Chapter 216

"Yuan Shu leads troops to attack the palace? Kill all the Huangmen?"

What is this and what?
The first reaction was absurd, but after careful consideration, that guy Yuan Shu could really do this!
He Jin is dead, and if Yuan Shu does not take any action, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu will basically die when the eunuch comes to power again.

Not to mention that they are the first sons and eldest sons of the Yuan family, Yuan Ji is the true heir of the Yuan family's next generation of wealth, and he is the real core figure of the next generation of the Yuan family, and he is An Guotinghou.

The title of Marquis of An Guo Ting sounds like nothing, just a small Marquis of Ting, but Yuan Ji's father was the Marquis of Xuan Wen of An Guo, and Yuan Ji's grandfather was the Marquis of An Guo Kang.

So-and-so Marquis of An Guo can basically be regarded as the standard configuration of the head of the Yuan family.This is the same as in the Five Dynasties, the prince must be the prefect of Kaifeng, and it is standard.

Moreover, Yuan Ji has returned to the princess, and his wife is the real princess of the Han Dynasty. If there is no accident, the first son of him and the princess will be the next generation of Yuan family head.

With such a network, such contacts, and such an identity, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu take the lead to compete with Yuan Ji?
In fact, the two of them could not compete with Yuan Ji in terms of inheriting the resources of the Yuan family, so one gathered rangers and became the leader of rangers, and the other took the route of scholars and became the leader of the party.

Therefore, Yuan Shu, who is known as the prosperous official road, and Yuan Gonglu, the fierce ghost in the road, are now nothing but a general of the tiger and ben. As for Yuan Shao, he is now just one of the eight captains of the West Garden.

This kind of official position is already very high in the eyes of ordinary people, but compared with Yuan Ji, it is a scumbag. Today, Yuan Ji is already a servant of one of the three princes and nine ministers, and the serious nine ministers , is the real core of the court.

Yuan Shao was still acting as He Jin's mastermind, and Yuan Shao might not have the voice to speak on truly serious occasions, while Yuan Ji was already able to face He Jin directly, the eunuchs and even the emperor.

Of course, being able to face He Jin directly does not mean that he can be compared with He Jin in all aspects.But at least he can stand and talk in front of He Jin.

And Yuan Shao has already established a monarch-subject relationship with He Jin. He Jin is the monarch and Yuan Shao is the minister.

After knowing the inside story of these high-level officials, Xun Yu knew that if Yuan Shu didn't want to die, he could only lead troops to attack the palace.

But if you know it, you know it, and when scolding Yuan Shu for a bad death, he will not show mercy.

"Shaofu ordered the sergeants to separate and kill the family members of the ten permanent servants, regardless of size, and all of them were killed. Many of them who had no need were mistakenly killed."

"Shuzi wants to rebel?"

Even though he knew that this was just a conspiracy by the black hand behind the scenes to divert attention, but at this moment Xun Yu couldn't help but swear!
Brothers Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, what are they doing?

Those who have nothing to do with people, they didn't do anything at all!
At this moment, Xun Yu's perception of the two brothers has been reduced to an indescribable level.

"While Cao Cao was saving the fire in the palace, he asked Empress Dowager He to take charge of the important affairs, and sent troops to pursue Zhang Rang and others to find the young emperor."

At this moment, the image of Cao Cao, a small man, appeared in Xun Yu's mind.

In fact, when Cao Cao was young, he was also a tall, rich and handsome man. At that time, Cao Cao was a well-known swinger throughout Luoyang City.

Later, Cao Cao accidentally had some problems in the process of cultivation, and then he changed from a tall and handsome guy to the current short and frustrated one.

Xun Yu continued to read, while thinking about Cao Cao's character and past. When he was young, he set up five-color sticks, and even the eunuchs dared to beat them. The law and order in Luoyang was indeed much better at that time.

Later, he ascended brightly and descended secretly, and then fought against the Yellow Turban...

After step by step, Xun Yu found that with Cao Cao's character and ability, it was really possible to do so.

So the question is, what is this so-called Romance of the Three Kingdoms?
When watching the first chapter, Xun Yu thought that this was someone's deliberate mystification, just to predict the demise of the Han Dynasty through prophecy, and it was a proper anti-thief act.

After watching the second episode, Xun Yu felt that the black hands behind the scenes understood the high-level political operation of the Han Dynasty. They were either high-ranking officials of the two thousand shi, or heirs of aristocratic families. Otherwise, it would be impossible to know so much.

But today, after watching the first half of the third chapter, a new speculation suddenly appeared in Xun Yu's mind: Could this really be a certain kind of future?
"Dong Zhuo stationed troops outside the city, and brought iron-clad cavalry into the city every day, rampant in the streets, and the people were in a state of panic. Zhuo went in and out of the palace without fear."

