Conan's grammatical investigator

Chapter 492 Deep Diver Syndrome

Chapter 492 Deep Diver Syndrome
After hearing Qin Zhibo's conditions, Mark Allen took a deep breath, but still chose to compromise.

"That's not a mermaid disease"

"The scientific name for that disease is 'Deep Diver Syndrome.'"

deep diver syndrome
Qin Zhibo narrowed his eyes slightly, remembering that among the props in the mall this week, the introduction of [Deep Diving Potion] mentioned deep divers.

this deep diver is
Qin Zhibo didn't ask his question immediately.

He could see from Mark Allen's hesitant expression that he was still struggling with whether he should speak out. There was no need for him to interrupt him at this time, and there was no need to use [Intimidation] in social skills to scare the old man.

After half a minute of silence, Mark Allen finally spoke.

"Deep Diver Syndrome refers to the fact that human beings are combined with 'Deep Diver', and the hybrid offspring born will rapidly grow into an 'Innsmouth look' in a certain period of time, and eventually become like a 'Deep Diver' Frog looks.

At the beginning of the change, the eyes of the hybrid will gradually swell, causing the eyelids to fail to close, the skin will turn gray-green, clammy and cold, and the skin on the nape of the neck will become loose.

Next, scales will grow on the surface of the body, and then webs that only aquatic animals need will grow at the joints of the five fingers, and gill structures will also grow on the back of the neck
When the final changes are completed, these hybrids will enter the water from the bay and other waters, and become deep divers forever. "

Allen explained a lot in one breath, and immediately picked up the juice on the table after he vomited quickly, and moistened his tense and dry throat.

The description of "deep diver syndrome" reminds Qin Zhibo of Keikazu Shimabukuro, who is exactly what Mark Allen said.

However, these explanations did not completely resolve the doubts in Qin Zhibo's mind, but instead created more problems.

First and foremost the most important question is.
"What is a deep diver?"

When it came to Deep Diver, Mark Allen's body slumped a little to the back of the chair, with his hands on the armrests of the plastic chair, his expression extremely dignified.


"The Deep Ones are a marine humanoid race with fish characteristics, possessing an intelligence no less than that of a human, but spend most of their time submerged beneath the waves.

They cannot die from the effects of aging, nor can they die without external influences, so the race of deep ones has almost eternal immortality. "


The thoughts in Qin Zhibo's mind changed, and he felt as if he had heard a proposition about immortality somewhere.

It's APTX-4869!
In practical terms, APTX-4869 appears to be able to achieve immortality.

At present, Qin Zhibo already knows three effects of drug A.

One, as a poison to kill.Second, rejuvenate a few people.Three, in the process of becoming bigger and smaller, let the injuries on the body heal quickly.

The first two points were learned by peeping into Hui Yuan Ai's memory, but the third point was discovered by Qin Zhibo himself.

Maybe even Conan and Haibara didn't notice, the speed of healing of their gunshot wounds is incredible.

Of course, it is also possible that Qin Zhibo has a problem with his sense of time, and he misunderstood this "soon".

However, APTX-4869's method of achieving immortality is still different from that of deep divers.

In the Cupido Hotel, Haibara Ai explained the principle of drug A when he "confessed his last words", saying that its principle is to induce premature aging and apoptosis of cells and promote the proliferation of new cells.

But the eternal immortality of the deep divers is that the cells will not age and die.

But correspondingly, the targeted drug for the treatment of "deep diver syndrome" can make this part of the deep diver's cells apoptosis.
Regardless of the medicine, Qin Zhibo now knows the name of the creature he wants to hunt in the main mission.

deep diver.

Although he is eternally immortal, he will still die under the influence of external forces, which shows that it is still possible for him to kill a deep diver.

"What do you mean by 'Innsmouth looks'?" Qin Zhibo continued to ask.

"Innsmouth is a place-name in America."

When it came to a relatively relaxed topic, Mark Allen sat up slightly from the back of the chair, "That place is in Essex County, Massachusetts, at the mouth of the Manuset River. Town of Smouth."

"The locals in Innsmouth intermarried and traded with deep divers, so that the hybrid offspring they gave birth to all looked like that, so they were called 'Innesmouth looks'."

"Originally?" Qin Zhibo caught the essence of the question.

"Well," Mark Allen swallowed, "In July of 1927, the city was reported by tourists, and the local government sent a large number of troops to arrest Innsmouth collectively, and it was completely reduced to a dead city."

"The existence of deep divers and deep diver syndrome was also discovered from that time"

New clues appeared again, and Qin Zhibo silently remembered the place name of Innsmouth in his mind, and continued to ask: "Why is it different for the hybrids to become 'Innesmouth-like'?"

This discovery is naturally from Keikazu Shimabukuro and Ie Hirara. The age difference between these two people when they started to transform was dozens of years.

After hearing Qin Zhibo's question, Mark Allen was a little surprised, "You actually know this?"

"In fact, hybrids with deep diver syndrome are no different from ordinary people for a certain period of time after they emerge, but at a certain time they will suddenly enter a metamorphosis stage that lasts for 2 to 3 months.

Different people have different metamorphosis times, different metamorphosis speeds, and different degrees of metamorphosis, and some people will not find any abnormalities in their entire lives.

This is directly related to the blood concentration of deep divers in mixed races, but it is also affected by environmental factors.

Such as mixed races being subjected to extreme psychological stress, or coming into contact with their own race."

Qin Zhibo was stunned for a moment, unconsciously thinking of Junhui Shimabukuro who lived with Keiwa Shimabukuro in his mind.

For the previous year, Keikazu Shimabukuro had been using targeted drugs to maintain his human appearance, but now that the targeted drugs have been used up, wouldn't Junhui Shimabukuro be in contact with the same race?

Just when Qin Zhibo was thinking about the urgency of this matter, Mark Allen couldn't hold back the restlessness in his heart, and asked again in a strong tone: "You said it! I told you about deep diver syndrome, and you told my daughter things."

Qin Zhibo weighed it in his heart, and he already knew almost what he wanted to know, so he told Mark Allen about his experience on Okinawa Island.

Hearing how his daughter died at the hands of the housekeeper, Mark Allen, who was greatly shocked, looked dull, leaning on his temples with both hands, and two lines of old tears rolled across his sagging face.

"Finally, I would venture to ask you a question, did your daughter inherit the blood of the Deep Diver from you?"

Mark Allen shook his low head from side to side.

"It's her mother."

"Now both Kamiko and Xiaodu are dead, it's all my fault..."

"If I hadn't fallen in love with a test subject"

(End of this chapter)

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