Conan's grammatical investigator

Chapter 726 Opportunity, grasp, understand?

Chapter 726 Opportunity, grasp, understand?
The three of them felt a little uneasy under the gaze of Mori Kogoro.

The three of them looked at each other, and tacitly chose the screenwriter Fox Eye as the representative, and asked, "You can tell at a glance what kind of poison is being used."

"Who the hell are you?"

Hearing this, Qin Zhibo wondered for a moment, there are people who don't know this common sense of life.

Cyanide, less dosage, quick effect, almond flavor, zero bad reviews after ten years of sales.

Always keep cyanide at home, and there is no overnight hatred in life, everyone in Mihua knows this.

Yes, this is not rice flower.
Mori Kogoro, who was asked about his identity, moved his shoulders and put on a handsome pose.

"Actually, my surname is Mori, and my name is Detective Mori Kogoro, and I'm here."

After introducing his identity, Mori Kogoro raised his voice again, "This is now a murder scene, and no one is allowed to approach this dining table until the police arrive."

Yokohama is not far from Tokyo, and Kogoro Mori's name is very useful here, and the crowd immediately retreated.

The other three members of the crew could only obediently walk aside, but they saw Qin Zhibo dangling around the dining table again.

"Well, how could he be there?" the assistant director asked.

Mori Kogoro glanced back, and said angrily, "He won't mess with the scene."

After the words fell, Mori Kogoro also went back to investigate.

The three of them were still a little confused about what this meant, and Mao Lilan explained, "Actually, Mr. Qin is also a detective just like my father."


Qin Zhibo has also gradually gained a celebrity effect. The screenwriter of Fox Eye thought for a while and thought of his full name, "Could it be that famous detective Qin Zhibo?"

Two famous detectives came to dinner together, instantly shocked the three crew members who were still alive.

Especially director Isogami, he didn't expect that the few people Kawabata invited over randomly before his death would pick the detectives, and there were only two of them.

How can there be such a coincidence?

Did this guy call two detectives because he knew his death was approaching?
Jishang's hands were clenched tightly, bean-sized beads of sweat left from his temples, but fortunately his beard was thick enough to hide the sweat secreted by nervousness.

But now, he can only hope that he has practiced dozens of times at home.

As a director, he knows that many things are famous only by boasting.

The same is true for famous detectives, as long as they report the cases they have solved and hide their names from the cases that have not been solved, they will naturally gain a reputation.

That is to say, being a famous detective does not mean that he is invincible. As long as he responds to the next questioning well, he still has a chance of winning.

Jishang clenched so much that the blood vessels in his hands bulged, and he kept cheering himself up in his heart.

At the dining table, Qin Zhibo has already searched the investigation point.

The investigation points provided by the investigation function of the system can often determine the reasoning direction of a case.

And searching for investigation points in such a space smaller than a room, for Qin Zhibo, the difficulty is not even for elementary school students, at most it is a kindergarten.

Where there is light, click there.

In the lower half of Kawabata's body, there is an investigation point.


[The pants that were spilled with sauce are now dry, but the color is a bit strange]

The meaning of the investigation is unclear, but it can be regarded as a hint that this may be a key clue.

And on the dining table, there is an aboveboard investigation point.


[This is a towel, it will be more interesting if you open it up]

This towel for wiping your mouth after eating happened to be placed next to the seat where director Isakami had been sitting.

The location of this investigation point is very telling, but Qin Zhibo dare not be 100% sure that the murderer is Isakami.

Recall that when Kawabata first "leaved the table", the scene was a bit chaotic, and anyone had the opportunity to make some small moves.

And now I don't know the method, just throwing away an evidence that I don't know why it exists, it may fail in reasoning, let Conan's old boy get ahead and solve the case.

So Qin Zhibo decided to check what was inside the towel first, so as to understand the method of killing.

But just as Qin Zhibo put on the magic power extractor and was about to reach out to the towel, there was a sudden scolding from the crowd.

"Don't move!"

Qin Zhibo looked over, and an inch came out of the crowd.

"I saw your actions just now. Are you trying to sabotage the murder?"

The crop-headed man flashed his ID and put it back in his pocket, casting a death stare at Qin Zhibo.

Qin Zhibo also looked up and down the man in front of him, and saw the message above his head.

Henggou re-enlightenment, 35 years old, policeman, social credit 2400.

