Showdown: I'm Reborn

Chapter 156 Continue to play music and then dance

Chapter 156 Continue to play music and then dance

Outside Pingyuan County
A strange man with his hands on his knees and his ears hanging down his shoulders was walking around in surprise, rubbing the information in his hand.It wasn't until he put his hands on the double swords that he finally calmed down.

The man drew out his double swords at a speed that ordinary people could not understand, and began to dance swords.When the two swords were swung, they rubbed against the air, making whirring wind noises, and there was also the sound of piercing the air from time to time.

If a layman looks at it, they will probably only say that the water can't get in, the dance is beautiful, and it looks good.As for more, one might say: Fuck!
After all, passers-by have no culture.

And if you let an expert like Peng Bing come over, you will find that Liu Bei's swordsmanship at the moment has already returned to the basics, and it is just the foundation of the foundation.If he had to describe it, he would use the word sword master to evaluate Liu Bei's swordsmanship.

If an expert in the army like Lao Wang were to comment, he would say: Liu Bei's swordsmanship is a two-handed sword, with one hand blocking and the other attacking.Switching freely, attacking and blocking with one heart, the skill has reached this level, and it can already be described as art.

And if you let Chu Xuan, a cultural person, come over, he will tell you in a serious manner: Liu Bei is very skilled in swordsmanship, which is actually quite normal.

Bian Zhuangzi's twisting method, Wang Ju's rising and falling method, Liu Xianzhu's Gu Ying method, Ma Ming's lightning method, and Ma Qi's shooting method.

This is one of the five schools of kendo in the material world of the real world, and Liu Bei is the ancestor of Gu Yingfa, so it is a matter of course that he is powerful.

Unfortunately, this is not a world of rivers and lakes!
If it is a pure martial arts world, with Liu Bei's swordsmanship, it must be the martial arts myths such as Dugu Qiubai, Ling Donglai, and Wuming.

In the current Transcendent Three Kingdoms world, although Liu Bei's strength is also very strong, he can't be called number one in the world.

If fighting at close range, he can indeed beat Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.At the beginning, he also relied on such ability to become the eldest of the three brothers.

But if it's a riding battle, if the big guys are fighting to the death, then Liu Bei will be weaker.But this is also compared with Guan Zhang, only weaker than Guan Zhang in its heyday. If this kind of force is put in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, even if there is no 97, 98, there will be 92 or [-].

After dancing the sword for a while, Liu Bei calmed down and called Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Jian Yong. After seeing the three of them coming, Liu Bei didn't put on any airs, waved his hand, and sat down with them.

"This is the information that just came in, what do you think?"

"A [-] army will be gone in a day. Brother, I have already said that the Yellow Turban Army is not good. If we had started earlier, maybe we could have trained a Qingzhou soldier!"

"Like Cao Mengde, he was just an eunuch, and now he started his business directly by relying on Qingzhou soldiers, and he has led Yanzhou herdsmen himself. It's so beautiful."

Although Zhang Fei was expressing his opinions loudly, neither Liu Bei, Guan Yu, nor Jian Yong looked at him, as if they hadn't heard anything.

Zhang Fei muttered for a while, then became quiet, and seriously waited for Guan Yu's opinion.

Guan Yu stroked the beard on his chin, his face was still red, so he couldn't see what expression he had, but he seemed very serious.

"Guan Hai is the commander-in-chief of the Yellow Turban in Qingzhou. He has the Nine-Joint Staff handed down by Zhang Jiao's Demon Dao back then. With this treasure, he can command the Yellow Turban warriors in Qingzhou, and he can also train new Yellow Turban warriors."

Speaking of this, Guan Yu pointed to the information in his hand and said with a serious expression: "According to the above records, at the time of the war, he had at least 600 yellow turban warriors, more than 100 yellow turban demons who could cast spells, and more than 8000 A bewildered Yellow Turban sect."

Others may not know the fighting power of the Yellow Turban Warriors, Yellow Turban Warlocks, and Yellow Turbans. How can the three brothers not know?
The three of them started their careers as yellow scarves!

"Third brother, with such strength, how many soldiers and horses do you need to fight?"

Zhang Fei opened his mouth, wanting to say something, and then shut up. After he shut up, he muttered: "If there were no yellow scarf wrestlers, Guan Hai would be able to kill him within thirty rounds." Get off the horse."

Looking at the stubborn Zhang Fei, Guan Yu sighed and said: "Such a powerful army was defeated in one round. If it is Taoism, one great Confucian is not enough. Only a big man can gather so many great Confucians in one go to cast spells together." The last time this kind of large-scale Taoism was put down was when the Yellow Turban Rebellion was put down."

