubled times, they will be thankful. No matter how unacceptable and harsh the new dynasty is, it is better than the troubled times.

Therefore, those old people who have seen the troubled times have a high tolerance for the new dynasty and a high degree of satisfaction with the new dynasty.

Therefore, when the Qin State ruled the world, the old people who had seen the feudal lords fighting in the Warring States Period did not find it difficult to accept Qin Fa.

No matter how hard it is for Qin Fa to accept, at least there is a rule.This is better than the nobles who abused the common people indiscriminately in the Seven Kingdoms era.

In the past, the nobles ruined Guishou casually, and no one cared.Now on the surface there is at least a Qin law that restrains the nobles. No matter how strict the Qin law is, can it be more excessive than the exploitation and oppression of the common people by the nobles?

Therefore, the common people who have seen the nobles oppress the common people and did not take the life of the head of Guizhou as their own, and the common people who have seen the troubled times of the Warring States Period, will not find Qin Fa so unacceptable.

Because, at most, the Qin law took away all their income from labor, but the nobles not only wanted to take away all their income from labor, but also wanted their lives and made them owe money for the next few decades or even hundreds of years. debts, and make their descendants slaves for generations.The nobles want to make Qianshou a slave forever, and they will always be on top.

Therefore, ordinary people of this generation will not feel how strict the Qin law is.Even though it was really harsh, compared with the troubled times of the Warring States Period, they were satisfied.

But what about the descendants of this generation of ordinary people?
The problem is here!
The new people of this generation have never seen how cruel the troubled times are, and they don’t know how much the nobles oppressed the people at the bottom. After being brainwashed by Confucian scholars, they began to yearn for the nobles.

Damn it, the nobles of the Six Kingdoms were washed away by Confucian scholars for nothing!
The nobles of the six countries have become representatives of benevolence and righteousness one by one!

I have never seen the chaotic times of the Warring States Period, nor have I seen the nobles of the six countries who abused and killed the low-level people at will in the new era based on their personal interests. The Qin Dynasty was too cruel, and I only felt that Qin Shihuang had no humanity at all.

But they didn't know that, in fact, compared with the nobles of the six countries, no matter how cruel Qin Shihuang was, he could still give most of the people at the bottom a way out.

The people of the new era cannot accept the harshness of the Qin law.The result is that people's hearts have changed, either Qin Fa has changed, Qin Chao has changed its operating system, or Qin Chao and the common people have died together.

After the change of people's hearts, Zulong had no choice but to take Qin Chao to the virtual world.The elites are all gone, and what is left is naturally a group of big sand withers.

The experiments of the Qin Dynasty failed, and later the Han, Tang, Song, and Ming dynasties also all failed.

"As you can see, the current aura tide is just the third time. Perhaps some aura has reached the moon by chance, but there is indeed no aura on Mars."

"And the experiment in the video is to use special aura to transform runes, directly absorb the legendary dark matter and dark energy, and finally transform it into aura."

"Fortunately, this experiment was a success!"

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