Chapter 203 203. The Truth
The editor-in-chief sneered when he heard his words.

"I heard what you said. You want to stand up for the people of the Zhou family. How many of you dare to take on this matter? Now it's just the Zhou family's one-sided words. You are a fool, and you are what others say. Maybe people will treat you as a pawn. You are stupid and don’t know it.”

The man didn't know where he was wrong, and stared at the editor-in-chief stubbornly.

"That girl's bulging stomach doesn't mean anything? The fact that the Lu family has not dared to show up until now proves that they have a guilty conscience. Those of us with pens should write about the injustice in this world and give them justice."

The editor-in-chief couldn't stand listening to his nonsense, so he picked up the pen holder on the table and threw it over, hitting his forehead.

After being hit, his forehead was bleeding profusely.

"Hurry up and get out of here. How did you recruit such a fool? He doesn't have a real understanding of the situation of the two parties, and he wants to get justice for others with a lot of nonsense based on one side's misfortune. , let him pack up my things and get out immediately."

This kid is also a stunned young man.

He choked his neck and replied, "Just go, do you think I want to stay here? I disdain to be with you. You filthy people who surrender to power, you are the ones who can never see the sun in the dark Dirty. Even the light from the sun can't stand you. I don't want to stay in this shitty place anymore."

wipe! ! !
This dog is so eloquent, I have lived for more than 40 years, this is the first time I want to hit someone like this, I just picked up the things on the table, and I was going to hit someone.The editor on the side quickly stopped him.

The strength of the editor-in-chief is not small.

The editor quickly persuaded him.

"Editor-in-chief and editor-in-chief don't be as knowledgeable as him, he just got kicked in the head by a donkey."

Just as he was talking, the editor-in-chief kicked him, almost knocking the editor down.

Seeing this posture, the editor quickly turned around and glared at the man.

"Hurry up and get out."

Hugging the editor-in-chief with both hands, it took his prehistoric power to calm down the editor-in-chief.

After the editor-in-chief calmed down, he wasn't so angry anymore, but when he thought of this matter, he felt dizzy, so he hurriedly ordered.

"Immediately send someone to Lejia to find out what's going on, and don't report it casually. Right now, only that family is jumping up and down like a clown, and the Lu family has to be there. Check over there. Send someone there immediately."

"Okay, I'll send a reliable person to the Lu family to interview." After speaking, the editor went down.

Zhou Qingyue and his family performed wonderfully in front of the newspaper office.

They tearfully told about the oppression of power against them.

The tragic life experience, coupled with their exaggerated statements, resonated with many people.

Seeing that the effect was almost complete, they went back and waited for news.

After returning home, Zhou Quan was gone, the indignation-filled appearance outside was gone, and he walked back and forth in the room a little restlessly.

"Do you think there will be any results if we make such a fuss? What if the Lu family puts more pressure on us. After this matter is suppressed, the Lu family is doing something to us, and then we will die and there will be no interest. What should I do then?"

Hearing Zhou Quan's words, Zhou Qingyue felt proud.

"Dad, just be 100% confident. I will definitely try this trick. I am indeed a member of their Lu family in my belly. It cannot be relied on. We have people and physical evidence. I am afraid they will fail. Don't underestimate the public opinion of the media. Even if the whole teacher is robbing, they are the victims, and the people will stand on the weak side. Even if Lu Changqing refuses to marry me in the end, the child in his stomach is his , the Lu family can't ignore the children."

Zhou Quan's eyes lit up when he heard her words.


The adults don't care, but they can't ignore the children. For the sake of the children, even if they don't marry their daughters, they will give some money and compensation.

"You can raise your baby at home with peace of mind. I'll go outside and have a look."

Zhou Qingyue nodded her head lightly, then lay down.

She traveled back from the afterlife.No one knows the power of public opinion better than her.

As long as there is the support of the media, the Lu family will not submit obediently.Unless they want to be enemies of the whole people, they have to obediently marry their own.

Lying comfortably on the bed, he slowly stroked his stomach with his hands.

