Chapter 242
Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it has come to October

Xiong Yan and the others came in the first ten days of March, but now it is already the first ten days of October, and seven months have passed.

According to history, in April of this year, Emperor Ling died, General He Jin fought with the eunuchs, and the scholars sat behind the scenes to reap the benefits.

In the end, in September, General He Jin died, Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao and others broke into the palace, but Dong Zhuo picked up a loophole, took the opportunity to occupy Luoyang, abolished the emperor, and called himself a grand master.

But this is already history. Now, the demon book Romance of the Three Kingdoms was published, and a large number of heroes and descendants of the Three Kingdoms were recruited by the central princes. After examining their personal strength and potential, they were awarded official positions one after another.

For a while, in Luoyang City, great Confucian scholars walked everywhere, giving people the feeling that there are so many extraordinary people and they are worthless.

And since Lu Fengxian, the number one in the world, led the Bingzhou Wolf Riders to challenge the heroes of Luoyang, many 'Colosseums' of different specifications have been built outside Luoyang City.

These colosseums were placed outside Luoyang City in a fair and aboveboard manner, and a large number of warriors became famous inside, while He Jinhehou, who was in the manor, earned a lot of money.

Even though the leeks in Luoyang were harvested by He Jinhe and robbed 100 billion yuan at one time, so that the leeks temporarily ran out of money, the Han Dynasty had thirteen states.

The leeks in Luoyang are gone, and the leeks from other places have entered Beijing.

There are leeks from other places, even though Lu Bu has returned to Bingzhou with the Bingzhou Wolf Rider, the daily income of the casino is still not a small amount.

Just relying on the management fee to collect fees, He Jinhe actually received hundreds of millions of five baht every month.

What is the concept of hundreds of millions of dollars?
Once there was a catastrophe in Youzhou, the financial bankruptcy that year, I really had no money, so I went to Luoyang to ask for money, and then Luoyang said that Qingzhou and Jizhou had money, you should help Youzhou, the neighbor, and finally, Qingzhou and Jizhou joined forces to mediate He gave [-] million yuan to Youzhou.

Two hundred million dollars can save a financially bankrupt state!
There were only thirteen states in the Han Dynasty.

With the money, coupled with He Jin and Hou's righteous reputation, they can easily control the army and the Central Army.

With a righteous name and the support of the army, even though Emperor Ling is dead, the center is still stable.

On the surface, at least, it appears to be stable.

However, this stability is also limited.

Some people saw this, so they ran away in advance to avoid disaster and left Luoyang directly, while some people felt that the prosperous age was approaching, and they would spend their lives in Luoyang city every day, lingering and forgetting to return.


In the farm, a boy in white and a boy in black stood aside, discussing something.

"A few months ago, General Zhonglang received a high degree of courtesy. The three lords, the generals, the empress dowager, Your Majesty and others went to the gate of the city to greet him in person, and he was appointed General Zhonglang of Tuntian on the spot."

"At that time, Zhonglang will tell everyone how to increase production. Zhonglang will say that there are several ways to increase production. Among them, mass production of high-quality agricultural tools is the easiest to achieve and the easiest to see results."

"The general asked how much production could be increased, and General Zhonglang said that using improved high-quality agricultural tools, there is no problem in increasing the production from half a stone to a stone under the premise of no problem at the right time and place."

"Then, Zhong Lang proposed the two concepts of intensive farming and large farms."

Hearing this, the boy in white who had kept his mouth shut all this time finally reacted for the first time, and he nodded.

"Intensive cultivation requires more personal energy, but after learning the relevant farming techniques, the average yield per mu can be increased to four shi."

Intensive farming requires a huge amount of knowledge.This is contrary to some people's common sense. Many people always subconsciously think that farming is a very simple hard work that can be done with hands.

But in fact, farming first depends on whether God will give face or not!

God doesn't give face. When it should rain, it will be sunny every day. When it shouldn't rain, it will be rainy every day. Then don't count on this year's harvest.

Even in modern society, last year a certain provincial capital city in the Central Plains encountered a super flood that was rare in a thousand years. In one day, God threw dozens of West Lakes from the sky...

Rainfall of this scale, if placed in the original classical feudal society, could at least cause millions of disaster victims, and if one was not careful, the world would be in turmoil.

"I have carefully studied the agricultural book written by Zhonglang. It took me three days to master the theoretical knowledge about intensive farming, but if it is an ordinary person..."

Saying that, the boy in white shook his head.

Excessive modesty is actually a kind of pride, so the boy in white is not overly modest, but proceeds from a practical point of view: It takes three days for a smart super genius like me to master the intensive cultivation knowledge on paper. In practice, it may take seven days, ten days, half a month or even longer to master.

