Conan's grammatical investigator

Chapter 489 Going to America Quickly

Chapter 489 Take a quick trip to America

The old mythology system.

The source that can be traced back to now is the "Necronomicon" created by the crazy Arabian poet, Abdullah Alhazad in 730 AD.

This great book records and explains some historical events, predicts the future, and reveals the true origin of human myths and religious beliefs.

In order to verify the statements in it, Abdullah Alhazad also meticulously used some knowledge of astrology and astronomy to explain the history of the earth before the appearance of human beings.

In addition, there are also various incantations recorded in it, as well as various gods called "old gods".

Later, due to the ban of Pope Gregory IX in the twelfth century, the "Necronomicon" was banned, and a large number of original "Necronomicon" manuscripts were burned.

The best-preserved "Necronomicon" is the Latin version published in Spain in the seventeenth century. There is only one in the world, which is permanently collected in the
"Miskatonic University."

Haibara Ai suddenly spoke English with a standard American pronunciation, causing Conan and Dr. Ari to look back at that indifferent face in surprise.

Because the website does say Miskatonic University.

"How do you know this? Don't you?"

Before Conan could say "read it", Haibara quickly stopped Conan's unreasonable guess.

"I don't spend time reading weird occult books like that"

"When I was studying in the United States, I went to Miskatonic University as an exchange student. What I saw in the Ornn Library of that school was a thick book locked in a glass cabinet."

Haibara Ai had studied in the United States, and Conan knew about it.

However, Conan did not know about Haibara Ai's experience as an exchange student at Miskatonic University.

If Hui Yuan Ai has also been to the University of Michigan, then there are two people around him who have been to the University of Michigan.
The figure of that person appeared in Conan's mind unconsciously, and Haibara Ai, who was watching Conan, probably guessed what Conan was thinking.

"When that man was at the University of Michigan, he seemed to have joined a society that advocated occultism."

Conan raised his head suddenly, "You mean Qin Zhibo?"

Hui Yuanai nodded, noncommittal.

For the sake of saving face, Hui Yuan Ai did not say that she had just escaped from the black organization and wanted to "take" some money from Qin Zhibo's wallet to run away, so she happened to discover this.

Conan didn't ask carefully about the specific source of this clue, but raised his chin and thought about the various experiences he had with Qin Zhibo before.

Qin Zhibo never explicitly rejects the existence of those rural legends and strange anecdotes like Kogoro Mouri, and even occasionally confided in his words that he does not refuse to believe in these things.

This even made Conan suspect that Qin Zhibo was not suitable for a detective career where rational thinking dominates the brain.

But now it seems that Qin Zhibo has believed in these mysterious things for some years.

Frozen three feet is not a day's cold, his worldview is built in this way
Conan patted his forehead, feeling a little headache.

The detective I admire very much is actually a person who has appreciated the occult since he was in college.

At this moment, Dr. Ali, who hadn't spoken for a long time, proposed an idea.

"If it was Mr. Qin, would you have read the "Necronomicon"?"

"Maybe he knows something."

Hearing this, Conan and Hui Yuanai turned their heads to look at Dr. Ali at the same time, with light in their eyes.

You are so smart!Dr. Ali!

5:00 pm the next day.

Dr. A Li guessed that Qin Zhibo had almost finished his day's work, so he called to invite Qin Zhibo to his house for dinner, creating a chance for Conan and Hui Yuanai to ask questions.

At this time, Dr. Ali found that Qin Zhibo's phone could not be reached at all.

"Shut down."

So Dr. A Li and Conan came to Qin Zhibo's office again, only to find a note on the door that said "I'm on a business trip recently, I'll talk about it when I come back."

Judging by the handwriting, he left in a hurry.

Dr. Ali and Conan hurried to the women's clothing store downstairs of Zhibo Detective Agency to ask the boss, and only then did they know something.

Qin Zhibo has gone to America.
Back in the morning, Qin Zhibo turned on the TV after washing up, and watched the morning news on time.

"A fire broke out in an abandoned warehouse in the sixth district of Shinagawa City, Tokyo yesterday, which was caused by serial arsonists in recent days."

"According to the information disclosed by the police so far, the arsonist belongs to a sect called 'Zoroastrianism'. There are five criminals, all of whom are members of Zoroastrianism."

"At present, the police have sealed up the sect's office in Tokyo, follow-up."

While explaining, Rena Mizumu cooperated with the picture of the fire tornado that was just taken by passers-by nearby.

For this somewhat spectacle fire tornado, the expert next to Rena Mizumu explained that the place where the fire happened happened to be a seasonal tornado, which was a coincidence within a coincidence.

Also, it was not announced in the news that Qin Zhibo was the hero who helped the police catch the arsonists. This was Qin Zhibo's request.

Zoroastrianism is not a small sect unique to Japan. It originated from the ancient Persian Empire, and there are Zoroastrians all over the world.

If you expose your name, you may be hated by other Zoroastrian members and lead to revenge.

This is Qin Zhibo's behavior style. He doesn't want his detective agency to be set on fire by these fanatics.

And even if his deeds are not published in the news, with the ability of the Nine Angels Organization, he can still inquire about the internal information of the police.

Qin Zhibo turned on the computer and entered the website of the Nine Angels Organization. As expected, there was a message that the administrator's 100 million yen remuneration had been paid to the account.

For some reason, since the last time I met Yasuharu Haneda, the A-level agent of Nine Angels in Japan, the speed of money transfer has increased a lot.

In addition, Qin Zhibo also learned of a privilege escalation notice from the administrator.

[Guan: Congratulations, your authority has been upgraded to a C-level agent! 】

[Management: You will get the priority to choose tasks, perform more kinds of tasks and get more organizational support]

The administrator's statement was somewhat official, which made Qin Zhibo not sure whether it was the AI, the new name Kabori, or Haneda Yasuharu.

It is still beneficial to be promoted to a C-level agent. Many of the difficult tasks obtained before are postponed from top to bottom.

This is the system of the Nine Angels organization. The high-level agents cannot complete or only complete part of the task before it will be the turn of the lower agents.

For example, Haruki Fuden's death investigation task, this task was initially in charge of Harui Fuden, and later involved the Brotherhood of the Beast and the Swollen Women's Association.

The same is true for this arson case. The other agents first investigated the clue of Zoroastrianism, and it was their turn after they were killed.

Thinking about it this way, Qin Zhibo felt like he was stepping on someone else's corpse to fight for the top position.

Do I also have the body of a god of death?

Qin Zhibo temporarily suppressed his self-doubt, and added the new deposit of 100 million yen to his small treasury.

Adding this 100 million yen, there is only 3000 million yen left from the 400 million yen that was paid for the third floor of the upstairs office.

When the time comes, I can also separate the work area from the living area like the Mori Kogoro family to improve the quality of life.

But although he thought so in his heart, Qin Zhibo also knew that the 100 million yen might not be able to be saved, and he would spend it soon.

Because when he came out of the Metropolitan Police Department after recording the statement last night, he received a call from Mr. Clock on the other side of the ocean.

He said that he needed Qin Zhibo's help and would go to the United States quickly.

 Thank you for your generous reward!
(End of this chapter)

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