Showdown: I'm Reborn

Chapter 293 has to add money!

Chapter 293 has to add money!
Once the eyes are opened and closed, this virtual journey is over.

This time, there was no army to establish a new dynasty, but Zhu Cihong also obtained the ownership of the virtual world when he worshiped the heavens in front of the Jade Seal of Chuanguo.

This time, the Great Ming Void Realm suddenly made Xiong Yanming realize a key point, that is, the king does not see the king.

Before, Chu Xuan went to the virtual world of the modern history series and met the seniors in person, and then the seniors told him that unless the young people of this generation did something too shameful, they would not come.

However, they are not doing nothing, they will help contain the modern power of other countries.

But this time, the Ming Dynasty I saw was the last years of the Ming Dynasty.

The Three Kingdoms era that I experienced before was also the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Perhaps, this is also the tacit understanding between the real top forces in the imaginary world: the king does not see the king!
Once the two meet, who will listen to whom?

Even the most frustrated brothers of the Zhao family would probably not be convinced when they saw the strongest Emperor Shihuang, and maybe they still wanted to kill him directly.

and then?
Regardless of March 21, [-], let's start with a vigorous and unprecedented ultimate chaos that spanned all dynasties?

How long will it take?

Hasn't the beautiful country developed for such a long time?

The king does not see the king!

Immediately, Xiong Yan opened his eyes. Some had headaches, some were dizzy, and some passed out directly. They have already been sent for examination and treatment.

After looking around as a whole, there was no big problem, so Xiong Yan began to rest.

Since he has achieved success in cultivation, Xiong Yan usually only goes home to sleep on the night when he goes to the imaginary world, and at other times, he also goes home, but most of the time instead of sleeping, he takes a bath, eats some fruit, and lies on the bed. think about things.

Sun rise
When Xiong Yan wakes up, the other side of the ocean may have just entered the night at this moment, and the evening parties, salons and various happy hours have just begun.

Of course, these joys belong to the wealthy area and have nothing to do with other areas.The law and order in the rich area is of course guaranteed.

But if you come out at night in the ghetto, it depends on your luck.

On the other side of the ocean, a press conference somewhere.

At this moment, the bottom is already full of reporters from all over the country, and Daxia also sent a few reporters there.

George walked slowly onto the stage, and behind him was Thomas, the King of Invention, who followed suit.

"This is Mr. Thomas. Some people may think that Thomas is a bit like the inventor king in history. His image and temperament are almost exactly the same."

"And what I want to say is that Mr. Thomas is the inventor king in history. With our help, he has successfully passed from history to the world, from legends to reality."

"And Mr. Thomas is worthy of the title of King of Invention. Although he has only been in reality for a short time, he has made amazing achievements. Next, let's ask Mr. Thomas to talk about his new inventions over the past few days."

Today, Thomas is wearing a black suit, a white tie, and his hair was waxed early. He looks very energetic in an elite dress.

"Hello everyone, I'm Thomas, the Thomas in history. Recently, I descended from the imaginary world to reality, and this is just the beginning."

"Although I have been here for a short time, I have already created many inventions, more than 100 large and small."

"However, the most worth mentioning among them is this item..."

While speaking, Thomas remembered the conversation he had with George a few days ago.

"Thomas, you have been in the county-level imaginary world for ten days, and you have been in the imaginary world for thirty months. I heard that your knowledge accumulation in many aspects has reached the forefront of world technology?"

"So, which technology does George want me to reproduce? Qualification testing reagents? This can help us to screen and screen out the real elites as much as possible."

"No, it's useless to make this thing. As the recovery of spiritual energy intensifies, real geniuses will emerge by themselves. As for making related reagents to earn spiritual energy crystals, it is meaningless. A price war with Daxia, It's the stupidest thing!"

George is unwilling to engage in a price war with Daxia in an industry where Daxia has completely mastered the technology.

The workers in Daxia can be ninety-six, or even zero-zero-seven, while the workers in the beautiful country are not even willing to work forty hours a week.