In this case, is it possible for you to allow ordinary people to master such a large amount of intensive cultivation knowledge?
Although when every farmer has mastered the knowledge of intensive farming, the yield per mu can be increased up to four shi, but it still depends on whether God will give face or not.

More importantly, this is simply impossible to achieve, without so many professional agricultural officials, it can't be done!
The most important thing is that intensive cultivation consumes too much energy for individuals.

A family of five with one hundred fields, this is the standard family mentioned in the Warring States Policy.Such a family is the ruler's favorite, and it can be simply regarded as the standard of a good family, a small landlord, and a middle class in the classical feudal era.

But in fact, five people can't grow a hundred acres of land at all! (intensive cultivation)
Anyone who has ever farmed knows that even in the countryside of the 21st century, a family of several people contracting the land of nearby folks, with the help of advanced agricultural machinery, can only contract a hundred acres of land at most.Even so, people often have to ask for help during busy farming seasons.

Intensive farming yields higher yields; extensive planting means more acres of planted land.Both have their own advantages and disadvantages, you have to choose according to the actual situation.

"I think that big farms are more suitable for today's world."

Although the boy in black is only about ten years old this year, he is wearing a layer of leather armor and has a pocket sword on his waist. He looks more like a general.

Although the boy in white was wearing white clothes, the white robes behind him seemed to be scattered on the ground, but it was miraculous that, in the farm, the white clothes were as clean as new ones, without any dirt at all.

"This large farm does not require a large population. It only needs to be equipped with a large number of advanced agricultural machinery, supplemented by a few good viscera experts. On average, one person can manage [-] mu of land, and the yield per mu is not low."

Speaking of this, the black-clothed boy looked into the distance, where there was a hero of the five internal organs, pulling a scythe forward.

The ordinary samarium sickle is relatively small, but it is used by ordinary people. It can barely be regarded as an ancient harvester, a human harvester, and its working efficiency is several to ten times that of the sickle.

And the samarium sickle in front of me was improved by Huang Zixing. It belongs to the stupid version and does not use any advanced mechanical principles. It is easy to repair if it is broken. Then use it.

Other than that, it's big!

It is particularly large, and it is specially used for heroes with five internal organs and strong men with the limit of human body.

A strong man with the limit of his body can harvest hundreds of acres of land in a day with this thing, and one person can work as much as a hundred people.

And if it was replaced by a hero from the five internal organs, he could harvest thousands of acres of land by himself without sleep.

More importantly, a man with five internal organs has good physical fitness, and when the critical moment comes, he can work alone for days and nights.

Good health and endurance!

Ordinary people work for days and nights without sleep, and they may be exhausted directly.And these extraordinary people, working for days and nights at a stretch, is just a trivial matter.

As for the fact that superhumans have dignity, they wouldn't dare to do such a low-level job even if they were killed, hehe, it's because you didn't pay enough!
"A mere dozens of veterans of the Five Viscera Realm can harvest [-] mu of land in one day and one night. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it before."

"Zhongda, it's not just you. Until today, I have been completely convinced by Mr. Nongsheng. The name of Nongsheng is well deserved. From then on, as long as the distribution of life is good, the world will never have the risk of starving to death."

"Hey, Kong Ming, you also said that as long as students are assigned well, didn't your teacher, the first generation of Wolong, have already said that there is a problem with the distribution of the Han Dynasty!"

The so-called first Wolong is of course Chu Xuan himself.In order to ensure that the follow-up plot of Romance of the Three Kingdoms is normal, Huang Zixing planted 500 million shi of grain for Dong Zhuo before, and was burned by Lao Wang later.

Moreover, the fire was burning reasonably, and no one felt that the fire was burning wrongly.After all, Lao Wang's personality is to be loyal to the big man.

In order to reduce the influence of the old king on the subsequent plot, when Dong Zhuo burned Luoyang and spread the news that the land of Sili became a hell on earth to Jingzhou, the old king immediately vomited three liters of blood when he heard the news, and finally sent Princess Wannian to Jingzhou. Soon after arriving in Jiaozhou, he died of depression.

The other descendants have similar arrangements.

Let’s first talk about how powerful this descendant is and what feats he has achieved, and then a second descendant will appear to correct his behavior so that history will continue to develop.

This is the Romance of the Three Kingdoms in the eyes of the aborigines, and the general trend is basically the same as the real Romance of the Three Kingdoms, except that hundreds of descendants have been added.

As for Chu Xuan, the first generation of Wolong, it was a glimpse. When Dong Zhuo visited, he proposed three strategies, but Dong Zhuo refused to listen to them all, so he had to run away with a bucket.