At that time, all the great Confucians in the court and the opposition came, with Lu Zhi as the leader in the court and Zheng Xuan as the leader in the opposition. Dozens of Confucians joined forces to call for the wind and rain, and forcibly broke through the thunder that Zhang Jiao's three brothers attracted.

Guan Yu clearly remembered that during that battle, the normally high-ranking Confucianism was like a weed on the side of the road. He died as soon as he said he would die, and died directly in the magic confrontation between the two sides.

"Now Xia Bo's army has obviously mastered a similar method of mass destruction. Maybe this kind of method requires a lot of preparation, the preparation of casting materials in advance, and the cooperation of the right time and place, but we can't afford to bet on it. .”

In Guan Yu's view, the more than 200 cannons are actually more than 200 magic weapons with a limited lifespan.

It's just that this kind of magical weapon is more powerful, it can directly kill the extraordinary in the mirror of five internal organs, and it has a direct crushing effect on ordinary troops.

Similar magic tools and treasures are available in many county prestige families. Like Baojia and Shenbing, they are family heirlooms and can be passed on to descendants for use at critical times.

It's just that Xia Bo somehow got more than 200 magical artifacts at once, which sounds exaggerated and unbelievable.

But Guan Yu can accept it after thinking about it carefully.

Back then, in order to put down the Yellow Turban, the Great Han Dynasty recruited nearly a hundred great Confucians alone, and the number of Confucians who died directly in the final battle exceeded the number of hands.

Such background, isn't it much more powerful than more than 200 so-called artillery weapons?

As for the fact that this magic weapon can be used multiple times in a short period of time, it is probably possible to do so on the premise of consuming life, consuming the lifespan, and other costs.

Anyway, productivity limited Guan Yu's imagination, and he was not there to observe in person, so Guan Yu mistakenly regarded those cannons as special magic weapons with an expiry date.

This kind of thinking is actually not wrong, at least it is not too far wrong.

But there is one thing Guan Yu got wrong, that is, this so-called artillery weapon can be mass-produced. In the face of industrial productivity, thousands of artillery pieces can be easily manufactured in a year.

But how long did it take for the Han Dynasty to cultivate a great Confucian?How much energy is needed?How many resources are needed?

"Xuande, there are more than 200 magical artifacts. With such background and strength, I am afraid that even if it is not as good as the Yuan family of the fourth generation and third lord, it will not be too far behind. At least before these magical artifacts are scrapped, Xia Bo is not something we can provoke." Jane Yong said seriously.

Liu Bei stroked his beard and said calmly, "We don't need to provoke Xia Bo directly, we just need to rescue Kong Beihai."

Moreover, he could take the opportunity of saving Kong Rong to get rid of the Qingzhou battlefield.Otherwise, if you stay here, you will be dragged by Tian Kai to the battlefield between Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao one day. At that time, what will three thousand soldiers do?

Just do what you think, and soon after, Liu Bei left Pingyuan County with [-] soldiers in the spirit of benevolence and righteousness. Before leaving, he left a letter to explain the situation to Gongsun Zan: Brother, it’s not that I won’t help you , but now that Kong Beihai is in trouble, he is both a Confucian and a saint, and he took the initiative to write to me for help. No matter what the situation is, I should save him, and I can't just watch him being killed by bandits...

After leaving the letter, Liu Bei brought three thousand soldiers and horses along the Yellow River to Beihai County.

However, Liu Bei is a rogue. While leaving a letter, he also wrote a letter to Xiong Yan, explaining his purpose of coming, and this letter is placed in front of Xiong Yan at this moment.

"Let's all take a look." Xiong Yan said indifferently.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this is Liu Bei's way of being a man? It's not bad, he cuts tofu with a knife and has two sides, he can't offend anyone!" Jiang Ju said directly.

She felt that this Liu Bei was slightly different from the Liu Bei in her impression, smoother and more real.

Benevolence is true, and so is cunning!

It is true that there are means!

"In this letter, Liu Bei didn't talk about the Han Dynasty and the rebels, nor did he talk about whether Xia Bo was a rebel, but talked about benevolence, righteousness and morality, and the righteousness of friends."

"I also said that I came here only to save Kong Beihai's family. I didn't have any extra thoughts. After saving Kong Beihai, I left immediately and never stayed. It seems that if we disagree, we will be unkind and unrighteous."

Speaking of this, Ji Zhen sighed.

The idol halo is shattered!
Although Ji Zhen was smart since he was a child, he also grew up watching Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Liu Bei and Liu Xuande were also his idols at a certain stage.

