Chapter 287
Speaking of this, Feng Qingyang said very seriously: "Students, do you know how much it will cost to enter a county-level virtual world outside or abroad?"

"In some countries, even if you spend 100 million US dollars, you may not be able to enter the county-level virtual world and stay for one night."

"But now, such an opportunity is in front of you for free. If I were you, I would definitely learn from the dead and work hard!"

"By the way, don't think that if you are admitted to Northwest College, you can lie flat without working hard. It doesn't exist!"

"Professor Lu said long ago that at Northwest College, it's normal for you to collapse after learning and want to take a break from studying for a while."

"Northwest College is a college that allows withdrawals and large-scale withdrawals. Other universities may be worried about public opinion, or parents may block the door, so they dare not drop out on a large scale, but Northwest College is different. It is the only one. Therefore, it belongs directly to the central government!"

"Understood? Northwest College only listens to the central government, so it is very special. It allows mass withdrawals, mass suspensions, and mass expulsion of students."

"So, if your relatives and elders tell you, son, it will be fine if you go to college, you can play and relax after you go to college, if you take it seriously, then you are not suitable for Northwest College."

"Of course, no matter which province or region you are in, if you can pass one of the exams, it must not be easy. You have your own learning methods and your own learning routines."

"Then next, please be sure to work hard."

"You are not only studying for yourself, you are really studying for the rise of Great Xia!"

"The stronger you are, the stronger the next big summer will be. It is no exaggeration to say that you are the best overtime workers in the research institute and management department!"

"So, if you feel that the Daxia Research Institute and the management department are not doing what you want, then don't complain, please study hard, study hard, and then enter these two departments to change them personally!"

"Finally, I sincerely hope that I can still see the big guys tomorrow night."

"By the way, Dean Huang once said that if a million of you persist until the seventh day and pass the exam, then he will take as much as you have in the end. Even if you sell everything, you must support you students."

"I often hear all kinds of complaints. Some candidates say that their province is very difficult and there is only one good university; some candidates say that the college entrance examination is not fair at all and is very unfriendly to their province; some Candidates said that I did not perform well in the college entrance examination and did not pass the exam..."

"All kinds of complaints about the bad college entrance examination are almost everywhere when the college entrance examination is just over every year. Then at this moment, you can take the exam here relatively fairly."

"I remember this year's national essay, which said that I am a good player, and then some people said that this is unfair. The children in the countryside have never played Go, and they don't know what a good player is. They also said, why? Why don’t you use rice, wheat, and rape blossoms as themes for your writing?”

"And today, a relatively fair opportunity is in front of you. In theory, any student, as long as he works hard, can persist until the seventh night."

"I really hope that you guys will work harder. I really hope that I can see you all on the seventh night."

"Today's superhumans are like college students in the 80s and [-]s. As long as you become a superhuman, then you must have a bright future."

"Finally, everyone has to work hard!"

After encouraging the students, Feng Qingyang waved his hands: "Next, you have one day to understand the virtual world and prepare yourself mentally."

"Then, you will be randomly assigned to different agricultural towns. Three days later, your study life will officially begin!"

"Before that, I hope that you can adapt to life in the imaginary world as soon as possible and adjust your mentality as soon as possible. This should be good for your next assessment."


After Feng Qingyang left, Wang Ling had time to look at the clothes on her body. The style of the clothes was very simple, just like a school uniform. It was very spacious and ugly, and her appearance was basically nothing.

But what Wang Ling didn't expect was that these clothes were not in ancient styles, so what about other aspects?Will it be modern too?
Especially sanitary conditions?
While thinking wildly, while communicating with other students, the time passed quickly, and the students also ushered in their first challenge.

They had to walk collectively to their town.

While walking, the instructor introduced the situation of the town with a loud voice.

"The background here was originally the land in the south of the Yangtze River during the Qianlong period. Later, the colonial rule was overthrown, and the predecessors established Daxia."

"Then, in order to facilitate effective governance, and to facilitate management and reduce oppression by petty officials, we directly set up characteristic towns."

"Gather the people from the original village into the small town, directly distribute the houses, and confiscate all the land at the same time. All the land in the world will be directly returned to the public."

"If it is a big landlord, it will be confiscated compulsorily, and if it is a small landlord, a rich peasant or an ordinary peasant, it will be compulsorily bought."

(Maybe at some point, a family has [-] to [-] mu of land, and they are considered small landlords. But such small landlords mostly rely on their own farming. At best, they can only be regarded as rich peasants.)
"So, there is no agricultural population or farmers here anymore, and the people living in characteristic towns don't have their own land. They are agricultural workers we hired, and they belong to state-owned enterprise employees in a special period."

"Their work, life, medical care, and pensions are all taken care of by this characteristic town. Similarly, this town is responsible for agricultural production within a certain range nearby."

"Their production tools are semi-automated agricultural machines. With the help of these agricultural machines, an average agricultural worker can manipulate [-] to [-] acres of land."

"For example, the characteristic town we students are going to is called Shangqiao Town. There are more than 600 people in Shangqiao Town, so the number of our classmates this time is more than 560."

"The three-month assessment this time is actually very simple, that is, planting rice. Each person has an acre of land. Your practice every afternoon in the future is to plant rice in the field yourself."

"In addition, we may need to weed, fish, and silkworms in the future, as well as mulberry fish ponds. So don't put too much psychological pressure on them, just do some farm work and get familiar with rice and paddy fields."

"Theoretically speaking, as long as you are willing to study hard and really want to go to the fields, you will definitely be able to learn. At least this time the assessment is really not difficult, and it is more about adjusting your mentality."

Having said that, the instructor looked around for these candidates.

