Chapter 462
"Miss Shimabukuro, I'm afraid the fire in the warehouse will take some time to save, can you please take me to meet your father?"

Although it was an interrogative sentence, Qin Zhibo's tone was unquestionable.

Shimabukuro Junhui hesitated for a moment, but nodded.

"But please be prepared"

Under her leadership, Qin Zhibo came to the hidden place in the courtyard behind the shrine, where there was a cellar door.

Opening the cellar door, stepping on the creaking wooden floor with both feet, the two entered the cellar together.

"This is an air-raid shelter built during the war. Few people in the village know about this place."

In the introduction of Shimabukuro Junhui, Qin Zhibo looked around and found that the space here is indeed very large.

And in the deepest part of the space, a corner was illuminated by a gleam of light from an oil lamp, and there was a figure standing beside it.

"Jun Hui."

"Is it Jun Hui?"

The man made a sound, and Junhui Shimabukuro responded softly, "It's me, father."

"The person next to you is."

"It's Mr. Detective that you met in the forest yesterday."

The man's body seemed to be stunned by surprise, and he stood stiffly in place until Qin Zhibo gradually approached.

In the dim light, the man's body presented a strange deformity.

The figure has human-like features, but the spine on the back is bent like a bow. One arm exposed under the short sleeve is smooth and smooth, with a skin color like a newborn baby, and the other arm is covered with light blue scales .

These are exactly the kind of scales that Qin Zhibo saw in the forest and on the beach.

The weirdest thing was the head. Half of the face was a normal human face, but in the left eye was a huge eyeball that protruded to the point where the eyelid could not be closed, and the nearby skin was gray-green.

On both sides of the neck, there were several flesh gaps of unknown meaning. As the man's breathing accelerated under the tension, the flesh gaps themselves seemed to be wriggling and trembling.

Qin Zhibo: Will -2
Seeing the detective who had followed him, Shimabukuro Keikazu couldn't hide the surprise on his face, and his body backed away a little, subconsciously trying to cover up the terrible signs of transformation and the unpleasant fishy smell on his body.

But at this moment, Qin Zhibo stretched out his hand contrary to common sense.

"Hello, Mr. Shimabukuro."

Faced with Qin Zhibo's outstretched hand, Shimabukuro Keikazu was extremely shocked. After hesitating for a moment, he wiped his hand with the fleshy webs between his fingers on his clothes, and held Qin Zhibo's hand together.

When the two hands touched together, Qin Zhibo started the investigation.

Keikazu Shimabukuro, male, 52 years old, social credit 0, has all kinds of human information.

"Mr. Detective. You."

Shimabukuro and he hesitated, while the daughter next to him happily resolved his doubts.

"Mr. Qin already knows everything."

"Oh, that's how it is." Shimabukuro Keikazu responded, and his head, which was already depressed because he was ashamed to see people, lowered even deeper.

"Actually, I don't really know everything. For example, why did you kill those three people?"

The three people Qin Zhibo mentioned were naturally Saori Monri, Sumi Ebihara, and Naoko Heijiang.

Under Qin Zhibo's questioning, Shimabukuro Keiwa explained his motives.

"It's all about revenge for Naoko"

"Naoko, she has been working hard to play the role of longevity woman for the prosperity of this small island, but three years ago, because they couldn't draw arrows, they got drunk and set fire to the warehouse of the shrine."

"They saw Naoko pretending to be a long-lived woman walking into the warehouse, and they wanted to test whether she was really immortal."

"Back then, in order to be able to play the longevity woman, Naoko sacrificed her original identity by feigning death and staying on this island."

"She really loves this island so much and has paid so much for it, but she didn't expect such a thing to happen."

Deep in love, Keikazu Shimabukuro shed painful tears.

Junhui Shimabukuro walked to his father, patted his father's shoulder to comfort him, raised his head and added: "I didn't know about it at first, but after Saori lost the arrow, she came to me to ask for it, and said that if If not, you can tell her about the mermaid's tomb, she also wants to obtain the ability not to die even if she is engulfed in flames."

"That's obviously my mother's grave."

After explaining the whole motive, Qin Zhibo probably understands what kind of story this is.

Feudal superstition kills people
But looking at the half-man, half-fish Shimabukuro Keiwa in front of him, Qin Zhibo felt that he was not so superstitious.

What they believe may actually exist, but it's not as beautiful as they imagined.
Qin Zhibo looked at Shimabukuro Keikazu and asked, "Then your body?"

The topic finally turned to his own body, Shimabukuro Keikazu sank his head as if resigned to his fate.

"At the beginning, the eyeballs gradually swelled until they couldn't close, and then the skin turned gray-green, the surface was cold and damp, and scales gradually grew out"

"Followed by the growth of webs between the five fingers, the skin on the nape of the neck became more and more wrinkled, and finally formed a structure like fish gills"

"This is a unique disease on the island. Jun Hui's great-grandmother Mikoto Shimabukuro mentioned it when she was still alive. In the past, some people on the American island would suffer from this strange ichthyosis between the ages of 20 and 40. As long as 2 At the onset period of 3 months, people will not look like people, and ghosts will not look like ghosts."

"In the past, people had no treatment for this disease, and the villagers were very scared, so they would give the sick person a boat and enough food, and send them off the island to fend for themselves."

Qin Zhibo nodded, knowing that it sounds nice to call it self-sufficiency, but it is actually exile.

"At first I thought it was just a scary story left by the older generation, but five years ago, my body suddenly began to show abnormalities and turned into this ghostly appearance."

"At the same time, Saori's mother and Lulang's mother also fell ill." Shimabukuro raised his head and let Qin Zhibo see his face. Let’s leave the island together by boat.”

"Originally, Naoko was going to leave with us, but I persuaded her to go away. There are Xiaodao and Junhui, whom she loved since she was a child, and she can't leave."

"Having been out at sea for more than half a month, we encountered a storm at sea, the boat was overturned, and two others and I fell into the sea."

"When I woke up again, I was washed to an uninhabited island shaped like a turtle."

"There was an abandoned villa on that island, so I lived in it and used some of the tools left in the villa to live a solitary life fishing every day."

"But one day half a month later, while I was still asleep, a few robbers suddenly broke into the island and arrested me."

"The robbers seem to have just robbed some kind of treasure from the nearby mayor's house, and they are discussing where to hide it on the island."

(End of this chapter)

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