Conan's grammatical investigator

Chapter 755 The Inhuman Miichiro Numabuchi

Chapter 755 The Inhuman Miichiro Numabuchi

On the outskirts of the forest, a yellow taxi was parked by the side of the road.

In the driver's seat, a burly figure picked up the walkie-talkie and talked to the person on the other side.

"Brother, it's dark now, and that guy hasn't appeared yet."

"Will he disobey your orders?"

The driver of the car is exactly vodka, but it is vodka after disguise.

After Gin released the mission in the afternoon, he guessed that Michael Bay would deal with Miichiro Numabuchi by hand after dark.

Because the line of sight is blocked at night, and Miichiro Numabuchi is a serial murderer who has been sentenced to death, even the police's night search will be relatively restrained.

According to Gin's vision, Michael would sneak into the forest at night from a position where he could avoid the police.

In this way, he and Vodka only need to wait in a place where there is no police checkpoint, and they can squat until Michael appears.

Regardless of whether Michael can complete the task, he will leave the forest before dawn.

At that time, as long as you follow Michael, you can find out more information about Michael, such as where he is staying.

In order to implement this plan, Gin asked Belmode to disguise Vodka into an ordinary face, turned into a taxi driver, and waited for the exit at the side of the forest.

As for the exit on the other side, Gin Jiu personally guarded it.

Although it is impossible for the mountains in Gunma County to have only two exits, Michael could only choose the location closest to the driveway in order to leave the scene quickly.

After Vodka questioned, the stern voice of gin came from the other side of the intercom.

"No, he knows what the consequences will be."

Michael would not turn down the assignment, Gin knew all too well.

Because "that lord" arranged this person under his own hands, nominally as a newcomer to an organization.

If a newcomer in the organization does not obey the orders of the cadres, he will end up dead.

If Michael disobeyed the order, he could justifiably use the power of the cadre to deal with him.

At that time, he can only tell his background and purpose in order to survive.

But if these words come out of his mouth, the task assigned to him by "that lord" will be considered a complete failure.

That fate is probably more terrible than death.
Therefore, Michael will not refuse to perform the task.

As for whether he could complete this almost impossible task, Gin was not sure.

Marsh does not have a transmitter on him, so finding him in the huge forest is a problem in itself.

Coupled with the internal reports of the organization, Marsh was born with agility, and later trained in the organization for a period of time in the direction of a top killer.

Although this plan failed, Marsh's quality as a top killer still remained.

In other words, Miichiro Numabuchi's ability as a top killer is sufficient, and his physical indicators are already different from ordinary people.

But unfortunately, he became a failure due to some uncontrollable reasons.
For the specific reason, Gin is not clear.

Because Miichiro Numabuchi came from a talent development department within the organization.

This is different from the ordinary training that cultivates Calvados, Cohen and others, but a more mysterious and deeper department.

Even a cadre of Gin's level has no right to ask about the secrets of this department, and he doesn't even know the name of the department.

The talents cultivated in this department are basically expected to become one of the cadres in the organization in the future, and their future is limitless.

Gin has heard some news from within the organization, and Belmode seems to be from this department.

There are also other big figures in some organizations, such as the rumored No. [-] who replaced Old Pisco, who seem to have similar experiences.

As a model worker in the organization, Qin Jiu said that he was not curious about this department, which must be false.

But Gin still knows what is important, and will not take the initiative to inquire about these things.

Completing one's own work is the meaning given to the code name Gin, and the rest is ignored.

"Keep an eye on it, don't let up."

"He's bound to show up."

Gin reminded Vodka again, then put away the walkie-talkie, long golden hair hanging down on the leather seat.

Those icy eyes stared at the street like eagles.

Gunma Forest, next to the mountain stream.

On the moonlit grassland, Miichiro Numabuchi suddenly opened his eyes, and slowly got up like a zombie.

Qin Zhibo, who was leaving with Guangyan, heard the rustling of the grass, and looked back, only to find that Marsh had stood up.

how can that be!

Qin Zhibo's eyes widened in disbelief, because he knew the power of his kick would not wake him up so soon.

Under the moonlight, Numabuchi Miichiro's figure was like a beast, and his rickety back seemed to be a curvature of the spine caused by a natural deformity.

Two curls of long hair fell down from his forehead, covering half of his eyes respectively.

As for the remaining half of the eyes, there was a faint green light emitting from them.