Just a labor cost is not a level.

"So, is it artificial intelligence? This technology is relatively high, and it can't be created casually. Even now, I am very confused about how Guan Ming came up with artificial intelligence. Same."

Not to mention that Thomas himself can't figure it out, even Guan Ming himself is still a little confused now. In Guan Ming's own words: "Thinking was like a spring, if there is a god, even now, when I think about it, I still can't understand it. I feel that there are several links in it, and I can't understand the method and meaning, but at that time I succeeded..."

Seeing Thomas' bewildered expression, George waved his hand: "The artificial intelligence has already been taken care of, and it is estimated that there will be results in the near future."

"Mr. Turing?"

George nodded.

This Mr. Turing is a mathematician and logician in a gentleman country, as well as the father of computer science and artificial intelligence.

But, because of his homosexuality, this great scientist was convicted by the government of the gentleman country, and was finally forced to undergo chemical castration (estrogen injection), and with the continuous injection of estrogen, Turing's breasts continued to grow...

Two years later, probably unable to bear such insults, he chose to commit suicide.

Therefore, when the descendants of the Gentleman's Country kept trying to make Turing descend into reality, they were unsuccessful. In the end, it was George who went to that imaginary world himself and invited him to the Beautiful Country before he succeeded.

Therefore, Turing is now the general manager of a secret scientific research base in the beautiful country, mainly responsible for the research and development of artificial intelligence and computers.

However, Turing's experience also reminded George. After all, there are many great scientists like Turing who have been persecuted by the Communist Party or capital.

For example, Tesla, although he is not as powerful as the crazy rumors on the Internet, how many years ahead of the times, how many years ahead of the smartest people in the world, and so on.

But from an objective point of view, he is at least a top engineer and physicist, at least much better than the inventor king in front of him.

However, such an outstanding scientist was suppressed by capital, so that his later life was bleak, his life was extremely miserable, he was poor, he didn't even have a wife in his life, and when he died of old age, he might still be an old bachelor.

Such humiliation, would people really choose to come to the beautiful country?

Even if it is false, he can choose other countries.George believes that countries such as the gentleman country and the old revolutionary base area will definitely welcome him with tears.

Even, what if this guy chooses to come to Daxia?

As for the 60s, 70s, [-]s and [-]s of the [-]th century, needless to say, scientists were persecuted a lot at that time.

Thinking of such a history, George wanted to take the ax in his hand and hit the rulers of the beautiful country at that time a few times, give them a good ladle, and make them sober!

"So, you want me to invent a new material for ginger and orange? The new material is quite profitable, and it can also accumulate a lot of interesting by-products..."

George shook his head again: "You know, Mr. Schrödinger has successfully come to reality. He is on vacation and studying in Vienna, and he is about to go to Dublin to study and teach. He has many talents, one of which is called Schrödinger's cat. "

With this talent, Schrodinger can directly make experiments with a low success rate directly succeed under the premise of paying a certain price.

As far as George knows, if the success rate of the experiment is as high as 50.00%, then Schrödinger only needs to take a look at it, and without paying any price, he can force the experiment to succeed directly.

If the success rate of the experiment is about [-]%, Schrödinger only needs to look at it one more time to make the experiment successful.

If the success rate of the experiment is only [-]%, then Schrödinger may have to pay some relatively minor prices such as skill, hair, and life span.

If the success rate of the experiment is only one in a thousand, then Schrödinger only needs to pay a certain price to make the experiment successful.

With such ability, Schrödinger only needs to make choices again and again, and then make the experiment successful.

When the experiment is successful, other people can reverse the process of the experiment based on the results after the success.

In many cases, there is no result, and the experiment is exhausted, and the time is wasted. The key point is that it may not be able to produce results.

However, with Schrödinger, he only needs to make appropriate choices, and the experiment will succeed directly, and then a large group of scientists will start to reverse the results, which is naturally much simpler.

This is still an experiment, what if it is a battle?

