Chapter 658

The old man Otonashi mentioned four supernatural events, namely, will-o'-the-wisps in the building, bloody water in the toilet, figures outside the window, and a woman who was burned by the TV.

The TV burnt girl has already seen it, and if someone is causing trouble, the others should not be left behind.

Qin Zhibo opened the door and entered the toilet on the second floor. The dim light made the toilet look extremely dirty.

The toilet was full of dead insects and cobwebs, and from the urinal with yellow dirt, there was a melodious smell of ammonia.

Maybe it's because the older generation doesn't like to flush the toilet when they go to the toilet, so it gathers such a strong smell?

Qin Zhibo flushed the urinal casually.


The water in the water tank flowed into the toilet, and the colorless and transparent water immediately turned red.

Toru Amuro just walked in at this time and saw the red color in the toilet.

"Teacher, do you have blood in your urine?"

Considering that Qin Zhibo has also reached the age of soaking goji berries in a thermos, Toru Amuro thinks his suspicion is reasonable.

Qin Zhibo: "."

Qin Zhibo, who was suspected of having a problem in that area, was furious, "Idiot, how could I not close the door when I go to the toilet?"

"And this amount is even more outrageous than bloodletting. It seems that someone has specially arranged it."

As he spoke, Qin Zhibo opened the lid of the toilet tank, but there was a colorless and transparent liquid inside.

But Qin Zhibo, who had studied chemistry in junior high school, immediately thought of a possibility.

"It's a phenolphthalein reagent"

Hui Yuan's mournful voice floated faintly from the door, preempting Qin Zhibo's thoughts.

Hui Yuanai walked to the edge of the toilet, staring at the red liquid inside which was gradually flushed into the sewer, and said: "The phenolphthalein reagent will turn pink when it encounters alkaline liquid, which is very similar to this color."

"There is also the smell in the toilet. Normally, it will not be so strong and pungent when there are vents. This is a special smell that only chemicals have."

"Combined with the principle of phenolphthalein changing color when it encounters alkali, it should be alkaline ammonia, that is, ammonia water"

As a scientist who mainly focuses on the field of biochemistry, Haibara Ai is very familiar with these basic chemical knowledge.

It can only be said that the person who plays this trick has met a master.

But just after showing off a wave of professional knowledge, Hui Yuanai regretted it.

Amuro Toru looked at him with surprise in his eyes, obviously surprised by what he said.

Hui Yuanai was stunned for a moment, and his brain immediately reacted, and he hurriedly learned Mou Ke's traditional speaking skills to save the situation.

"I heard that from my science teacher at school. We even did experiments in class!"

"The smell of ammonia made the classroom smell bad all afternoon"

Hui Yuanai explained for a while, trying to pass the test by being cute.

But Toru Amuro, who has seen countless people, is not easy to fool. He can feel that there is a deliberate taste in Haibara Ai's performance.

But what bad thoughts can a little girl have?

At this time, Qin Zhibo came out to save the scene, and pampered Hui Yuanai's head.

"Xiao Ai knows so much!"

"Go to Grandpa Otonashi to borrow a phone number first, and report to Dr. Chengshi that he is safe."

Qin Zhibo found an excuse to send Hui Yuan Ai away, then turned to Toru Amuro and said, "The pretender should be in the apartment, let's find him together."

"Oh..." Amuro Toru, who couldn't figure out Haibara, could only turn the page and replied solemnly, "Yes, teacher."

At this moment, other people from the apartment also heard the sound and gathered in the corridor in front of the toilet.

Toru Amuro told about the toilet water turning red, and the graduate student surnamed "Peony" walked into the toilet in disbelief.

"It's not there at all." Postgraduate student Mudan denied it by poking his head into the toilet.

"It's already rushed down." Qin Zhibo replied.

"Really?" Graduate student Peony glanced at the toilet tank, but didn't see the expected paint, but still insisted on his scientific theory angrily.

"Someone must have done it!"

The toad-like resident surnamed Yotsuya sneered twice, "Maybe it's true."

Fancho, who has a sad nose, also echoed, "The show has already begun."

From Qin Zhibo's point of view, these two people have similar tastes, and they seem to be very keen on ghosts and other supernatural events.

The motive is unclear at the moment.

Several people were discussing the authenticity of the supernatural event, Hui Yuanai came out of the room after reporting that he was safe, and happened to see the window on the east side of the corridor.

Haibara Ai didn't scream this time, but widened her eyes in disbelief.

Qin Zhibo noticed something wrong with Hui Yuan Ai's eyes, looked in the direction of his gaze, and found that strange scene.

Outside the glass window, a strange figure slowly emerged from the void.

Its outline is extremely vague, but it is vaguely visible in human form.

The jagged edges of this human image flutter like flames, similar to the forest ice and fire man, but in the real world, it seems to be a real spirit body.

这 是
Toru Amuro's eyes widened in disbelief, because this scene almost confirmed the existence of ghosts.

If ghosts exist, is it also ghosts who killed those two people?

As a last resort, Toru Amuro really didn't want to draw such a conclusion.

But the evidence is right in front of you, even if you don't want to admit it anymore,
Just when everyone was surprised, Fan Ding sneered twice.

"Finally appeared, the ghost who wants revenge"

"The woman who died in the park four years ago."

Before Fan Ding finished his threatening lines, Qin Zhibo took a step ahead and put his head in front of the glass.

"Cut~ it's just some moths"

Hearing Qin Zhibo's words, everyone's eyes widened in surprise, "Moth?!"

"That's right, it's just a moth. If you don't believe me, come and have a look."

Under Qin Zhibo's guidance, everyone gathered in front of the glass window.

As the light got closer, it was clear that the black shadow above was created by moths covering the glass window.

Even so, the sight of moths swarming cannot be tolerated by people with trypophobia.

"But, but, why do moths gather to form humans?" Yotsuya Toad asked in confusion.

Fan Ding was a little flustered at the moment, and explained tremblingly: "It should be, there is some kind of force that makes these moths gather like this?"

Qin Zhibo was noncommittal, but the old man Otonashi came out yawning.

Chemicals such as ether still had a great impact on the old man's body. It took him a while before he walked out of the room and joined the discussion.

"Is it Tian Zhilei, who was burnt to charcoal four years ago and could not be reincarnated?"

Qin Zhibo thought for a while and asked, "Is this Tian Zhilei the name of the woman who died in the park?"

"En." The old man Otonashi nodded, "The police found the tooth model on the charred corpse and confirmed the identity of the deceased."

Hearing this, Qin Zhibo smiled slightly.

Whether it is a ghost or not, just ask the ghost himself to know.

 Thanks for the 163 tip from 500czx!

(End of this chapter)

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