From the bottom of his throat, there was a low growl of "wuwu", which was chilling like a beast.

In just a moment, Miichiro Numabuchi's demeanor became completely different from that of the embarrassing criminal who only knew how to escape just now.

At this moment, he was like a ferocious beast ready to go, and the next moment he might bite at him regardless of his own safety.

Qin Zhibo's heart trembled, and he sensed something was wrong.

His eyes were fixed on the body of Miichiro Numabuchi, alert to the opponent's sudden attack, and his right hand pushed Mitsuhiko beside him back at the same time.

"Kid, you go first."

"Follow this creek downhill, and you'll find the police and your companions."

Mitsuhiko was still a child, but he could see something was wrong, and asked worriedly, "What about you, uncle?"

"I still want to catch the prisoner, but you will only get in the way here."

Qin Zhibo's tone was a little harsher, just to let Guangyan understand the current situation, so there is no need for unnecessary kindness at this time.

Otherwise, with the attributes of the Boy Detective Corps, it can only be given for nothing.

After being told by Qin Zhibo, Guangyan, who was considered the most sensible among the three little ones, also understood the fact that he could not help, and finally gave Qin Zhibo a worried look, turned around and ran away.

Under the moonlight, Qin Zhibo opened his arms and legs slightly, taking a defensive posture, while cautiously confronting Numabuchi Miichiro.

What Qin Zhibo couldn't understand the most was why Mo Yuan woke up so quickly after being kicked in the vital part, and even his temperament suddenly changed.

Could it be that he triggered some switch of his will to survive?
But Qin Zhibo couldn't understand what was still behind——

I saw Marsh Yuan suddenly raised his head, raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar.

What came out of that wrinkled throat was not a human voice, but the roar of a beast.


The roar shook the forest, and the birds in the forest were startled for a while.

After the roar, Miichiro Numabuchi's body changed to an inhuman state.

If it was only his temperament that changed just now, then his body is truly beastly now.

The scattered scalp grew rapidly as visible to the naked eye, and even the thick hair on the front of the chest was revealed.

On the two hanging hands, the fingernails are also growing rapidly, and the sharp front ends are even inferior to the nails Yue Yexue used to cut his throat.

That wasn't even a fingernail, more like a beast's claw.

The face that originally appeared like a skeleton was hideous and terrifying under the moonlight, the eyes glowed with menacing green light, and the muscles on the face were almost torn apart.

Qin Zhibo: Will -5
He stared at the changes in Numabuchi Miichiro's body with wide eyes, feeling even more incredible in his mind.

The sudden growth of hair and fingernails reminded Qin Zhibo of the "werewolf" mentioned in many film and television works.

Looking up at the sky again, today is indeed a full moon.

Do werewolves really exist?
Qin Zhibo didn't know.

But in this world of crazy things, anything is possible.

It's just that there is still a difference between Miichiro Numabuchi and the werewolf in his impression.

Even before and after Marsh's transformation, his figure hasn't changed much, and he still looks very skinny.

This makes him look less like a "wolf" and more like a "weasel".

Just when Qin Zhibo was full of doubts about Numabuchi Kiichiro's new image, Numabuchi suddenly leaned forward.

In an instant, Marsh Abyss had rushed to Qin Zhibo, waving his sharp claws.

Qin Zhibo stared, and immediately reacted, and retreated violently.

But the speed of backing was still a little slower. When Qin Zhibo stood still and looked down, he realized that the clothes in front of his chest had been torn open.

If it was slower, it would not only be the clothes that were torn apart, but the chest!

Those sharp claws were so sharp that the body couldn't face them. Qin Zhibo quickly took out the holy sword of physics in the inventory - a crowbar.

A crowbar with a curved tip like a crane's beak appeared out of thin air in Qin Zhibo's hand.

But the crazy Numabuchi Siichiro was not moved by it, and quickly launched a second charge towards Qin Zhibo.

The momentum of the marsh charge this time was even stronger than last time, Qin Zhibo saw that he couldn't dodge in time, so he could only hold up the crowbar to resist.


The sharp claws collided with the cold crowbar, making a slight sound.

Withstood the sharp claw's attack, before Qin Zhibo could breathe back, the powerful explosive force of his muscles instantly crushed Qin Zhibo's body and fell heavily to the ground.

His back fell to the ground, and Qin Zhibo was thrown into a mess.

