Conan's grammatical investigator

Chapter 623 Bourbon: Qin Zhibo is a double agent?

Bourbon and Belmode.

It was the first time the two met since gin detonated the twin skyscrapers in Nishitama City and Mount Fuji erupted.

And this meeting is more necessary than before.

"Don't be so impatient"

"Shouldn't you start a dinner with a lady by complimenting her makeup?"

Belmode's cheek was lightly pressed against the palm, alluring and charming.

Today, she is wearing a fiery red pomegranate dress with bright decorative strips, which perfectly matches the concave and convex curves of her figure, showing the perfection of the latter to the fullest.

Even on the Oscars red carpet, the dress is nothing more than that.

However, Bourbon still took it calmly and responded with a sneer.

"If you want me to bow down under your pomegranate skirt, then I'm afraid you will be disappointed."

"I'm not a Calvados, and I don't have that rotten apple smell that comes from vermouth."

After listening to Bourbon's words, Belmode smiled slightly, but did not respond, but turned to call the waiter who was waiting in the distance.



The two exchanged wine names, and each asked for the name of the other's code name.

The waiter left to get the wine, and Bourbon continued: "A big star like you, even if you book a venue, it's not easy to cover your whereabouts, right?"

"If the news about you having dinner with me gets out, it doesn't seem to be a good thing for you or me."

Belmode glanced at the waiter waiting in the distance, and replied lightly: "The waiters here know how to keep silent, they are different from you."

There was something in Belmode's words, and Bourbon also heard the subtext.

"If it was for the unpleasantness of our conversation last time, I apologize for that."

"But you know, although we have different missions, we are all for 'that lord'."

Belmode narrowed his eyes slightly, and his tone was a little subtle, "Really? If that's the case, let's talk about what happened last time in detail."

"For example, why do you want to inquire about Gin's whereabouts?"

Bourbon's pupils trembled slightly, and he read out the answer he had prepared in his heart, "For some reason, I happened to be in the twin skyscrapers in Nishitama City, and I just saw Gin's favorite car appearing nearby, so yes The reason why gin is there is a little curious"

"But you also know that my relationship with Qin Jiu is not very good, so I thought of you."

Belmode stared carefully at Bourbon's confident face, knowing that the man in front of him was not lying.

Because when Bourbon, who goes by the pseudonym Amuro Toru, was going to Nishitama City, she happened to be there as Shinde Tomoaki.

Gin's favorite car is very conspicuous, even if Bourbon happens to recognize it, it's normal.

"When gin detonated that skyscraper, you should have been there, right?"

Belmode's expression suddenly became serious, "If you weren't there, you probably wouldn't have chosen to ask me about Gin's whereabouts on the day of the opening ceremony."

Bourbon's heart trembled, but his face still looked at ease, and he said calmly: "I was indeed in the skyscraper that day, because I was curious about the purpose of gin, so I wanted to investigate alone at first."

"But when I found out that the whole building was bombed, I felt that the situation was out of my control, so I thought of asking you for help, just like you commissioned me to investigate that matter."

Bourbon specifically mentioned "that incident", which in turn reminded Belmode that he still had something to do with her.

It's just that that level of handle is not enough for him to completely control Belmode. The safest situation is to reach a long-term cooperative relationship with Belmode, which will be more conducive to his future activities in the organization.

Belmode's organizational connections, disguise ability, and assassination methods are all what he needs.

And this is what Bourbon is aiming for this time.

At this time, two waiters brought two bottles of wine, one bottle of vermouth and one bottle of bourbon, and poured them for bourbon and Belmode respectively.

"Thank you." Bourbon nodded.

After pouring the wine, the waiter consciously backed away, and Bourbon continued to talk.

"If we can, we can have a long-term cooperation relationship."

"It's not that I am boasting. You are fully aware of my intelligence gathering capabilities. You will not suffer from our cooperation."

Belmode smiled slightly, shook the glass lightly, and tasted the bourbon with the tip of his tongue.


"I'm a person who never cooperates with people who threaten me. Instead, I will let the sniper shoot the guy in the head so hard that he can see his brains splattered."

Belmode seemed to be still concerned about what happened last time, but Bourbon still analyzed Belmode's true meaning from the subtext.

"Then my head is still intact, which proves that I am still useful to you, doesn't it?"

"Of course, this may have something to do with the 'funeral affairs' I prepared for myself."

Bourbon once again raised his voice and then lowered it. He first admitted that Belmode did have the ability to kill himself, and then explained that even if he died, he still had a backhand.

As I said last time, if he dies, the relationship between Belmode and the organization boss will spread within the organization.

"You are really eloquent~"

Belmode took another sip of bourbon, and said directly: "It seems that I have to cooperate with you."

"It just so happens that I have someone I care about recently, you can investigate."

After the cooperation was reached, Bourbon breathed a sigh of relief.

Don't look at the romantic scene with candlelight, wine glasses, and beauties, but it is actually dangerous, and you may be killed on the spot at any time.

If it wasn't for Belmode's approval, he wouldn't even dare to touch the poured vermouth in front of him.

Bourbon drank a sip of Mei Si with a confident smile on his face.

"Who do you want to investigate?"

Belmode replied: "I'm a member of the organization. I don't have a code name yet, but sooner or later there will be."

Bourbon was stunned for a second, and asked doubtfully, "Is it a peripheral member?"

Belmode flicked the wine glass lightly with his fingers, letting the bottom of the glass rub against the silk tablecloth back and forth, "From the perspective of the organization's rules, it should be regarded as"

"His name is 'Michael Bay', he is an American, he once claimed to be a third-rate film director, but his real identity is very likely to be someone sent by 'that adult' himself."

"He is working under Gin's staff recently. I want you to investigate his identity, origin, and purpose of coming to Japan."

"In short, I want to know everything about him."

Belmode said a lot in one breath, all of which was Michael Bay's identity information she had guessed before.

After Bourbon received this information, his brain was also thinking.

I followed the arrangement from above, and only recently joined Qin Zhibo's detective agency as a detective assistant.

As for the reason for this, Qin Zhibo might join the Black Organization in the near future, and the police sent himself to contact him.

Is it...

Qin Zhibo is a double agent?

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