Showdown: I'm Reborn

Chapter 432 Red Sunset

Chapter 432 Red Sunset

within an international metropolis

An old man is holding a notebook, carrying a video camera on his back, sitting on the subway, looking at the empty subway, his eyes are dull.

While the subway was running, he passed one station after another, but he never got off. He didn't come back to life until the terminal station. After a while, he sat on the subway again and headed towards the starting point.

Looking at the empty subway most of the time, the old man didn't know what to say for a while.

Just a year ago, this subway was often full of passengers, especially when commuting to and from get off work, it was even more crowded, and sometimes it was impossible to find a place to stop.

Only after the migrant workers start to work, there will be a little less regular passengers on this train, but even so, most of the seats are occupied, but there is no need to stand at that time, and there is no need to grab a seat. Standing against the clock.

But at this moment, the old man is sitting on the subway, most of the time the subway is empty, there are very few passengers, most of the benches are empty.

Only when commuting to and from get off work can there be slightly more passengers on the subway, but it is far from the crowded scene of the past.

Moreover, the elderly can feel that there are fewer and fewer people.No, another couple of young people are planning to leave the city.

"Honey, we've saved enough 100 million, but is it really necessary to stay here?" This is a lady with light makeup. According to the old man's experience, she is estimated to be in her early thirties this year.

There were really many such women in the past.

Many men, in their early thirties, will choose to return to their hometown or go to other cities if they still cannot stay.

Many of these men graduated from prestigious schools, and they are not capable of studying and working, but they just can't stay in this city.After all, not all the graduates of prestigious schools, their parents can come up with seven-figure cash to help them pay the down payment.

Therefore, some of these elites in their early thirties chose to go back to their hometowns to take a civil servant exam. Although the civil servant exam has become more and more difficult over the years, the civil servant exam is essentially a test of students' learning ability.

The stronger the learning ability, the better the written test scores are generally.Therefore, those real elites who want to go back to their hometown to take the civil servant exam are not just a dream.Others choose to seek jobs in other cities and eventually settle in other second-tier cities.

But in the past, only many men would choose to return to their hometown when they reached old age.At that time, most women, even in their thirties, were unwilling to return to their hometowns.

Many people said superficially that these women can't recognize the reality, are too vain, and always want to marry rich people, so they stay here and don't want to go home. It's a typical failure to recognize themselves.

But the old man has been here for many years, and he knows that such superficial and vain women do exist, and there are quite a few, but they are not mainstream.

The reason why most women stay here and do not go back is mainly because their hometown does not leave a place for them.

In fact, the smaller the city, the earlier the average age of marriage.

After the age of 30, most women in the marriage and love market and the blind date market in small cities only have a place to be bullied, and only a place to be rejected.

On the other hand, most women’s hometowns are small cities, towns, or rural areas. Most of their hometowns have no well-known companies and no jobs to speak of. It is almost difficult to find a job suitable for their position. Can do sales or get into the system.

But the positions in the system of small cities are limited, only a few hundred or more than 1000 per year. These positions have to be competed with young people and other people who have returned from big cities, and finally they can enter the system and obtain Stable ones are, after all, very few.

Therefore, in the eyes of the uncle, the reason why so many highly educated and high-quality women in their early thirties stay here is not that they have not recognized the reality, but that there is no place for them in their hometown.

Besides, after seeing the prosperity of this place, can you really calm down and go back to your hometown?
However, since the recovery of the spiritual energy, everything has changed!

"It's not necessary. The elixir of youth is very cheap now. One hundred thousand injections. With one injection, your body can be restored to when you were 20 years old. Age is no longer a problem." Although the male on the side looked I am very tired, but when I speak, there is spirit in my eyes, full of hope, and light.

"Yeah, I'm already 33. In the past, we didn't dare to get pregnant because of income, buying a house, etc. Once I got pregnant, I would probably lose my current job. I'll look for a job after giving birth. I’ll be 35 or even 36, and by then I’m sure I won’t be able to find a high-paying job like now.”

"So, in the past, we didn't dare to get pregnant or have children, let alone buy a house and settle down."

"But if I don't give birth now, two years later, I will be 35. The doctor said that having a child at 35 is an advanced maternal age. I am going crazy!"

This problem is actually not only a problem that the two of them have to face, but also a problem that many migrant workers who are working hard in big cities and earning money with their lives have to face.

"It's all over, and now the elixir of youth is so cheap, we can definitely get an injection, and then we can start preparing for pregnancy and have a baby."

"Besides, now that the way of transcendence has become popular, although we haven't achieved transcendence, I heard that if we practice pictographic boxing more, it will be more powerful and convenient when giving birth." The middle-aged man was very happy.

He heard that some female supernatural beings, when giving birth, directly control the muscles of their whole body, and the birth is born with a swipe, and then recovered with a swipe.

Then, you only need to apply some medicine with supernatural properties, and you will be able to recover quickly. The pain will be gone in 3 minutes, you can walk normally in [-] hours, and you can walk like flying in [-] days.

This is also the benefit brought by Transcendence!

"Although you are not a superhuman, my wife, we can also use the supernatural package. Those medicines containing spiritual energy can greatly relieve the pain of giving birth..."

"Besides, we can sell our old house, although it's not worth much, and then go directly to a learning town with beautiful scenery. In today's learning town, the doctors in it are all doctors played by intelligent life. Experienced in handling a wide variety of ailments."

"Also, I heard that every characteristic town has an ICU ward with a large number of beds, and the hardware equipment is extremely good."

Listening to the husband's nagging, the wife's expression became more and more relaxed. The young couple is full of hope for the future, but this hope can only be realized after they leave.