After seeing this paragraph, Xun Yu had already calmed down, but his heart was full of anger.

How many soldiers and horses can a mere Dong Zhuo have?Even if he is now stationed in Hedong, how many soldiers and horses can he afford?

It is impossible for the core group to exceed [-], and even if the cannon fodder of the Qiang people is added, it is impossible to exceed [-].

More importantly, how many soldiers and horses can he bring to Luoyang without being discovered in advance?Thousands of people went to the sky.

Thousands of cavalry can run amok in Luoyang?
Are you kidding me?
The Central Army of the Han Dynasty had more than a few thousand people!
In Luoyang City, there are only twelve gate guards, and even if a gate Sima only has [-] soldiers and horses, there are still [-] soldiers and horses.

As for the Xiyuan army, there are as many as eight captains. Even if a captain only has a thousand soldiers and horses, the eight captains of the West Garden add up to more than [-] soldiers.

What's more, the Central Army under He Jin's command, the number of professional soldiers in Luoyang City is at least [-] at the moment. With so many professional Central Army, can they be so intimidated by thousands of Xiliang cavalry that they dare not move?

Xun Yu didn't know what other people would think of when they read this paragraph, anyway, what he thought was collusion between inside and outside.

The first reaction was that Dong Zhuo hooked up with the Kwantung scholars.

Then, Dong Zhuo's information appeared in his mind.Then Xun Yu knew the truth, Dong Zhuo was from the Yuan family, and Dong Zhuo had colluded with the Yuan family.

To be precise, in order to suppress Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao, Yuan Ji could elevate Dong Zhuo's position and let the two brothers Dong Zhuo and Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu fight in the ring?
As for why Yuan Ji did this?

It's very simple, the Yuan family is already prosperous enough, the prominence of the four generations and three princes has reached the extreme, if it continues to develop, it will be self-destruction.

If they didn't rebel, the Yuan family would just need to guard the house until now. Radicals like Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao are what the Yuan family hates the most.

Therefore, take this opportunity to suppress the two of them, and then let Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao open another branch and become the Patriarch of a certain branch.

On the one hand, it maintains the stability of the main line, on the other hand, it cuts off Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao's attack on the palace, which is perfect.

(Under the premise that the Han Dynasty will not perish, Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao directly attacked the palace. No matter who becomes the emperor in the future, they will be liquidated.)
Sure enough, the next development was exactly as Xun Yu expected.

"Lieutenant Bao Xin of the rear military school came to see Yuan Shao and said that Dong Zhuo must have a different heart and he should get rid of it quickly. Shao said: "The imperial court has made a new decision, so it should not be moved lightly. When Bao Xin saw Wang Yun, he also said something about it. Yun said, "Let's discuss it." "The letter quoted the soldiers from our headquarters and went to Mount Tai."

When he saw this, Xun Yu couldn't help sighing, he had already expected the next plot direction.

Dong Zhuo, Cailangye, border warriors, once they occupy a high position, there will be a large number of humble warriors approaching him. At that time, he can only move forward, and he must also move forward.

But Dong Zhuo himself is definitely not the opponent of the Yuan family, so it is likely that he colluded with the Yang family and other Kansai scholars, and then there was a fierce conflict between the Kanto scholars and the Kansai scholars.

At that time, there was no emperor to mediate, no general to mediate, no matter what kind of strange things happened in Luoyang City, Xun Yu was not surprised.

Sure enough, the following plot also confirmed his guess.

"Dong Zhuo?"

"Teacher Dong?"

"Abolish the emperor?"

Outside Luoyang city, in a certain pavilion, Li Ru's head was buzzing at the moment.

I, Li Ru, a dignified doctor of imperial studies, a great Confucian who has achieved great success in refining gods, when did I become Dong Zhuo's counselor?Do I know him?
Anthane, I know each other, and I even drank wine, because everyone is from the frontier, while Dong Zhuo is following the path of a warrior, while Li Ru is following the path of a great scholar.

Everyone was excluded by the Kwantung scholars, so they drank alcohol before, but only drank alcohol. When did they become Dong Zhuo's counselors?
Immediately, Li Ru turned around and looked at Chu Xuan with a cold expression: "It's you, and you are behind the scenes. Why did you frame me?"

Hearing this, Chu Xuan shook his head slightly: "Where did Wen You say this? When did I frame you?"

"You have achieved success in refining gods, and in terms of cultivation, you are a great Confucianist in the world. Even Lu Shangshu (Lu Zhi) is not much better than you, but in terms of official position, you are just a mere doctor of imperial studies."

"Looking at the Yuan family, then Yuan Gonglu was just a libertine, but now he is a general in the middle of the tiger, and Yuan Shao is even the leader of the party in the world."

"Wenyou, are you willing?"

