Conan's grammatical investigator

Chapter 450 Qin Zhibo's Mysterious World View

Chapter 450 Qin Zhibo's Mysterious World View

"By the way, you suddenly wanted to go to the American island, and you called us. What's going on?" Conan asked, changing the subject.

When it came to the topic of legends, Hattori Heiji was equally enthusiastic, and said mysteriously: "Actually, besides this name, American Island is also called a small island inhabited by mermaids by the people nearby."

"I even heard that there is an old lady on the island who eats mermaid meat for a living in order to live forever."

Conan was thoughtful, and remembered that there was indeed a report on TV before that there was an old woman with an extremely long life in American Island.

Because of this, Mao Lilan and Yuan Shanhe Ye kept chatting on the way here by car, saying that they wanted to obtain eternal youth and beauty together.

But from Conan's point of view, the old woman on TV was hunched and ugly, and her longevity seemed to be the only thing she could praise.

"Not long ago, I received a letter of entrustment sent to my home. There were only a few lines of hastily written handwriting on the letter, saying, 'The mermaid is about to be killed, come and save it'."

Hattori Heiji spoke quite seriously, but all he got in return was Conan's yawning and ruthless complaints, "I found that you seem to be related to monster legends."

"It's the same with the Puppet Ridge Spider House last time. You might as well call him Monster Detective Hattori Heiji from now on."

Hattori Heiji:"."

I feel like you're scolding me, but I don't have proof yet.

"Please." Hattori Heiji approached Conan's ear, "I accepted this commission for you, because the letter began with the words 'Mr. Kudo Shinichi, hello'."

Hattori Heiji's words were true, because the client this time was very stingy and did not release the commission fee of 20 with the letter, so in principle, Hattori Heiji did not need to make a trip in person.

When he heard that someone was looking for him, Conan raised his eyebrows, and suddenly became interested, and asked about the phone call.

"There was indeed a phone number on the letter, but no matter how I called the second time, I couldn't get through."

"When the first call was connected, the voice still impresses me to this day"

"In addition to the sound of the waves, there was the sound of a woman moaning in pain."

The team voice between Hattori Heiji and Conan unknowingly attracted other members of the death tour group.

"Could it be that person turned into a mermaid?"

Mao Lilan, who has always had an open mind, put forward a bold hypothesis.

Kogoro Mori by the fence immediately waved his hand, firmly expressing that there is no possibility of mermaids in this world, and those are all deceptive legends.

"Actually, even mermaids may exist."

"Human beings are on an isolated island called ignorance, surrounded by dark waters, which contain infinite secrets."

Qin Zhibo's voice came faintly, and the thought-provoking sentence made everyone's hearts tremble, and they didn't know how to answer for a while.

Hattori Heiji hurriedly dragged Conan aside, and asked quietly, "That uncle seems to believe in mermaids?"

Conan shook his head, expressing that he was not particularly clear about Qin Zhibo's worldview, after all, he had not communicated in depth about it.

"But I asked you to read the "Crazy Mountains" he published in the magazine last night, did you read it?"

"Oh, I've read that story. I really didn't expect that kind of uncle to write such a delicate article."

After reading "Mountains of Madness" last night, Hattori Heiji felt similar to Conan. Although I can't quite see the author's intention, as a reader, I was quite shocked.

In the Blizzard Villa mode, Qin Zhibo added some more innovative content, such as the mysterious five-pointed star creature
This gave Hattori Heiji a premonition that this novel might become popular.

Of course, it also depends on what the revealing chapter is like.

"What happened to that novel?" Hattori Heiji asked.

Conan frowned, and said seriously: "Actually, the author's worldview can be analyzed from a thoughtful article."

"If it was human beings who killed those expedition members in the camp, then it means that his worldview is still biased towards the real world."

"If it's anything else."

Conan didn't speak out, but Hattori Heiji spoke out for him.

"Then he's a 'Monster Detective'?"

"Please, normal people will write that humans devised some kind of trick to kill the people in the camp, right?"

"It's not a science fiction novel to shirk on monsters"

Conan nodded in agreement when he heard the words.

Not science fiction.

After disembarking, the death tour group first went to the village office to inquire about the sender's information.

"What! You said that Miss Saori, the door assistant, is currently missing?"

The middle-aged uncle at the village office looked directly at Kogoro Mori with a very expressive face, and said solemnly: "Yes, she disappeared from the place where she had been working three days ago."

Hattori Heiji raised his chin and pondered, "Three days ago seemed to be the time when that letter was sent to my house."

As we all know, the person who sent the entrustment letter to Hattori Heiji did not have good results in every sense.

However, the middle-aged uncle didn't realize the seriousness of the matter. He just thought that the girl was too playful, so he secretly went to the mainland by boat to play.

"I'm going to prepare for the celebration soon. If you still want to ask, go to the souvenir shop where Saori works."

This wave seems to point the way, but it is actually selling local products to these outsiders, so as to boost the local GDP.

Are you embarrassed to just ask questions and not buy anything?
When they came to the souvenir shop, Mao Lilan, Yuan Shan and Ye Pofei each bought a local mermaid pendant, and got some useful information from the proprietress.

It turns out that the Mermaid Festival here was renamed "Dugong Festival" two years ago because the ZF does not advocate superstition, and every year the festival will randomly distribute three "Dugong Arrows" that can be used as talismans of immortality.

Dugongs are marine mammals that have been mistaken for "mermaids" by eyewitnesses around the world because they regularly surface to breathe.

Qin Zhibo listened to Hattori Heiji's science popularization to Toyama Kazuha, while staring at the dugong pictorial hanging on the wall.

Dark gray skin, relatively small head, bulky build
Qin Zhibo was very sure that the dolphin hunting creature he had seen on the sea was not a dugong, but some other creature with a more flexible body and an uglier appearance.

"Saori, she accidentally lost the "Dugong Arrow" drawn at last year's celebration, which caused her to be scared a week ago, fearing that the mermaid would crawl out of the sea to retaliate against her."

The real materialist fighter Mori Kogoro felt helpless, but explained again: "But there are no mermaids in this world."

Just as Mori Kogoro finished speaking, a female voice came from behind everyone.

"There are indeed mermaids in the world"

(End of this chapter)

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