It's a policeman I don't know, and the speed of dispatching the police is quite fast.
Qin Zhibo withdrew his hand awkwardly, and said with a smile, "Mr. Police, don't get me wrong. My name is Qin Zhibo. I'm a detective. I just checked the scene a little bit."

According to the rules of this world, if you show your identity as a detective at the scene of a murder, you can often get the respect and courtesy of the police.

But just when Qin Zhibo thought it would be the same this time, Henggou Chongwu didn't follow the routine.

"Qin Zhibo?"

"The name sounds familiar"

"But now this is the scene of a murder case, non-related people like you please stand aside."

Although Henggou said "please", his attitude was not polite at all, which cut off Qin Zhibo's thoughts of continuing to investigate the towels on the table.

Qin Zhibo obediently walked to the side. Although he was a little angry, he also admired the policeman.

Not flattering the detectives and believing in his own case-handling philosophy is a clear stream among the police.

I'm afraid that his ability is not worthy of his rebellious character.

Mori Kogoro on the side saw his colleague deflated in front of the police, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he stepped forward with a confident expression.

"Ahem, this police officer, let me introduce the case."

"Stand back!"

Just as Kogoro Mori was about to show off and let his peers see the difference in fame, he was reprimanded by Henggou.

However, Shigeno Yokomizo only stared at Kogoro Mori for a second, and realized that he looked familiar.

"I think I've seen your face before"

Mori Kogoro, who had just been reprimanded, was full of expectations, but the next second, Yokomizo Shigego said something shocking.

"Aren't you a wanted fugitive?"

"Ah?" Mori Kogoro was taken aback, his eyes widened, never expecting that his nemesis of crime would be regarded as such one day.

"I'm that Mori Kogoro!"

"Oh." Henggou Shigeno still had a stern expression, "So you are that sleepy Kogoro Mori."

Hearing that his nickname was wrongly called, Kogoro Mori's expression darkened.

"My name is Sleeping Mori Kogoro."

"Isn't it different?"

"How can this be the same? Deep sleep is active, and lethargic is passive."

"It all looks the same to me."

Qin Zhibo + Conan: People are really accurate.
After finishing speaking, Henggou Shigeno no longer entangled with Mori Kogoro, and turned around to assign work to his subordinates.

In fact, it's not that Henggou really doesn't know Qin Zhibo and Mori Kogoro, but he just wants to show the two famous detectives some authority.

Now the Japanese police's reliance on detectives has become a common practice, which makes Henggou seriously dissatisfied.

After all, private detectives, like lawyers, are paid professions.

There is also one less step for private detectives to take an oath. They can start their business after applying for a consulting business license. The threshold is low, and with a little fame, they can dictate to the police when handling cases.

Moreover, private detectives have caused quite a lot of troubles, such as commercial espionage, invasion of privacy, extortion, leakage of case-related secrets, and so on.

In short, Henggou decided to solve the case himself this time, slapped a detective in the face, and told other policemen, especially his twin brother who is superstitious about detectives
Japanese police can solve crimes without detectives!

Moori Kogoro, who was driven aside, stood with Qin Zhibo, and could only watch the police busy at the murder scene.

Mao Lilan also remembered at this time that this face was a little familiar, and it was very similar to the Henggou Shenwu Police Department in Shizuoka County.

Mori Kogoro and Conan took a closer look, and they were indeed carved out of the same mold, except for the different head shapes.

This made Mori Kogoro suddenly realize that it was Henggou who was demoted because he made a mistake and was demoted, so he lost his ambition, and he didn't dare to recognize these acquaintances, so he pretended to be indifferent.

"This guy saw me go over and expose him!"

As soon as Kogoro Moori was about to walk over, Qin Zhibo stopped him with his hand.

"This should be the younger brother of the police officer Henggou, don't mistake him."

Mao Lilan also remembered, "By the way, police officer Henggou mentioned last time that he has a twin brother who is also a policeman."

Mori Kogoro scratched his head, "Really? The two brothers look quite alike, why is there such a big difference in life?"

Mentioning the keyword of twin brother made Conan thoughtful.

Previously at the Kinoshita family villa in Shizuoka Prefecture, the murderer who killed President Majima was considered to be the twin brother of Huang Fanan in the game hall.

But later I learned that Huang-fa-nan was an only child and had no brothers, and I judged that it was another person who looked a lot like Huang-fa-nan.

