The nine masters in Qing Dynasty coddle side Fujin

Chapter 177 Guo Luoluo's vengeance

Chapter 177 Guo Luoluo's vengeance

"My concubine pays my respects to Fujin."

"Slave pays respects to Fujin."

The onlookers, blessings of blessings, knelt down.

Including Guo Luoluo and Shi Yun, both of them had to pay respects to Dong E's.

"Quickly lift up Fujin and Gege Shi."

Looking at the people kneeling on the ground, Dong Eshi didn't pay attention to them, but patted Caixiu's hand, signaling her to go and help Shi Yun and the two of them up.

He looked very worried.

"Both of you are pregnant now, these etiquettes can be exempted, you are both family members, don't care about those!"

Dong E's face had a kind smile on his face, but Guo Luoluo's family was from a wealthy family, so he could see clearly the inside ways.

He responded with a smile on his face, not sure what to think in his heart.

As for Shi Yun, he didn't believe that Fujin would be a gentle person before, even less now.

Even if she was really kind before, but seeing that there are all of them in the mansion, can she still maintain that kind heart?
I'm afraid it won't work!
"You all get up too!"

After Guo Luoluo and Shi Yun got up, Dong E's eyes turned to everyone.

Xu raised his hand, signaling to the kneeling people behind to follow suit, and as for Mrs. Liu, she was also helped up by the maids.

However, Guo Luoluo obviously wouldn't just let Liu go.

Since they are going to Zhuangzi to raise their babies, they will not come back for several months.

It's fine if you don't see him, but today, if she bumps into her, you'll have to vent your anger no matter what.

"Fu Jin treats people kindly, everyone in the mansion knows that."

As Guo Luoluo said, he took a step forward, blocked in front of Liu Shi, and slapped heavily, but it didn't hit Liu Shi's body, but the servant girl's hand.

This is what it means to tell her to let go of Mrs. Liu.

No matter how loyal the maids are, they dare not disobey even after Ce Fujin has spoken.

I had no choice but to let go of the hand supporting Liu, and without a support point, Liu knelt back heavily again.

Both knees fell to the ground, and the painful Liu frowned fiercely.

Others can still grin their teeth and express their pity for Mrs. Liu.

It's just that Shi Yun didn't move at all, just looking at it like this, which seemed to be a good show. If her status was not suitable for doing these things, Guo Luoluo would be the one to do it that round.

"It's just that my concubine's temperament is not as good as Fujin's. I always have revenge for revenge. This concubine who was murdered by the Liu family almost had a miscarriage. Do you really think that the master can just order me to be confined for a few months?"

Guo Luoluo raised his eyebrows slightly, stroking his belly with one hand and supporting his lower back with the other, and walked around Liu Shi like this.

The people around are far away, for fear that their clothes and handkerchiefs will trip Guo Luoluo.

Then the ones kneeling here will be them.

And everyone knows that although Guo Luoluo said this to Fujin, the meaning is aimed at Liu.

"What does Fujin think about that side?"

Dong E's is still smiling, but this smile is somewhat forced.

Guo Luoluo's family has talked all about this, so it's not easy for Dong E's to intervene. After all, she is pregnant and has a domineering temper, which is what she should do.

"After all, Mrs. Liu gave birth to Second Elder Brother and Liu Gege, what should I call her if I am not a concubine?"

Guo Luoluo looked at Liu's low-browed and pleasing expression, and felt uncomfortable for a while, so he simply turned around and didn't look at her, and came to stand beside Shi Yun while holding his stomach.

When Fujin and Liu Shi heard what Guo Luoluo said, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

They were really afraid that Guo Luoluo would kill and beat them, so no one else could stop them except the master came over.

It's just that the two of them hadn't let it out completely before they heard Guo Luoluo say:

"Then ask her to kneel until the concubine leaves the palace, and then get up! Save the concubine from feeling uncomfortable looking at her face."

Guo Luoluo covered his mouth with a handkerchief as he spoke, as if he felt sick when he saw Liu.

This made Liu Shi very angry, but he didn't dare to say anything, let alone raise his head, so he continued to hang his head, biting the back of his teeth firmly, and clenched the handkerchief tightly with both hands.

"In that case, Mrs. Liu, just listen to me."

Dong Eshi took a deep breath and asked a side Fujin to punish someone at the door of her house. Don't mention how aggrieved Dong Eshi was, so what if she was just aggrieved.

Then let the outsiders know, does she still want the face of Fujin Fujin?

Mrs. Liu responded in a low voice, and Mrs. Guo Luoluo was slightly satisfied.

"Let's go!"

After dealing with this matter, Mrs. Dong E did not stand outside, but turned around and helped Madam Jing back to the main courtyard, followed by Caixiu who hurriedly greeted everyone.

"Ci Fujin, invite Shi Gege, Fujin asked someone to boil the milk."


Guo Luoluo snorted lightly, and the sound was naturally directed at Liu Shi.

Then he followed Dong E into the main courtyard, followed by Shi Yun.

In the future, there will be some concubines, and they can all come in today.

After entering the main courtyard, Mrs. Dong E naturally sat on the front seat, while Mrs. Guo Luoluo sat on the first on the left, and Shi Yun sat on the first on the right.

The Zhao Jia family did not come, and neither did the Tu Jia and Fan families who had just entered the mansion.

Instead, a bunch of concubines came, none of them bad, all of them came.

And Fujin seemed to know what Shi Yun was thinking, and said as soon as he opened his mouth:

"It's not that the master is going to Jiangnan. You two are pregnant again, so it's inconvenient to go with you. I called Tu Jia and Fan over. These two just entered the mansion, so it's appropriate to go with you."

After Dong E's said this, she looked at Shi Yun deliberately. Maybe she felt that Shi Yun was so favored, and she should be upset when she heard that Master Jiu was taking these two people with her.

But Dong E's guess was wrong, Shi Yun was not only not angry, but also said with a smile:

"What Fujin arranged was that the servants of the Tujia family had never seen her before, but the servants of the Fan family had seen her before. She is really a beautiful girl, and she must be very favored by Fujin."

Shi Yun was smiling on his face, but he was also smiling in his heart. Fujin didn't get much favor in the mansion, so he wanted to pull someone over to secure his favor. Isn't she afraid that it might backfire?
"What's the use of my liking, the master's son likes it."

Dong E said with a smile.

"You and the Fan family are also close relatives. If you weren't pregnant, it would be good to move around more on weekdays."

"What Fujin said is true!"

Regarding Dong E's words, Shi Yun just smiled. It was true that he wanted to ask the two of them to move around more, and it was true to ask Fan's to share his favor.

While talking, Caixiu came over with two cups of tea, put a cup in front of Guo Luoluo, and put a cup in front of Shi Yun.

"Taste it quickly, it's just warmed up, the imperial doctor said, you should drink more if you are pregnant, it's good for both adults and children."

Dong E's eyes signaled Shi Yun and Guo Luoluo to try it.

Shi Yun drank this milk before, so he didn't feel anything.

But Shi Yun didn't dare to drink the milk sent by the main courtyard.

I had no choice but to decline with a smile: "The slave has had severe morning sickness recently, so I won't drink."

Morning sickness is fake, rejection is real.

"Morning sickness? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Dong Eshi frowned, and it wasn't until Shi Yun's face changed slightly that Dong Eshi realized it.

"Oh, I mean, looking at your ruddy face, you don't seem to be suffering from morning sickness."

(End of this chapter)

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