What Zhou Qingyue thought was quite beautiful, but she forgot that the era she is in now is not the developed 21st century of later generations, but the 50s of last century.

In the era when this country was just emerging, technology was not so advanced, and the amount of information dissemination was not so convenient.

The newspaper office is also unique to the country, rather than a variety of magazine offices developing backwards.

No matter what you read in the newspaper, you must go through the instructions of the upper management, not to mention the matter of pouring dirty water on the Lu family. not come out.

Anyone who wants to stir up social unrest is a declaration of war against the country.

The people above have already noticed this matter, and quickly set up an investigation team to investigate this matter.

Zhou Qingyue's so-called personal and physical evidence could not stand up once she got to the bottom of it. At that time, she registered her name as Nuan Nuan.

Moreover, when Lu Changqing ran down, many people in the hall saw it. Many people could testify for Lu Changqing. After he went up, he came down, and then he never appeared again.

As for who is the child in Zhou Qingyue's womb.Those people can't tell, who knows who picked up such a big deal.

The hotel checked all the people who lived here that day.

After searching all over, there is no evidence of alibi.

This matter has become a headless unsolved case.

After two days of fermentation, everyone is eagerly discussing this matter.

Zhou Quan was running around outside, waiting for his daughter to marry into the Lu family and become a master.

As a result, the newspaper two days later completely plunged his family into the abyss.

The newspaper of the day was sold out as soon as it came out, and everyone rushed to read it.

Huge fonts are eye-catching.

It reads [Moral Depravity: Shameless women slander national talents for the sake of glory and wealth!Is this the loss of morality or the annihilation of humanity. 】

The dictation of those people is clearly listed above.

Including Zhou Qingyue's authentication, what that person said became a sharp knife stabbing Zhou Qingyue.He only said that someone took it up, but he didn't know anything else, and that Comrade Zhou actually used someone else's name, which was obviously a conspiracy.

Some workers from the restaurant came out to apologize, but they didn't expect to be taken advantage of. They will pay attention to it in the future, and published a profound review in the newspaper.

Zhou Quan and his family were still dreaming of getting promoted and getting rich at home, the boss of the Zhou family hurried back with a newspaper.

"Dad, Dad, hurry up, it's not good, something serious happened!"

Hou Hou, who was lying leisurely in the room, got up as soon as he heard this.

Seeing the hurried demeanor of the eldest son, my heart skipped a beat.

My heart skipped a beat, and I quickly calmed myself down.

"How many times have I told you to pay attention to your appearance, after your sister gets married to Nujiang, our family will be different, we can't be so impatient anymore. Did you hear me?"

Boss Zhou looked anxious.

Because he ran too fast, he couldn't speak when he stopped, and he kept panting heavily.

His eyes were so anxious that he was about to cry.

After finally calming down, she hurriedly said, "Dad, it's not good. Everything has been revealed. Qingyue's child's belly is not from the Lu family at all. Our family can't cling to the Lu family anymore."

Not only that, but their family may have to bear the anger of the Lu family.

I'm afraid the Zhou family will be doomed forever.

Thinking of this week's boss, I feel that the future is hopeless.

When Zhou Quan heard this, his mind went dark and his body shook.

Almost fell to the ground.

Boss Zhou hurried forward to support him: "Dad, are you okay?"

Zhou Quan was about to cry right now.

What does it mean to be okay, he wants to die now.

Choking but not crying.

"Where did you know? What's going on?"

Boss Zhou quickly took out the newspaper in his pocket.

"You can see for yourself. When Qingyue designed the members of the Lu family, she exposed too many flaws. All the details are connected together, and they can't stand up to scrutiny. Lu Changqing was not counted by her, but it was cheaper for others. Who knows Whose wild species is in her belly?"

As he said that, Boss Zhou was thinking in his heart, what should we do.

They had agreed before that if this plan fails, Zhou Qingyue will be kicked out of the Zhou family, otherwise the Lu family will be burned, and the Zhou family will lose everything.

