Showdown: I'm Reborn

Chapter 285 The Great Wall

Chapter 285 The Great Wall
Hearing this, Peng Bing also nodded: "The virtual world I went to this time was in the ancient years, and it is estimated that it was the time when the Dating family was the co-lord of the human race. I suspect that the specific period at that time was the tribal stage of the human race in the ancient years."

"At that time, Emperor Yan and Huangdi might not have been born yet, it should be after the Suiren clan and before Emperor Yan."

"At that time, various tribes were still working hard to conquer thousands of tribes in the mountains and seas and strengthen themselves, so in the wilderness at that time, it was still in the years recorded in the Shan Hai Jing, and all kinds of wild beasts, strange beasts, monsters, and mythical beasts emerged one after another!"

"Then the cultivation method in the tribe at that time was mainly the method of totem. They hunted monsters, took the blood essence of monsters, and used the method of totem to absorb the blood essence of monsters to strengthen their bodies."

"This totem method has many mistakes and omissions. If you are not careful, you will explode and die. Even if you successfully absorb the blood essence, you will still face the clarity of the remaining will of the monster. The lifespan is not long, and there are many flaws."

If you absorb the blood of one monster, can you also absorb the second?If it is possible, can the third type be absorbed?
Will absorbing different types of blood essence cause conflicts?

Can the totem method really completely absorb the essence and blood of all ferocious beasts without leaving any future troubles?

After absorbing the blood essence of an ordinary ferocious beast, would there be an upper limit to his strength?
It's pretty much a litany of questions!
However, considering the current situation in ancient times, at that time, the future was not important, and even in many cases, there was no future.

Because, in many cases, it is very dangerous now, and if you can’t survive today, who will think about what will happen tomorrow?

In ancient times, the first goal of each tribe was not the future, but how to live today.

Against this background, the totem method can be understood.

"Then, I taught them the method of body training, and obtained the inheritance of the totem method, and then I comprehended the totem method, and created the first road ahead of the road of qi and blood."

"The way of qi and blood has reached a relative extreme in the realm of martial saints who exchange blood and wash their marrow. If you want to continue to improve your qi and blood, it cannot be said that it is completely impossible, but it is indeed difficult!"

"Then, I began to refine the power of qi and blood, turned it into spiritual power, and then integrated the spiritual power into the qi and blood, and then into the body. From then on, I possessed the sixth sense, and my sixth sense directly It becomes controllable, and when encountering a crisis of life and death, it can also automatically awaken the seventh sense, perceive the crisis in advance, and then avoid it.”

"At the same time, I directly use my body to absorb the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth. At this point, it can be regarded as refining the body first, then refining the energy, and then refining the spirit. It can also be regarded as the integration of energy and spirit."

"It's just that my next step is not to cultivate mana like fellow Daoist Chang Kong, but to directly activate the blood in my body. We are all descendants of Yan and Huang, and the step of returning the blood to the ancestors is actually very interesting."

As for the upper limit of this road, is Emperor Yan not strong enough?Is the Yellow Emperor not strong enough?

Even if your surname is Feng, your ancestors can be traced back to the Suiren clan, Fuxi clan, or Nuwa clan, so you don't have to worry about your future.

"Moreover, this road is very suitable for the people of Zhuxia. If people from abroad want to take this road, they can only change their blood and transform themselves into people of Zhuxia step by step."

Even the most ordinary people of Zhuxia can take this path, which is why Peng Bing chose this path.

If he was alone, no matter whether it was human immortal martial arts, direct practice or incarnation of gods and demons, he would have been able to do it a long time ago, but not every blood-changing martial artist can be like Peng Bing.

As the official method of cultivation, the first factor to consider is never power but adaptability.

"Of course, in addition to this road of returning to the ancestors, I am still exploring other paths. In the future, there will definitely be more and more paths."

"But at this stage, the road of blood returning to ancestors is actually in line with our current general trend. Those who return to their blood can also sense their ancestors more conveniently. When they enter the imaginary world in the future, they may have an identity from the very beginning. .”

After Peng Bing also sat down, everyone subconsciously looked at Lin Er. They both finished talking, it's your turn.

Sensing the emotional changes of the crowd, Lin Er blinked, stood up first, and then sat down again.