At this time, Marsh Abyss rushed over again, and the sharp claws were about to grab it.

Ignoring the pain in his body, Qin Zhibo quickly raised the crowbar to resist, and the strength competition between the two sides was moving back and forth with the crowbar.

But with Qin Zhibo's full resistance, he could barely resist the sharp claws so as not to hurt himself.

You must know that Qin Zhibo's limit strength is 65, and when wearing [Golden Tree's Gift], it is directly 70, which is equivalent to some ordinary strength athletes.

Even with this kind of strength, it can only be barely equal to the muscular Marsh.

And when the marsh burst out in an instant, it far surpassed Qin Zhibo's strength, enough to knock Qin Zhibo's body into the air easily.

Qin Zhibo's face was also a bit ferocious, and he tried his best to resist with both hands. At the same time, he also knew that this was not a long-term solution, and his strength was now at its limit.

A person's strength at the limit is quickly exhausted.

Then, Qin Zhibo, who was lying on the ground, raised his leg violently, bumped his knee against the lower body of Miichiro Numabuchi, and pushed the not-so-heavy Numazu to the side.

Taking advantage of this time, Qin Zhibo firmly stabilized his figure.

However, Marsh, who was pushed to the side, did not get up, and directly raised his backhand, just hitting Qin Zhibo's abdomen.


Qin Zhibo let out a muffled groan, and his body was shot out like a cannonball, and fell heavily into the mountain stream.

The icy river flowed by, and Qin Zhibo, who had almost fainted from the pain, woke up immediately, with a trace of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Qin Zhibo didn't expect that this Numabuchi Miichiro would be so powerful.

Whether it's agility and explosive power, they can be called monsters, and they can even overcome pain that a man can't stand.

This is different from Mao Lilan's double A of speed. The strength and agility on the character card refer to the maximum data that can be achieved, not the usual data.

Especially the power that is already close to the limit of human beings, it is even more impossible to have it anytime, anywhere.

But Marsh is different, he has exploded several times in a row with a force speed far exceeding 70, which is simply inhuman.

Or judging from the appearance, the swamp itself is a monster.

And it's just an outcast of the organization.
Qin Zhibo lay horizontally in the water, barely supporting his upper body with one arm.

I wanted to stand up again, but the pain in my abdomen was so severe that I probably broke one or two ribs.

It's a good thing that Marsh Abyss just hit his abdomen with the back of his hand backhand, and his claws couldn't reach it, otherwise he would have been disemboweled by now.

But even so, Qin Zhibo knew that his situation was not very good.

Now if you want to escape, you will definitely not be able to escape, so you can only choose to fight with your back.

Although I am lying in the water now, it is really a fight to the death.
Qin Zhibo laughed at himself, and then picked up the crowbar that fell in the stream, and at the same time quietly prepared to visualize the Lord of the Rings on his finger in an instant.

Although Marsh's physical fitness is abnormal, he has almost no fighting skills, just scrambling like a wild beast.

Judging from that ferocious and ugly face, it doesn't seem like he has a brain and can communicate.

So Qin Zhibo planned to use the Lord of the Rings to fight for a chance to kill with one blow.

When the swamp plunged into the water, he used the Lord of the Rings to become invisible for a moment, creating a momentary gap, and then stabbed him in the eye with a crowbar.

However, just as Qin Zhibo was ready for a final fight, Marsh Yuan did not attack for a long time.

On the ugly face of the marsh, Qin Zhibo actually saw some fear in the tear.

he is afraid?
Qin Zhibo was a little surprised, and glanced around for a while, only to realize that what the marshes were afraid of seemed to be the stream in the mountain stream.

Did he dare not go into the water?
Qin Zhibo remained vigilant, but Nuoyuan took two steps back between hesitation, and then quickly turned around and fled into the forest, like a beast returning to the forest.

After a stalemate in the water for a minute, Qin Zhibo struggled to sit up from the water.

"Cough, cough—"

After coughing a few times, Qin Zhibo spit out bloody saliva into the water.

Now I don't dare to do too many movements in the waist and abdomen, and every time I move, I feel extremely painful. This rib must be broken.

After going back, I can only go to Chengshi for treatment.

As for the mission of Gin, with his current physical condition, he must not be able to pursue Miichiro Numabuchi anymore.

In any case, life-saving is the most important thing.

After weighing, Qin Zhibo limped along the waterway and walked down the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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