"Dad, hurry up and tell us what to do now! Our family has calculated the Lu family like this, but we are the ones who make a fool of ourselves in the end. The Lu family has already stated it in the newspaper, and I am afraid that the next step will be to deal with us. Are you The head of our family needs to come up with an idea quickly. Didn’t it be agreed before? If the plan fails, Qingyue will no longer be a member of the Zhou family. If she is pushed to the top of the tank, the anger of the Lu family may be lessened. Some, our family may have a way out."

Boss Zhou's words were like a life-saving straw, and Zhou Quan tried his best to grab it.At this moment, my head is no longer dizzy, and my legs are no longer weak.With a bang, she stood up and rushed into Zhou Qingyue's room.

Seeing Zhou Qingyue still taking a sweet nap there, he stepped forward and pulled her quilt away.

The dazed Zhou Qingyue woke up, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Zhou standing in front of her with a ferocious face. She was startled and sat up in horror.


There was a scream.Zhou Quan was taken aback by her.

He slapped her directly across the face.

"What is it called?"

The severe pain on her face made Zhou Qingyue unable to tell whether this was reality or a dream, so she shouted hysterically at Zhou Quan: "Dad, what are you doing?"

Zhou Quan knew she was pregnant for no reason, so he pulled her off the bed.

Looking at Zhou Qingyue with viciousness in his eyes, the veins on Zhou Quan's hands burst out. If he wasn't afraid of aborting her, he would have done it without hesitation.

"You still have the guts to ask me this, the Zhou family was killed by you. You kept telling me that the child in your stomach belonged to the Lu family, but now they have found out through investigation, and the child in your stomach did not know it was the Lu family. Which wild man. Hurry up and get out of the Zhou family with this bastard, and you will no longer be a member of the Zhou family."

Zhou Qingyue was stunned when she heard this.

Looking at Zhou Quan in disbelief, her eyes were full of horror.He shook his head desperately.

"No, it's impossible. The child in my stomach belongs to Lu Changqing. You lied to me. This must be a conspiracy of the Lu family. They don't want to recognize this child, so they say that the child is not Lu Changqing's. I swear on my life that I will The child in my belly is definitely Lu Changqing's, if what I said is half a lie, I will die badly in my next life."

When Boss Zhou heard this, he threw the newspaper on her face.

"Stop making excuses. The family members have investigated all the evidence. If you have anything to say, you can see for yourself."

The newspaper fell hard on Zhou Qingyue's face, and she subconsciously closed her eyes.

When he came back to his senses, he immediately unfolded the newspaper in a hurry, without even looking for the eye-catching headlines.

The huge font on it made her shudder.

Holding the edge of the newspaper tightly with both hands, he shook his head vigorously.

She doesn't believe it.

How could things be like this, all this is a lie, the child in her belly belongs to Lu Changqing.

Her eyes were slightly sour, and she tried to hold back the tears that were about to flow, and tore the newspaper to pieces with both hands.

He yelled loudly at them: "No, none of this is true. The Lu family must have given them money in order to clear themselves and made them lie. I was obviously with Lu Changqing that day, so how could the child not be his. A scam, all of this is a scam. The Lu family must have paid those people to give false testimony in order to whitewash themselves."

She carefully recalled the situation of that day, and there was really no one else except Lu Changqing, and the medicine was so powerful that it was impossible for Lu Changqing to resist it.

Zhou Qingyue didn't expect the matter to come to this point, and the Lu family would dare to do this.

She is not reconciled.

"Dad, this must be a conspiracy conceived by the Lu family. First divide us internally, and then break them down one by one. We can't be fooled by them. I assure you that the child in my belly must belong to Lu Changqing. Admit it, then when I give birth to the child and compare their DNA with them, and when I have the proof, they can't deny it even if they want to. You have to trust me, we must not have any accidents at this time. "

Zhou Quan is not stupid this time, he is no longer confused by her words.

"Do you think the attitude of the Lu family can still accept you? I'm afraid that what is waiting for you is not the glory and wealth, but the knife leading to hell."

He sighed as he spoke, turned his back and didn't want to look at Zhou Qingyue again.

"You go."

(End of this chapter)

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