"There are many ways to refine the gods. There are indeed many, but the universality is not high. Last night, I went to Beiman Mountain, and then entered a troubled time in Beiman Mountain."

"The historical background at that time may be the end of the Tang Dynasty, when the warlords segregated the regime, and when the sky street was full of the bones of the public, the families withered one after another, and the soldiers ruled everything."

"That's why the group of princes and dead people who were buried in Beiman Mountain at that time wanted to come back to life one by one, and then a group of practitioners came to cast down demons."

"I studied the cultivation path of ghosts in it, and I can only say in the end: It is difficult for a ghost to become a saint after a thousand kalpas."

"There are currently no universal results, that's all."

After Lin Er finished speaking, Ning Fan said: "This time I went to a world with the background of Liao Zhai, where the end of the catastrophe is approaching, the gods of heaven have left, and the Buddhas of Lingshan have also left."

"Even the ghosts and gods in the underworld, who can escape, have all escaped. All the sects in the world are gone. The rest cannot escape."

"The entire Three Realms was extremely chaotic and lost its order. Then, I re-sacrificed to the heaven and the earth, sensed the heaven and the earth, established order step by step, and finally ruled the Three Realms for 50 years as the Haotian God."

"After 50 years, I have returned to reality. This time, my understanding of the nature of the world has been improved. I think that when I come back this time, I will be able to sacrifice the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, and the five mountains of Mount Tai, and then complete a series of new works. contract."

"At that time, everyone only needs to follow the prescribed ceremony once, and they will be able to receive the blessings of some Mount Tai and Five Sacred Mountains, the Yangtze River and the Yellow River."

At that time, even if you don't have extraordinary abilities, you can directly open an altar and follow the standard ceremony. When you complete the ceremony, you can borrow a certain degree of power from Mount Tai, the Five Sacred Mountains, the Yangtze River, and the Yellow River.

You want to suppress an evil spirit, sacrifice directly to Mount Tai, and then hold a stone as the Mount Tai Stone Gandang, what kind of evil spirits, the Mount Tai Stone Gandang can't suppress it?
In ancient times, Mount Tai was where the Netherworld was located.At that time, Taishan God was also the Lord of the Underworld.

You hold the stone Gandang that symbolizes Mount Tai, let alone an ordinary evil spirit, even if you are an old demon from Montenegro, you can easily suppress it.

"I think, when I go further in the future and can directly establish a series of sacrificial ceremonies with Haotian, ordinary people may be safe."

At that time, ordinary people, even if they don't have extraordinary abilities, just need to sacrifice to Haotian on time and ask for some talismans temporarily blessed by Haotian's power to hang on the wall. Wouldn't it really be able to ward off evil spirits?

Not long after, everyone talked about their achievements one by one. In the end, even Chu Xuan mentioned a few words about his achievements after summarizing the changes of the last day.

"This time, I went to modern times, and then I met the founders of the country, as well as the benevolent people of that era."

"Finally, are we willing to come to reality? In the end, the seniors said that their generation has worked hard for the Great Xia all their lives, and they can't continue to give selflessly after death. Now it's enough to enjoy the blessings, and the new era will be handed over to us. Newcomer."

"Unless one day our younger generations in the new era are really useless, they will come to reality again."

"However, the seniors also said that they will try their best to contain the modern soldiers and politicians of other countries. Therefore, even in the virtual world, the seniors are still working hard for the Great Xia in a special way."

(Thus, modern people will not come, and everyone who understands understands!
Except, of course, scientists. )
Finally, it was Xiong Yan's turn, and Xiong Yan didn't hesitate, and directly took out the Chuanguo Jade Seal: "This is the Chuanguo Jade Seal, the certified version of the first emperor!"

"To be precise, this is a projection of the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom. In the future, it can continuously absorb and accommodate the projections of other Jade Seals of the Chuan Kingdom, and continue to grow."

"Now, there is a set of inheritance on it. This set of inheritance is the refining method of the Great Wall."

Great Wall?

"The Qin Great Wall in history was not built for defense, but for better transportation of grain and grass. That's why Meng Tian was able to save the Xiongnu seven hundred miles away, and the Hu people dared not go south to herd horses."

"Is your Great Wall related to the virtual world?" Jiang Ju asked suddenly.

Xiong Yan nodded: "Yes, the Great Wall this time is not in reality, but in the virtual world."