Later, the person disappeared, and has been in a state of seclusion. When he reappeared in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, he had already landed in a box and appeared directly in the form of the background.

At that time, Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage three times and saw Zhuge Liang who lived in seclusion in Longzhong, and then learned about Wolong again from Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang said that he has learned from many teachers, but the most influential one is his brother Wolong.

Chu Xuan took the name of Wolong. When he was traveling around the world, he once came to Xuzhou. After seeing Zhuge Liang, he was astonished as a heavenly man. Then he accepted apprentices on behalf of his masters.

Later, after Zhuge Liang was trained, Chu Xuan died of illness on the bed. Before he died, he left behind several books, including class theory, capital theory, and war theory.

Moreover, before his death, he passed the name of Wolong to Kong Ming.

According to the story in Romance, Chu Xuan fell ill on the bed at the time, and took Kong Ming's hand and told him that our faction has a complicated history, so I won't tell you what it is.

Chu Xuan also said: In our school, only true geniuses have been able to obtain the true inheritance through the ages, so it is often a single inheritance.The true heirs of the past dynasties will inherit the name of Wolong.

After Chu Xuan said that, what else could Zhuge Liang do, of course he would inherit the title of Wolong.

In this way, two crouching dragons appeared in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, one was the first generation crouching dragon Chuxuan who only appeared in the early stage and proposed three strategies, and the other was the second generation crouching dragon Zhuge Liang who was finally released from the mountain by Liu Bei's three visits to the thatched cottage in the middle period.

As for Jiang Wei, Zhuge Liang felt that his intelligence was not enough to inherit the name of Wolong, so he set up a method of Qimen Dunjia with the Eight Formation Diagram, and passed on the inheritance of Wolong for future generations.

Therefore, although Kong Ming has not seen Chu Xuan yet, many people have already called him Wolong. Kong Ming refused, but the Romance of the Three Kingdoms has been spread all over the world. No matter how much he refuses, it will not change how many people treat him My impression is the fact of the second generation of Wolong.

Even Sima Yi teased him about it from time to time.

"Kong Ming, to be honest, do you often see your senior brother in private? The general said a long time ago that no crime will be judged. As long as he comes, he will be given the position of servant immediately and will be reused." Sima Yi continued to tease.

Seeing Sima Yi making fun of two consecutive sentences, and even showing a tendency to continue making fun of him, can I, Zhuge Liang, bear it?
You don't know how Wang Lang was scolded to death when Wang Lang and I were facing each other in Romance?
"Oh? Then Zhongda, tell me the truth. When you saw that in Romance, you, who were very old, successfully defeated Cao Shuang and seized power, were you unhappy? After your death, your descendants will rule the world and seek to usurp the throne. At that time, are you happy?"

I'm happy you big headed ghost!

If I'm happy, can I still come here?
Do you really think I like farming as much as you when I have nothing to do?
"It's just a pity. Zhongda, your descendants are really useless. It's nothing more than seeking to usurp the throne. You can't even keep the world, so that the rebellion of the eight kings led to the chaos of the five. Such incompetent descendants, Is there any need to live?"

Whether it is the Rebellion of the Eight Kings or the Chaos of the Five Husbands, this is the history of the Jin Dynasty. It stands to reason that there is no such thing in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

But who is Chu Xuan?
Therefore, after the Romance of the Three Kingdoms was over, Chu Xuan continued to spread the history of the Jin Kingdom, and now he has told the history of the Jin Dynasty to the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

It is expected that in the near future, we will be able to talk about the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Although many scholars have always said that the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a demon book, even the history books of the Jin Dynasty and the Southern and Northern Dynasties have also been dubbed as demon books.

However, really smart people know that history and mathematics are different from other subjects!

These two courses can really increase wisdom.

Among them, mathematics directly increases IQ.

History is the direct growth of wisdom.

The premise is that you really learned mathematics and you really looked into history.

For a truly wise man, give him a history book, and he will be able to teach himself.At this moment, scholars all over the world are working hard to absorb wisdom and nourishment from the history of the Jin Dynasty and the history of the Northern and Southern Dynasties written by Chu Xuan.

According to Chu Xuan's plan, he intends to keep writing the history of the later generations, and finally write to the modern and modern times, and then reveal the identity of the descendant at the finale.

As for the use of this move?

Is it useful?

How useful is it?

Then you will know!
"Zhongda, if I were you, I would directly leave the palace at this moment, cut off the offspring from the source, and kill them all, so as not to cause disaster to the world after they are born, it is really not a son of man!"

"Mr. Zhuge, you..."

(End of this chapter)

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