In George's view, a talent like Schrödinger is perfect for the butterfly effect!
Theoretically speaking, if you blow lightly on the other side of the ocean on the earth, you may be able to set off a gust of wind or even a typhoon on the other side after endless changes.

Of course, this is only theoretical.

The actual probability may be that there can only be one after countless zeros after the decimal point.

In other words, if Schrödinger's talent is developed to the extreme, he can interfere with the future as he pleases, and choose the future of mankind as he pleases.

However, his talent is still in its infancy, and he can only interfere with some experiments and the results of the experiments, but not to the extent of interfering with the future of the entire human race.

But even so, this is a very top-notch, very promising talent.

Therefore, after learning about his talent, Schrödinger was jointly trained by countries such as the beautiful country, the gentleman country, and the old revolutionary base area.

However, after glancing at Thomas in front of him, George said nothing.For some information, the fewer people who know it, the better.

And Thomas is also very savvy. When he heard the name Schrödinger, he smiled and nodded.

"So, you want me to copy the controllable nuclear fusion jointly developed by Lu Zhou and Ji Zhen? With it, we can have inexhaustible energy, and many experiments can be done."

Hearing this, George shook his head again: "No, although we haven't developed controllable nuclear fusion yet, we don't lack resources at present."

"In the past few hundred years, our entire western world has successfully occupied 80.00% of the world's resources, and we are beautiful, and we are a country blessed by God. There is no shortage of various resources."

"Even if we haven't researched the relevant technology yet, within a few years there will be no shortage of energy at all."

"Jingju's new materials and qualification testing reagents don't need me to copy, Ji Zhen and Lu Zhou's controllable nuclear fusion doesn't need me to copy, and Guan Ming's artificial intelligence doesn't need me to copy, then let me copy What? Could it be the elixir of youth researched by Bai Mo? So, this time, I am doing it for the group of immortals in the consortium?"

George shook his head again: "No, Thomas, you misunderstood me, I'm not so rotten yet."

"The main purpose of your standing out this time is to attract attention, and I want you to announce your talent to the world in a high-profile manner."

"It's been too long. Since the recovery of spiritual energy, our entire western world has been silent for too long. It seems that the only big summer in the world is the future of mankind."

"Whether it's supernatural or technology, Daxia can produce new achievements far beyond the current era, so that step by step, it has formed a general trend."

When the whole world goes up to 99, down to just can go, it is felt that only the great summer is the hope of the future of mankind, when this general trend is fully formed, that is the most desperate.

"So, you have to stand up, you have to be more high-profile, you have to be like Xiong Yan, who stands up every now and then to gain a sense of presence..."

"You have to directly announce your talent, tell the world directly, as long as you want, you can immediately copy all the technologies of Great Xia."

"You have to create a feeling for the world, a feeling of omnipotence, and give the world a feeling that no matter how hard you work on Daxia's technology, you only need to mobilize your talents a little bit to obtain relevant scientific and technological achievements. "

"You will become the benchmark of the entire Western world, and you will enjoy the eyes and admiration of the world."

"All the media, all journalists, will cooperate and publicize your great achievements in occupying Tesla's achievements. All the media will try their best to brag and make you famous for you."

"At that time, your reputation will be higher than mine. Under the constant propaganda and brainwashing, most ordinary people will think that you are more powerful than Sir Isaac, and that you are smarter than Mr. Einstein. I think you are the most powerful person in the world..."

George's ecstasy soup did not make Thomas lose his mind, so Thomas shook his head directly: "George, I thought we were friends, but is this how you treat friends?"

"There is a saying in the East that if virtue does not match, there will be disasters. I heard that the girl who danced happily and was very famous in environmental protection is now suspected of being a spy of White Bear."

"I stand up now, who can guarantee that my future will not be manipulated by you shameless politicians like that girl? Will you say that I am a spy of Daxia?"

"So, what are you trying to say? My friend?"

"I mean, you have to pay more!"

 The imaginary world is written once, briefly written once, and briefly written this time.

(End of this chapter)

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