But in the case of Toushen Forest yesterday, Mike Bin said that there should have been another person in the forest, with dyed yellow hair and a burly figure.

These two adjectives both coincide with the murderer who killed the president of Majima Island, and they are also the same as the yellow-haired man in the previous game hall incident.

The similarities between the first two points are easy to understand. It was Kinoshita Tomonori who caused the murderer to kill President Majima, so it is also reasonable for the murderer to appear in the Tousami Forest.

It was just the first incident. The deceased in the game hall case—Huang Fanan was confirmed to have died of tetrodotoxin poisoning by the police, and the body had been examined by itself.

How could a dead person come back to life even if his body was stolen?
This is the most incomprehensible, and it is also the main basis for the police to insist that Huang Fanan and the murderer who killed the president of Ma Dao are the two people under the witness statement of Mao Lilan.

But if this idea is followed, how did the yellow-haired man's body disappear?And why did it disappear?
To revive a dead body?

This idea was a little too crazy, but Conan frowned and had to consider this situation.

Sherlock Holmes has a famous saying that is regarded as the truth by later generations.

When all impossible conclusions are excluded, the rest, no matter how bizarre and unbelievable, are irrefutable facts.

Now, it has not reached the point of ruling out all impossible conclusions.

But there must be a reason for the disappearance of the yellow-haired man's body.

If the body was stolen, it must have been an organized and premeditated crime, so that the body could be transported away without a trace while the police were transporting the body.

Human organ theft gang?

The police seem to think so too.

It's just that due to the limitation of the police force, the investigation of the living people who are killed every day cannot be carried out, and the investigation of the whereabouts of a dead body can only be postponed indefinitely.

Then if the corpse "lived" and walked by itself, everything behind it would be easy to explain
The thought made Conan's body shudder.

Although I have seen some unusual things before, floating skulls, strange pink animal corpses, and fire tornadoes that seem to be controlled by people.
But for detectives, the resurrection of the dead is the real thing that can defeat the detective's worldview.

It renders all logical reasoning futile and drives reason into irremediable madness.

Is the resurrection of the dead really possible?

If this kind of thing really exists, it must be the authority that only the gods have, and it is a forbidden area of ​​life that human beings can never touch.

Is it really?

Thinking of this, Conan looked down at his palm.

Young and fair skin and a petite body should not be owned by the 17 years old.

If the resurrection of the dead is a forbidden area of ​​life, what is the backwardness of the body's age?
It turns out that without knowing it, I have already broken through the restricted area that humans should not touch.
If the indelible traces of time on the body can be erased, then the resurrection of the dead is nothing but the flow back of the body to the state before the passing of life.

Conan recalled that Haibara Ai had said about the principle of APTX-4869. Although he didn't understand it very well, it had a scientific basis anyway.

It seems that the next time I see Hui Yuan, I will ask her if it is possible to "resurrect the corpse".
While Conan was thinking about the mysteries of life, Mao Lilan, who had nothing to do, told about Qin Zhibo's counterfeit.

"Oh? There is such a thing?"

As the instigator, Qin Zhibo pretended to be six parts surprised, three parts angry, and one part indifferent.

"I'm very sorry, we didn't catch that fake person and let him escape."

The guilty Mao Lilan bowed to Qin Zhibo, and just as she straightened her back, her eyes turned white, and her mind was in a trance.

Mori Kogoro and Qin Zhibo quickly helped him to the chair next to him and sat down, and touched his forehead again, the temperature was a little hot.

"You have a fever, Xiao Lan!"

"Go to the hospital, sister Xiaolan!"

Mori Kogoro was a little anxious, and Conan also stopped thinking about life and ran over to care.

But Mao Lilan still forced her smile and shook her head.

"It's okay, I can still go on."

Mao Lilan's so-called persistence is naturally to insist on waiting until the police finish questioning.

Qin Zhibo glanced at the progress of Henggou Chongwu's investigation. He couldn't say that it was very fast, but he could only say that the bastard was as fast as he was. He was still investigating whether the roast duck had been poisoned.

That being the case, don't blame me for not giving you a chance.

It's you who can't grasp it yourself!

 Thanks for the 6500 reward from Infinity Warfare!

  Thanks for the 1500 tip from Niki who only eats saury!

(End of this chapter)

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