"Theoretically speaking, in the future, virtual worlds will be used as bricks, and one virtual world will be built together to build a Great Wall to resist other virtual worlds."

"Theoretically speaking, if the construction of the Great Wall is completed by then, the newly descended virtual world can only land on the Great Wall first."

And the Great Wall is one virtual world after another!

Therefore, by then, it will be impossible for the imaginary world to descend directly into reality!

He had no choice but to run headfirst into the imaginary world that was blocked on the way and controlled by the research institute and the management department.

After hitting, the staff of the research institute and the management department can quickly descend, occupy a certain degree of home field advantage, and quickly start the conquest work.

"Of course, it's not that simple in reality. I just made this metaphor for everyone to understand. In fact, it's very complicated."

Different imaginary worlds may have different laws of heaven and earth, different historical backgrounds, and different internal supernatural systems.

How can you guarantee that after the imaginary world on the opposite side collided, you didn't directly destroy the imaginary world controlled by Daxia?
If the laws of the two imaginary worlds are different, the basic rules are different, even one is the virtual world on the real side, and the other is the imaginary world on the fantasy side. When they collide, who will change the other?
When the internal structure changes wildly, maybe the two imaginary worlds will end together.

So, this is actually the magical effect of the Great Wall!

In the construction plan of the Great Wall left in the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, it has the function of avoiding the collision of virtual world and virtual world, and the ultimate destruction of the world.

However, it is cumbersome to build.

Even with Daxia's current strength, it is impossible to build the completed Great Wall at all, even the Pinduoduo version can't be built, thank God if you can build a Bingxixi version!

Speaking of this, Xiong Yan took out a stack of documents: "This records the number of deaths and injuries caused by the sudden fall of the virtual world."

"This number, from the time when the spiritual energy was revived to the present, is just astonishing in the territory of Daxia. It's shocking to look at."

"Later, everyone will come to understand and give their opinions. Although this inheritance is very good, it cannot be done in the current Great Xia."

"On the one hand, we don't have enough imaginary worlds and enough treasures to build such a nearly flawless Great Wall."

"On the other hand, even if we really build, we don't have enough manpower to conquer the virtual world that keeps coming one by one."

Xiong Yan feels that building the Great Wall to resist the virtual world is a bit like a tower defense game!

The Great Wall is the roadblock that blocks the progress of the monsters in the game.

However, it's just blocking it!

If you block it, you have to kill the monsters in front in time, otherwise, the monsters will cause damage to the roadblock.After a long time, the monsters will destroy the roadblock in front of them and continue to rush over.

The descendants are responsible for destroying one monster after another (virtual world).

"However, I don't need to say that everyone knows that the existence of the Great Wall is strategic!"

"In the past, when we faced the virtual world, we had no power to fight back. The virtual world would come whenever we wanted. We were very passive, and there was almost nothing we could do."

"And after the construction of the Great Wall, we can choose to resist, and even one day, we can rely on the Great Wall to take the initiative to conquer certain virtual worlds."

"At that time, it will not be passive defense, but active attack! Active and passive, this is the strategic difference."

If you hold on for a long time, you will lose!

This is the truth that elementary school students understand!
Therefore, no matter how expensive the Great Wall is, as long as there are conditions, it must be built!
After all, not all imaginary worlds are good for Da Xia!
Not all imaginary worlds are willing to come to the real world safely and be absorbed and accommodated by Lord Earth.

Even some imaginary worlds have always wanted to counterattack the earth and assimilate the earth in turn!

At this moment, the reason why these evil virtual worlds haven't shown up yet is not because they have changed their careers and stopped eating meat, but because the Lord Earth is too powerful and hasn't found a chance yet.

But even so, the rate of mutation of creatures in the ocean is much faster.

The number of imaginary worlds falling into the ocean is also increasing.

On the day when the No. 16 Seven Stars Lianju started in June alone, tens of thousands of imaginary worlds descended on the ocean.

These imaginary worlds are difficult to capture with the current level of human technology.Then in the end, the products of these imaginary worlds turning into reality, those aura spars, will definitely fall into the ocean.

"Building must be built, but it doesn't have to be done in one step. We can build it brick by brick and finally assemble it."

"Let's go step by step..."

(End of this chapter)

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