The uncle who was sitting silently by the side looked calm on the surface, but actually sighed in his heart.

More and more young people leave this international metropolis, but fewer and fewer young people go here.

And those well-dressed experts also analyzed it from various angles. Some experts said that with the recovery of spiritual energy, the sea is full of sea monsters. Although the sea transportation has not completely disappeared, the total transportation volume is directly an order of magnitude lower than in the past. And it may be even lower in the future.

At this time, this place will definitely be affected.After all, this place not only belongs to Daxia, but also belongs to all human beings in the world.

It's an international metropolis, so awesome!
But if you prosper with this, you will die with it.

When globalization ceases to exist, this place will naturally lose its former glory.But fortunately, this place is still the first window for foreigners to enter Daxia, so it is still holding on.

Even in the past six months, a lot of resources have been invested in the Northwest at one go, and more than 30 characteristic towns have been directly built. These more than 30 characteristic towns are all named after a certain local area, that is, in the local area. Just add a new word in front of the name of the region.

It is said that it is hoped that when local residents go to the Northwest, they can go to these small towns first, so as to ensure their influence in the Northwest, but this plan also failed.

Seeing the number of people in the city decrease day by day, the old man's psychology is not in a good mood.

Grandpa has lived in this city since he was a child. For him, this is the whole of life.As a native-born local, looking at this lost appearance, the uncle's mood is very complicated.

He understands all kinds of reasons. Experts, scholars and up owners from all walks of life have analyzed it countless times, but when it is his turn, it is difficult to accept it.

This is the so-called ass decides the head!

The uncle is no exception, he is also a layman.

He can persist until today without taking the elixir of youth, of course not because of lack of money, but because of his last stubbornness.

The uncle feels that even if the new era comes, people from the old era cannot be allowed to live. He intends to continue to live here until he suffers from physical problems or the city disappears completely before leaving and injecting youth. Elixir.

As for more requirements and ideas, there are no for now.

What the uncle didn't know was that he had become the focus of attention a long time ago.

Since Xiao Guanming took over Daxia's Internet, he has quietly analyzed the whole people. There are many different categories of analysis, one of which is the group that may commit suicide or kill people due to stress.

In the evening, an intelligent life wrote down today's analysis: Mr. So-and-so, who took the subway for another day this year, seems to miss his past life. Personally, his mentality is relatively firm, and there will be no accidents or accidents. Lakes, jumping off buildings and other behaviors.

But just in case, it is recommended that he watch more short videos about the members of the family members of the children and grandchildren next time when he watches the video, so as to strengthen his longing for his children and grandchildren, and finally resolve the resentment deep in his heart with family affection...

Just when the old man was thinking about the past, the old man in another city started his own sunset red.

Of course, it is wrong to say that Sunset is red, after all, he is no longer old, but very young.

Right now, it's his wedding scene.

Perhaps because of his age, the old man didn't arrange much, and he didn't even invite many guests.

The old man is 68 this year. His ex-wife fell ill when she gave birth to her second child, and passed away within a few years. Then the old man worked hard to bring up a pair of children by himself.

Later, my son went to a military academy and joined relevant departments, and my daughter was admitted to a prestigious school. Coupled with my own efforts, I finally stayed in a big city, which is considered to have completed the leap from a small city to a big city.

Therefore, I have a grandson and a granddaughter, which can be called a house full of children and grandchildren. The only bad thing is that the uncle has no wife, and he has lived alone for so many years.

When the children were well-off, the old man was already 60 or [-] years old. He was too old, and he didn't bother to find another old woman of the same age. After serving his children for a lifetime, he would serve another old woman?
The uncle said that he would not serve him anymore!

Therefore, although the children also had the idea of ​​finding another one for the uncle, they were always rejected by the uncle.

The grandma opposite the grandpa was also in a similar situation. This grandma had three sons and one daughter. When her husband was in his early thirties, he accidentally fell into the river and drowned.

Since then, the old woman has raised the four children by herself. Fortunately, her relatives at that time helped her. Although life was very difficult, she still survived.

After a lifetime of hard work, I finally raised my three sons and one daughter. Now I am living a good life. The three sons and one daughter are also very filial. The only pity is that I don’t have a wife. After the three sons and one daughter got married one after another, They all moved out, the house was empty, and there was only one person left, very lonely.

The children also wanted to help the old lady find another one, but the old lady said, I have served the four of you all your life, and now you want me to serve an old man?

Do not do it!

And after the elixir of youth came out, the uncle and the grandmother each injected a shot, and now they have already regained their youth.

Go to the hospital for a physical examination and check various physical indicators. The doctor said that he was the same as a young man.At this time, grandma and grandpa had the idea of ​​finding another one.

Coupled with the persuasion of the children, grandma and grandpa began their second spring.

With the help of their children, the grandpa and grandma learned to use smartphones, surf the Internet, and use various tools.

At that time, both of them had the idea of ​​starting a business, and then they hit it off.

As for their entrepreneurial project, it is also very simple, that is blind date.

The uncle said this at the time: "In the future, the marriage of young people will be a real big problem. From now on, they will not lack food, drink or a place to live. They can even lie down until It's so old. At this time, it is absolutely impossible for them to wrong themselves because of their marriage."

The aunt said this: "It is true that young people nowadays are very precious. They are the treasures of their parents from childhood to adulthood, especially those only children. They have no brothers and sisters and are used to being self-centered. Not to say They are not kind, but they simply do not have this awareness.”

In the process of joint business, the uncle met grandma, and then there was today's wedding...

(End of this chapter)

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