Although I lost my love for Liu Bei as I got older, but he was an idol after all. Now after careful contact, I just feel that he is an ordinary person.

"If we refuse, Liu Bei can also leave directly and go to Xuzhou. Anyway, he left the Qingzhou battlefield in a legitimate way and preserved his vitality."

"Although this approach is not a problem purely from the perspective of behavior, when I think of Liu Bei who is known for his benevolence, I still feel that he is not like Liu Bei, but more like a middle-aged social animal with great responsibilities."

When he mentioned the word "community animal", Huang Zixing laughed at himself.

If he didn't have the talent for awakening, if he didn't have the recovery of spiritual energy, if he stayed in the city, he might be just a social animal at this moment.

Ordinary social animals, people reach middle age, there are old and young, children are waiting to be fed, and kindergarten tuition is ridiculously expensive.

When I was in elementary school, there was still a high school selection fee, and I had to rely on my relationship to pay the money to go to a good elementary school.

When these responsibilities are all on the shoulders of the middle-aged social animal, besides bearing it silently, does the social animal have a second choice?
And the responsibility on Liu Bei's shoulders is much heavier than that of ordinary social animals.

As early as when Liu Bei started his business, businessmen came to invest in him. The businessmen provided money, treasures, and materials. Only then did he have his double-strand sword, Guan Yu's Qinglongyanyue knife, and Zhang Fei's husband. Eight Snake Spears.

Only with the money from the merchants can he recruit five hundred township braves to pacify the Yellow Turban and take the first step in his official career.

Later, he became Prime Minister of Pingyuan, but there are still people who are supporting him and are optimistic about his future.

If Liu Bei is an unconscionable person, other people will support it if they support it, and they will fall down if they lose money.

But Liu Bei has a conscience!
It may sound funny, but Liu Bei's benevolence, conscience, and cunning are all true.All three qualities are present in him.

In addition to these businessmen who supported Liu Bei, Liu Bei's hometown, the township party members of Lousang Village, also had many people supporting Liu Bei. Although they had no money, they had people.

Many of the five hundred township braves were the township party members of Lousang Village.Over the years, more than half of the township party members have been killed or injured, Liu Bei feels ashamed!
He felt that he was ashamed of the trust of the township party members. Not to mention not bringing prosperity and wealth to the township party members, he also caused more than half of the township party members to be killed or injured.Many childhood playmates died on the battlefield.

When one after another of responsibilities were placed on Liu Bei, Liu Bei could only restrain his hobbies: Back then, Liu Xuande was also a ghost boy, who loved beauty, sex, wine, and playing, and ghosted with young masters from other aristocratic families...

(So, Liu Beikuo later, what happened to liking some beauties?
Then play music and dance! )

"Hey, this is a story where responsibility changes life. If you were Liu Bei, if you had so many responsibilities on your shoulders, you would do the same," Peng Bing said suddenly.

For Liu Bei, he felt the same way.

Peng Bing understood when he was 12 years old that he was not only himself, but also the hope of the entire village.

When he went abroad after fighting all the invincible fighters in Daxia, he knew that he was not only the hope of his hometown, but also the hope of contemporary Daxia warriors.

When he swept the world and became invincible, he retired and returned directly to China to establish a large health care institution, a group company specializing in massage, recuperation and maintenance for the rich and middle class.

Then he arranged work for all the brothers, sisters, uncles, uncles, and ancestors who had helped him along the way.Those who can work will be arranged to work, and those who cannot work will be supported by a salary.

It's just that he, Peng Bing, was lucky. He became famous early, and those friends and relatives who helped him also got rewards.

And Liu Bei is still in the stage of struggle, and even in the stage where he can't see the future or hope at all.

At this time, anyone who invests in Liu Bei will have to wait another 20 years!

"So, what do you think?" Xiong Yan asked.

"You can take this opportunity to exchange ideas, and then give them some food and weapons before leaving, and see if you can take the opportunity to expand the map? Maybe this time you can refresh a part of Xuzhou?"

"Although this Liu Bei is a little different from what we imagined, we don't have to fight each other, as long as he doesn't stop us from occupying Pingyuan County. Pingyuan County is equivalent to being given to us by Liu Bei, so we will give some gifts in return. It's also a courtesy."

"You can take the opportunity to fight against each other and accumulate experience. Liu Guanzhang's strength is a generation of masters. If you communicate more, you will definitely gain a lot."

 Of course Liu Bei has potential, but to invest in Liu Bei at this moment, one must be prepared to become a shareholder by speculating in stocks.

(End of this chapter)

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