Chapter 82
Qiao Anhao: "..."

What do you mean you shouldn't tell the truth?
It seems that she is very vexatious, but Tutu said that she is not fat-prone?

She was immediately happy, and said, "You just said that I am not prone to obesity. So, as long as I cooperate with exercise and diet, I can lose weight quickly, right?"

Tutu: "Yes."

Qiao Anhao was very happy. After screwing up the water bag, she happily continued up the mountain with her small pannier on her back. This area was navigated by Tutu, and she had never been here before. There is no road here. , obviously there are very few people coming here, unlike other places where people come out of a road.

But she knew that things like herbal medicines are rarer as you go further into the mountains. As she expected, Tutu suddenly called out excitedly in her consciousness: "Host , host, there are good things, there are good things."

Qiao Anhao stopped: "What good thing?"

Tutu: "On your front right, it is worth five thousand points!"

Five thousand points! ! !

Qiao Anhao was also very excited immediately, oh my god, this is the first time I have encountered something with [-] points, then this is really a good thing, and I must find it immediately.

So she immediately pushed through the forest and came to the direction Tutu was pointing at. She bent over and looked over, and her eyes widened. Damn it, it turned out to be a wild Ganoderma lucidum! !
No wonder the points are so high! !
God, what should I do, she is reluctant to feed Tutu with such a good thing!

You know, this wild ganoderma is also an excellent thing in the last days. It has an excellent effect on the poison of many zombies, so it is rare and expensive. How can such a good thing be fed to the system?
She squatted down carefully and looked at it carefully, only to find that there are small wild ganoderma at the root, which grow separately. Her eyes lit up, and she immediately asked Tutu: "Give you the small one, can it be counted as the same points?" ?”

Tutu: "..."

"It stands to reason to give a whole plant."

How could Qiao Anhao give it?

"is it?"

She asked back: "Isn't what you want is based on the medicinal energy? Then I can use a little of this Ganoderma lucidum as medicine. How can it be counted as the whole plant? Did you stipulate that?"

Tutu: "..."


Qiao Anhao snorted coldly: "Then it's over?"

"You still want to cheat me whole, or I won't give you any."

Tutu accepted it as soon as it was ready, and said wittily: "A little bit is fine, a little bit is fine."

"As long as it's edible, medicinal, and effective, the portion system doesn't care about it!"

Qiao Anhao let out a "huh": "Isn't this the end?"

She was overjoyed to be able to keep her wild ganoderma, and said her thoughts directly: "Otherwise, I would be reluctant to give you such a complete wild ganoderma!"

Tutu: "..."

If you don't say it, I can feel your psychological thoughts, otherwise it wouldn't just accept it as soon as it's good!
Qiao Anhao carefully dug out the whole wild Ganoderma lucidum, then divided the roots carefully, and gave the small ones to Tutu in pain. There was no way, she needed too many places for Tutu.

The first is to open the space, so that she can hide things better, and the second is to open the mall, so that she can better buy some things she needs, so that she can learn what the world needs and help others. More people, save more people.

Thinking about it this way, she doesn't feel so distressed anymore! !

Tutu immediately accepted the small wild ganoderma lucidum happily, and reminded her: "The host still has [-] points after repaying the loan, and the space needs [-] points. May the host activate the space? Choose Yes, or whether."

Joan said, "Of course it is!"

As soon as the words fell, she immediately found that there was a blank space in her consciousness, which she was familiar with. In her previous life, the space opened up at the beginning was also such a small space, only about ten square meters.

As soon as she turned her consciousness, the whole wild Ganoderma lucidum immediately came out in her space, tried to transfer it out again, and appeared in her hand again, she was very excited: "Great, I finally found it." Come to my space!"

Tutu was also very happy, reminding her: "The host can also start opening the mall!"

Qiao Anhao looked rich and powerful: "Open it!"

She also knew that [-] points were needed to open the space, but she had just finished activating the space, and she still had [-] points, which was enough, so she quickly opened it.

As soon as the space was opened, she could see a shopping mall in her consciousness. This was an operation she was familiar with in her previous life, and she could only buy it with points. Just looking at her point balance of [-], she sighed, as if Thinking of something, her eyes lit up: "You just said that I have a loan balance of [-] points, right?"

Tutu: "..."


Qiao Anhao chuckled, and immediately said bluntly: "That's great."

"Give me two bottles of growth liquid!!"

In such a large wasteland, one bottle of growth liquid is definitely not enough, and two bottles may not be enough, but try with two bottles first, and if it is really not enough, then buy it again!
Tutu: "..."

It silently bought her two bottles of growth liquid, and reminded her: "Host, you can only spend up to [-] points to buy things in the mall, once you spend [-] points, you can no longer buy anything. "

Qiao Anhao said: "Don't worry, I will try to keep a point."

Tutu: "..."

It doesn't mean that, it wants her to work hard to earn points.

But thinking of this plane world, it sighed secretly again, and said no more, life in this world is so difficult, and the host is not easy, so it should not embarrass her!
Qiao Anhao didn't know what Tutu was thinking at all, and she just wandered around in the mall, wanting to see if there were any better things to buy, but in vain, there was a cold murderous look in her ears, and the wind blew into her ears , she immediately ran out of her consciousness, dodging instinctively, only to see a cold and shocked voice behind her: "How is Qiao An?"

Qiao Anhao turned her head when she heard the voice, and saw Xie Jiulang standing behind her, frowning and looking at him: "Why did you come here?"

Qiao Anhao: "..."

She hurriedly laughed: "I'm here to gather medicine!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at him and asked, "Didn't you ask Brother Da Zhuang about building a house, why did you come here?"

PS, it’s almost [-] words more, babies, don’t miss it when you pass by, if you have money, you can get a lot of money, if you don’t have money, you can get a personal show, and if you have a ticket, please come here, love you, okay, let me first I went to bed, and I will continue to write when I wake up, there may be two more chapters! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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