This time, there are more than 40 instructors who went to Shangqiao Town. These instructors are mainly responsible for imparting extraordinary knowledge to students. As for agricultural knowledge, the local aborigines can be competent for related work.

There are more than 40 instructors who teach transcendence, some of them train gods, some train their bodies, and some train their qi. They are almost proficient in most of the supernatural foundations.

In terms of laying the foundation, there is definitely no problem!

It was Da Xia who had such a skill, able to call out six-figure instructors and teachers in one go, to come and impart extraordinary knowledge to these students.

Even if they fail the future assessment, as long as they study hard and listen carefully, it will be of great benefit to the future.

That's why Feng Qingyang said before that this is actually a benefit, a benefit given to all students!

"Don't be afraid, everyone. When the time comes, we instructors will go to the field with you, and we will study, live and work together with you. As long as you persist, you will definitely be able to complete today's assessment."

Speaking of this, the instructor remembered the decree issued by the superior during the previous internal meeting, which contained Huang Zixing's original words: "Mentality, mentality, or mentality!"

"As long as the mentality is reversed, it's easy to say anything!"

In Daxia, as long as you go to university, if you still raise pigs, do business, do coolies, and go to construction sites, it seems that the world will not tolerate it.

Not only is he unwilling, but everyone will also subconsciously feel that it is worthless!

Therefore, when a top college student went home to raise pigs, it was directly on the news, because everyone thought it was incredible.

Therefore, even in these days of economic downturn, a large number of college students would rather stay at home and take public examinations year after year, rather than go directly to the construction site or enter the factory.

Although these days, you can earn tens of thousands a month by going to the construction site to collect ashes.

If you look at it purely from the perspective of income, the income from manual labor has already surpassed the vast majority of ordinary college students.

However, how many college students will go to work again?

Of course, this is also because workers have no security, no five insurances and one housing fund, even if workers go to work on the construction site, it is difficult to settle their wages, and it is extremely difficult to ask for wages at the end of the year.

Sometimes, it may take several years for the wages to be settled after the work on a construction site is completed.

There are also all kinds of social security, which have basically nothing to do with workers...

Wait, wait, you can't blame all the college students for not wanting to go to construction sites or be blue-collar workers. It is really the current summer, and the security and status of blue-collar workers need to be improved in all aspects.

The same is true for agriculture. The instructor still remembers Huang Zixing's original words: "These college students are actually good, and they are all excellent young people."

"They haven't gone to college yet, they're still at the level they were in high school, they haven't let themselves go, they're still at their peak."

For the vast majority of ordinary college students, the peak level of knowledge in this life is the third year of high school.The peak level of learning in this life is also in the third year of high school.

"So, theoretically speaking, as long as they can change their mentality, are willing to keep their feet on the ground, and are willing to maintain the state of studying as hard as they are in the third year of high school, then as many as there are, we need as many as the Agricultural College!"

However, I am afraid of herding sheep!

I'm afraid that the students feel that they don't want to suffer anymore, and don't want to continue to suffer like the third year of high school!
But, let alone the Agricultural College, even other colleges, you have to learn from the dead when you get in.

Even the official researchers in the research institute spend a lot of time every day learning the latest research results and understanding some of the achievements that have just come out.

Jiang Ju and Lu Zhou still need to study hard every day and read a lot of papers. How can you be an ordinary student so easy?

Soon, they arrived at the location, and Wang Ling and the others also started to learn the first lesson of Transcendence.

"You guys have basically never been in contact with Chaofan before. Maybe a few students have been in contact with it, but most of them haven't, so today we will start from the beginning."

"First of all, what is extraordinary? What is spiritual energy? What is spiritual energy recovery? And, since the spiritual energy recovery, the achievements of various countries in spiritual energy, and the significance of spiritual energy recovery..."


"In short, in this era, as long as you are extraordinary, your future will be much easier."

"Especially those of you who are the first batch to enter Northwest College. To be honest, I am very envious of you, because I know with my ass that there will definitely be many great people in Northwest College in the future!"

"In the future, the students of Northwest College must be the best in the country or even the best in the world."

Although the instructors often draw cakes to cheer them up, when the students really start learning and practicing, they realize that they are so tired!
Wang Ling is fine, she returned to her hometown in the countryside early, under the sun, her skin was tanned twice, and her whole body was dark. She was already prepared to endure hardship, both in thought and in action Up.

So, although she also farms, it is acceptable.

However, Wang Ling only expected the pain of working but not the pain of cultivation!
Cultivation, is it so hard?

Did something go wrong?
Why is the process of cultivation so painful?
"Open the ligament, press the leg, split the horse..."

"Students, your muscles are too stiff, your body is not soft enough, and your flexibility is too poor. This practice is not as simple as everyone thinks."

"If possible, I would like to teach you the third set of pictographic boxing right now, but your physical fitness is really not up to standard."

"I'm not afraid to reveal the questions in advance. This time the physical assessment is mainly to check your flexibility and physical fitness. After three months of hard training, whether you can meet the basic standards for the third set of pictorial boxing. "

"Frankly, is three months enough time?"

"If you only reach the standard of the third set of pictographic boxing, if you are really willing to endure hardships and persevere, it is almost enough."

"Some postures cannot be practiced casually, and they will become disabled after practicing. Only when the physical fitness meets the requirements can you exercise slowly."

"Don't think that leg pressing and stretching are not practicing, and don't think that running and burpees are not practicing."

"Actually, these movements have been scientifically researched, and there must be a reason behind them."

"Is cultivation bitter? Of course it is, but if you don't endure hardship today, how will you become a master tomorrow?"

"Except for those who are destined to be reincarnated, which one of the other masters didn't come out of suffering?"

"It's right to suffer..."

(End of this chapter)

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