Hearing this, Li Ru stared at Chu Xuan, staring at him motionless for a full quarter of an hour, but unfortunately he didn't see anything.

During this quarter of an hour, Chu Xuan kept looking at Li Ru with his eyes wide open, and met his four eyes, his eyes were extremely clear, and his breathing was not at all chaotic.

After a quarter of an hour, Li Ru felt that he might not be able to see anything, so he was no longer angry, but regained his composure in an instant: "So what if you are willing? What if you are not willing?"

"If Wen You is not reconciled, you can go to Hedong."

When Romance of the Three Kingdoms came out for the first time, Emperor Ling didn't deal with Liu Bei, which doesn't mean that Emperor Ling didn't deal with Dong Zhuo when Romance of the Three Kingdoms came out for the third time.

People are different, not to mention that in the Romance, Dong Zhuo's behavior is many times worse than Liu Bei's.

Anyway, if there is no accident, the imperial court will definitely deal with Dong Zhuo, and Dong Zhuo will definitely resist. As for when to oppose his mother, it depends on the subsequent development of the situation.

As for Dong Zhuo, it is actually a good choice to rebel immediately, because only in this way can he live longer.

Otherwise, Dong Zhuo would have no power to resist when the imperial court used righteousness, used intrigues, and even mobilized soldiers and horses from various places.

At that time, it will really be a piece of imperial edict, and you can take whatever you want.

And with Dong Zhuo's temperament, it is absolutely impossible for him to pin his life on the benevolence of the court.

Of course, in fact, Dong Zhuo may not have such courage. He most likely seeks the status of a feudal town and maintains a semi-independent state from the Luoyang court.

"You want to rebel too? That's right, if you can write a book like Romance of the Three Kingdoms, no one will believe you if you say you don't want to rebel."

"What am I going to do?" Li Ru asked calmly.

"With the background of Romance of the Three Kingdoms, coupled with Wen You's cultivation and background, I don't have to worry about losing the trust of Grand Master Dong."

"At that time, Wen You only needs to ask Dong Zhuo to restrain the troops, do less killing, and less massacre of cities and villages. Wen You can directly explain my existence to Dong Zhuo, and we will use steel, grain, rhubarb crossbows, armor, Weapons, etc. are exchanged with Taishi Dong for population, all men, women, old and young are required."

"What can I gain?"

"What does Wenyou want?"

"I want to join you!" Li Ru said suddenly.

Chu Xuan was not surprised by this: "Joining us is not easy..."


A small town near the Yellow River. This city is located on the north side of the Yellow River near Bingzhou. There is no such city on the map. It is a typical private self-built city.

This city is the core of the Yellow River Gang, and the family members of the gang, like the gang, can't keep drifting on the water of the Yellow River, and they will always land.

And this small town is the lifeblood of the Yellow River Gang.

Although the small town is not big, it is backed by the Yellow River and surrounded by mountains on both sides. It either comes from the Yellow River or from the front.

But the front is full of docks of different sizes one after another. Before these docks are pulled out, it is impossible for the army to approach the city.

At that time, the family members in the city will have enough time to transfer.

As for if one day, someone came from above the Yellow River, it could only mean that the Yellow River Gang had reached the day of extinction, and it was hopeless.

But at this moment, Peng Bing, the leader of the Yellow River Gang, was hiding in the secret room, listening to the telegram from afar, and laughed when he heard it: "Sure enough, Chu Xuan didn't put his hope on Li Ru at all. Also, expecting Li Ru to restrain Dong Zhuo from killing indiscriminately is simply a dream."

Under the premise that Dong Zhuo was forced to rebel in advance, many innocent people will definitely be affected, and both Hedong and Hanoi are directly related to the Yellow River.

Therefore, what Li Peng Bing has to do next is to make full use of the mobility of the Yellow River, sell a large number of industrial products in exchange for people from Dong Zhuo, and then use the convenience of the Yellow River water system to transfer a large number of people.

These people will receive initial training in this small town, and then they will look for opportunities to raise troops.At that time, Peng Bing will take the Yellow River as the center and go in all directions.

He can go north to attack Jizhou, or go south to attack the land of Sili, or go southeast to occupy PY, Guandu and other places in Yanzhou, or go northwest to touch Taiyuan's ass.

In this extremely primitive and backward era, transportation is very inconvenient.Many modern people often cannot understand why sometimes a small city or checkpoint can stop tens of thousands or even a hundred thousand troops for half a year?

Can't it be bypassed?

I can't!
There were very few roads in ancient times, and there were only a few roads that could pass tens of thousands of troops.Therefore, the food and grass of the army can only pass through a few roads.

This is the reason why food robberies often happen, because large quantities of food transportation teams can only go from a few fixed continents.

The mobility of the Yellow River is the core of Peng Bing's next series of actions.

(End of this chapter)

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